martes, 31 de julio de 2012
Dawn to the mirador
This morning was up at 5:30 a.m. and was out earlier to the mirador(started the run around 6:15 a.m.) because today I started a new schedule at work, I was moved to another office with schedule of 9-5 p.m., so that was the reason I could not post the workout earlier nor comment on your workouts. Today went to the park and did 10k easy , first 2k were over 6 mins and I felt falt the first half in 29:30, then loosened up a bit and was more confortable to finish in 57:54, feeling great. The weather was great also. From now on I ll be working with Peyton Hoyal as my coach, He is a very good guy. Good night!
domingo, 29 de julio de 2012
First afternoon run after 1 year and 4 months running only in the morning
This morning slept in and then was out to the monographic from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. I was feeling pretty guilty about it and wanted to run to get the junk out of my legs after yesterday threshold run, I was going to let the run for tomorrow morning and to keep my morning running record of 1 year and 4 months without running after 12 noon, but I was hungry to run today that I had to break the rules and went out with my brother at 5:15 p.m. to run a bit , I went out without my watch since it broke yesterday, did 3 laps outside of the conservatory and went back to home, feeling pretty good at the end. Ran around 4 miles today, and I am very happy that I ran. No matter at what time do you run it always feels awsome when you are out there!!Happy rest of the day !!
sábado, 28 de julio de 2012
First workout of the cycle: Dawn threshold run
Yesterday I was a bit worried about the left calf/shin and when I woke and tried to run inside my house, it was a little tight so I decided to rest so that I can avoid injury.
This morning I woke up at 5:30 a.m. and I was out with my brother to take the girl friend and We headed to the mirador park. My brother and I warmed up for 2k (wanted more but we have to finish in 50-60 mins, then stretched for a couple of mins and We were off, the plan was to do a 5k threshold run in 23:30-23:45 and I did just that. The first 200s a bit fast in 52 seconds, We eased off and the splits per km were 4:38,4:44,2:21(500m out),2:26(500m back) at that point my watchbelt broke and the watch fell down and I had to turn back to pick it up, then I ran watchless with my watch in my hand for the rest of the run, 4:45,4:37 to finish in 23:34. My brother was a bit ahead the whole way cheering me on, Thanks bro for your help and support!! He finished in 23:29 and did 3 more kms at that pace after doing his threshold run yesterday afternoon. After recovering for about 2-3 mins I did 2 x 200s with 3 mins recovery in between in 41 and 44 second. Felt fast on these, had centuries without doing 200s repeats. Felt really good in my first threshold run of the cycle, hope that next time the tempo portion feel betterand at the end of the cycle I could do faster and longer. The weather was very good and I did around 2k cool down, for around 9.5k total. Happy Saturday all!
jueves, 26 de julio de 2012
Dawn to the conservatory once again
This morning was up at 5:15 a.m. and was out the door at 6:00 a.m., I went to the conservatory easy and did 7 laps there, almost fell down when I tipped, too much rocks and dirt there because they are constructing there, all in all felt very good, but the shin was cramping a bit sometimes. I want to start doing tempos and intervals but that will have to wait till I feel good about my calf and shin again, a bit tight when I started this morning, I dont know what the problem is, because past cycles when I did more than 8 weeks of speed I suffered shin splints but only in my left leg, the right leg was perfect and fresh, so dont think that its a problem or over use, the weather was hotter than yesterday, I was soaking i sweat in just a mile in. Happy to have run one more day!!! Happy Thursday! Finished the 9.53k in 55:38, watch on time of day.
miércoles, 25 de julio de 2012
Dawn to the conservatory
This morning was up at 5:15 a.m., out the door alone at 6:15 a.m. to the conservatory, did the exact route and distance than yesterday, 7 laps in the conservatory and back home. I did the 9.53k in 54:50, almost the same as yesterday but a bit faster, and today felt much better. The weather was good also. Today I wanted to do a threshold run of 5k in 23:30 or so, but I was afraid to do it because of my left calf and shin, when I started it did not hurt but the tightness was there so played it safe. I want to start doing workouts again and to work on all systems, I am a believer of base training, but I also think that doing workouts all year round( of course at a moderate effort at the beginning of year) is good to avoid neglecting a system( threshold, v02, etc). After all, We have fun racing and We are not olympians that need to be in perfect shape to a very specific race. I wont start doing v02 max till my left calf and shin loosen up!! Have a great day!
martes, 24 de julio de 2012
9.5k dawn to the conservatory
Yesterday was my planned day off. I was a bit sore in the lef calf and shin, so glad I took it off.
