domingo, 25 de julio de 2021

6 runs for the week

 Today I ran again in the evening. This time I waited until 7 p.m. to run. Luckily it was cloudy so I did not face the strong sun, but the humidity was high. I did today 35 mins total and the pace was a bit faster than yesterday at the same effort. I felt confortable, but it seems that I had not done the digestion, so I felt somewhat unconfortablee, because I felt full, but effortwise and pacewise it felt pretty easy. Did the same route as this past week, but completed almost an extra lap to reach the 35 mins. pace was around 5:30 per lap, so 6:05 per km or so. 

6 runs for the week. I am happy with how this week went. I need to ramp up to workouts quickly because I dont have much time to get in shape and we have several good races in October. 

Tomorrow I will rest, and I hope to run 6 times again next week. 

sábado, 24 de julio de 2021

Hot afternoon run

 Today despite I woke up early to run, I did not go out until, to do the same route that I have been doing for this whole week, but today despite it was hotter, I managed to run 30 seconds faster than yesterday at the same effort. Started somewhat tired, but then felt better and better. Felt good despite the temps and humidity. To be honest, outside is fresher than inside the house.  Around 5k total in 31:20. I dont know if the distance is accurate, but something along those lines. Most important now is to get back to consistent running and feeling better. 

Next week I will incorporate a light workout.

Have a great Saturday!

viernes, 23 de julio de 2021

Better and better

 Each passing day I am feeling better and better. After work today at 7:30 p.m. but with the sun shining hard. I did the same route that I have been doing, 5 laps in the blasco park starting from my home,but today I did 31:41 total to simulate the full 5k instead of 3 miles. I started a bit sore and tired, but I felt better and better as the run went by and finished feeling pretty good despite the heat. I kept the effort easy and forced myself to not speed up not to increase distance. 

The plan is to run 6 times this week, not ideal, after 16 days off, but no much time left for the fall races. 

jueves, 22 de julio de 2021

Getting back to it

Today after work at 7:30 p.m. I went out again to the blasco park to do the same route as yesterday. 5 laps in the Blaso park starting from my home so I think around 3 miles. I did 30:06 today, so 19 seconds faster than yesterday, but feeling much better. Felt actually good at the end. Building back slowly.

miércoles, 21 de julio de 2021

Running through the motions

 Today I ran again in the evening after work at 07:30 p.m. I did 30:25 today. The first 15 mins were ok, but the last 15 mins I felt totally flat and had no energy. Kept the effort easy though. I hope tomorrow is better, today was a very bad day, but at least I got it done.

Around 3 miles total. 

martes, 20 de julio de 2021

Back