This morning went back to bussiness, was up at 5:30 a.m. took my time and was out the door at 6:25 a.m. to the conservatory, put the watch on time of day and just ran easy, did 7 laps there and back home for a total of 9.5k in 54:56. The effort felt very easy, but I was worried because when I started the left calf and shin were bothering me, it dissapear in 3-4 mins, but I have to be cautious with that, because I have suffered from shin splints in the last 2 years when I do more than 8 weeks of hard workouts, and try to increase mileage and intensity at the same time. Happy Tuesday!! Weather was good today, that helped!!
domingo, 22 de julio de 2012
Easy dawn hour
This morning opted for extra sleep and was up at 6:40 a.m. and went out at 6:57 a.m. to run 10k or more. I went out to the conservatory and did 5 laps in that mug disaster, then went around the gomes route and then run to complete the 1 hour. Ran at an easy pace and felt tight at the beginning with a bit of shin pain, so I played it safe. Happy to have run 60 kms this week, but if I want to meet my PR's I need to increase miles. Happy Sunday all!!I was soaking at the end of the run, but was not that hot I think! Nothing special on this run, just running easy, with a bit of dissapointment for not being able to not get my long run in.
sábado, 21 de julio de 2012
Dawn longer run cut short
This morning I was up at 5:30 a.m., then drove to the mirador alone this time! I started my run at 6:20 a.m. Today I had planned to do 14k, and a couple of guys that run 18 mins in the 5k were going to start running and I wanted to run with them to have some company, I knew that they were running at a pace that is faster than mine, but I took the challenge since I like to have some company so that the miles go by quicker. Put the watch on time of day and We started at a good clip and We sped up gradually to the point of 7:30 per mile according to one of the guy's garmin, One of those guys is the organizator of the gratest race in the country, the Hispaniola Half marathon. Good conversation going through, I could talk, but that is not my easy pace for sure, its like my tempo pace( by know), hit the 5k in 24:23, that was when I switched the watch to the chrono, Jose Elias turned around before the 5k mark, so It was Pablo and me, as soon as We turned around, He said something like He was going to speed up and went away like a rocket to make up the distance that Jose Elias had gap. I could not respond to that big move , knowing that I was going to run 14k , my longest run in a while, the next km 4:52, so 29:16 for 6k, a nice tempo run, then did 4 more k very easy seeing how those guys were going out of reach, the legs were heavy and that slower pace felt like a walk, last 4k 22:24 to finish the 10k in 51:40, not bad. Then ran to the car for water, then debated to run those extra 4k, and I was kind of pissed off mentally because of the dissapointed in not being able to keep up, so called it a day and went home, so finished in 52:43 for about 10.2k. Tomorrow I ll do 12-14k, I need to get to do long runs of 20 kms or longer to see significant drop in my times. Everybody here do it and everybody in the park, do it too. For example, a group of guys appeared when I was drinking water and they had 23 km in the bag already. Need to build back my long run. Have a great Saturday!!
viernes, 20 de julio de 2012
10k dawn progressive to the mirador
This morning was up at 5:30 a.m. , took the girlfriend and We went to the mirador, I started the run at 6:25 a.m. and was out to do 10k easy with the watch on time of day, I kept the pace easy till the 6k in 33:46, then switched to the chrono and decided to do a progressive in the last 4k, since you gotta push the pace a bit once in a while, the last 4k were in 5:08,4:57,4:46,4:24. When I saw that 5:08 I was a bit dissapointed because I pushed the pace a bit and was hoping to see sub 5, then kept the effort hoping the pace would come to me, it did, since when I saw that 4:57 pushing a bit more I knew that I could keep it like that at the end, pushed a bit more to see 4:46 and in the last one pushed a bit more with last 200s in 47 seconds. Felt very good but I am lacking speed because in the last 200s I wanted to do 40-41 but only managed 47 seconds. Oh well, its nice to push the pace sometimes. Felt very happy with the way I felt. The weather was decent. Have a great day!
jueves, 19 de julio de 2012
10k dawn in the mirador
This morning was up at 5:30 a.m., got the girlfriend and We were off to the mirador, I started my run at 6:30 a.m. put the watch on time of day just ran easy. In the first couple of kms, felt heavy and was a bit sore below the knee down. Once I warmed up, that feeling went away and I cruised at a good pace. The sun raised early today, so I ran around the last 8k in the pure sun. Felt very thirsty at the end, but felt loose and smooth by the end, finished the 10k in 55:10. Need to keep the consistency and mileage going if I am to flirt with my old PR's once again. Happy Thursday all!!
miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012
Run #2 much better than the first one
I did this run at 10:23 a.m., around 4 hours after finishing the first run. This run was much better than expected, the legs were loose and the breathing was unnotable, I felt great, the only problem was the heat and the traffic and noise, etc. It seems that a run after a predawn run goes much looser and faster too. Did the Gomez route that I did past Tuesday, 13 seconds faster. I thought that I was going even faster given the way I felt. I wonder if the predawn runs help afternoon races? I mean would be a good idea to run 15 mins predawn before an afternoon race? Happy Humpday!! Tomorrow morning I hope not to feel stomach issues!
Run #1 Dawn run
This morning was up at 5:15 a.m. and was out the door at 6:00 a.m. the plan was to run 8.5-9.5kms in the conservatory route, so no double planned, I have not done a double in years. But given the circunstances cut the run short and will complete the mileage in another run later in the day. When I was in lap 2 of the conservatory, I had a strong stomachache and forced me to get out of the conservatory and come home, in fact, stopped 200s before reaching my house, glad I did. so did 26:30 and then stopped the watch got to my home and did my thing. Hate when that happens!! so run number 2 in a couple of hours!!
martes, 17 de julio de 2012
Watchless dawn 10k in the mirador
Yesterday decided to rest, so that means running the rest of the week.
This morning was up at 5:15 a.m. and took the girlffriend and We started a bit late today, I started the run at 6:46 a.m. or so, I decided to run without a watch today and just run at an easy good clip. Felt good but very thirsty at the end of my 10k. I ll need to buy some water , drink it and do a couple of more kms. Felt easy but was soaking at the end like I jumped in a pool, too hot!! Happy Tuesday!!
domingo, 15 de julio de 2012
Dawn run to the conservatory
This morning opted for extra sleep and was out the door by 6:50 a.m. Went out to the conservatory and did 7 laps there. The first 2 laps I was tired and the breathing was hard, the humidity was unstandable. Then, stabilized myself and could complete the run.Ran with watch on time of day and when I saw the finishing time I was kind of dissapointed, I did 56:49, almost 6 min/km, which felt a lot faster today. Oh well, at least could get the run done and could run 6 times this week!! Happy Sunday!
sábado, 14 de julio de 2012
Dawn run with the brother
This morning was up at 5:35 a.m. went out to the conservatory with my brother, I wanted to do 9.5k but felt very good so I opted for 1 more lap, so I did 10.5k total, so 8 laps there at an easy pace, I put the watch on time of day and ran easy and talk with my brother the whole way, runs tend to pass by a lot quicker that way!! Its ironic, He is much faster than me(19 min 5k runer) and everytime I run with him I run slower on my easy runs. Anyway, great company run!! 10.54k in 64:04, feeling pretty good and in the last 100m finish up fast, without losing form of course!! Happy Saturday!!
viernes, 13 de julio de 2012
10k dawn to the conservatory
This morning was up at 5:15 a.m. took the girlfriend and We went to the mirador park, I started the run today at 6:30 a.m. Today I did 10k easy with the watch on time of day, the legs felt excellent, very fresh and the breathing was very easy. In the second half I got the sun in my face so it was more difficult, was a bit thirsty at the end but all in all I felt very good. The weather was good, but I was soaking wet at the end. Happy Friday everyone!
jueves, 12 de julio de 2012
Dawn to the conservatory
Yesterday took the day off, but was because I woke up at 4:35 a.m. to run but had stomach problems, could not fit in later because I had to be at work at 7:00 a.m.
This morning was up at 5:15 a.m. and out the door at 6:02 a.m., did 7 laps to the conservatory at an easy pace with the watch on time of day. Finished in 54:31, felt very good today and could have run much more, the weather was excellent. I hate late morning runs compared to these predawn/dawn runs. Happy Thrusday!! I might run a mini double tomorrow!! I am sick of running mediocre and not being any close to my PR's!!
martes, 10 de julio de 2012
Zapping the rest day!
This morning slept in, but at 10:20 a.m. after debating to run or not, I decided to go out since I commited to skip unplanned race days, I went out for a short run since it was too hot out there and took it as a rest day, tomorrow I ll continue. with my normal mileage. Went out with the watch on time of day and did the gomez route but once I hit the gomez I did the exact route in the opposite direction, out 16:18, back in 15:03, did not feel that I pushed in the second half. Happy to have run, even if it was a short one. Weather was pretty hot.
lunes, 9 de julio de 2012
Zapping the zero dawn run
After taking yesterday off!! I made a decision to start training consistently again, no unplanned rest days( of course unless it is really necessary).
This morning was up at 5:30 a.m. and was out to the conservatory at 6:20 a.m. did 6 laps at an easy pace with the watch on time of day. in the 4th lap sped up for 200s to loosen up the legs a bit, then eased back up and finished up the 8.52k in 49:00. The weather was a bit hot, but with breeze, not too bad. Happy Monday!
sábado, 7 de julio de 2012
Watchless dawn run
This morning opted for extra sleep and went out at 7:45 a.m. to the conservatory, went out without a watch and just ran at an easy pace, did 6 laps there easy , first half felt flat, then opened up a bit, finished feeling good. Happy Saturday!! Weather was hot!!
viernes, 6 de julio de 2012
Dawn to the conservatory
Rest for the past 2 days due to lack of water to wash the clothes, so did not have clean clothes to run, This is my country(Dominican Republic)!
This morning I finally could get out there and I was very hungry of running these past 2 days. This morning didnot take the girlfriend so I took the conservatory route, did 6 laps there so 8.52k or so in 49:14, put the watch on time of day and just ran easy, I felt that I sped up throughout the run, Felt very good at the end, and the weather was not that bad, but I was soaking at the end. I am happy to be back on the wagon. I dont know when I ll be racing but need to radget up the miles so that I can be ready for whatever race I do.
martes, 3 de julio de 2012
Morning shuffle
Yesterday took the day off, that means no more rest days this week.
This morning was up at 5:30 a.m. took the girlfriend and went to the park, I did 10k easy with the watch on time of day, the legs supposed to feel fresh today but they felt flat and the calves a bit tight in the first 2 miles. Everytime I sped up I felt flat so I kept the effort and pace very easy, did the 10k in 56:34. Thought that I was going much slower, felt good at the end but very thirsty. Too hot today!! Happy Tuesday!
domingo, 1 de julio de 2012
Nice dawn run
This morning I was up at 5:30 a.m. took the girlfriend and We went to the park, I saw Hamlet there and passed us and I thought to run with him, I started the run with watch on time of day, had to start fast so that I could reach Hamlet, but then He told He was doing a 10k tempo, so I let him go, anyway kept the pace steady the whole way and in the last 200s I sprinted without losing my form, did 41 seconds. Hoped to run under 40 seconds, but I have done a lot of easy running lately, so I cant complain. Did the 10k in 52:23, feeling pretty good. The only problem is that I need to get a long run a week, I am not doing such a thing, need to get runs of 10+ miles. The weather was decent!! Now off to the college monographic till 4-5 p.m. Happy Sunday!
Runs this week: 5 runs
Kilometraje semanal: 47 kms, not bad for 5 days of running, but I need to get to 40+ miles(64+ kms).
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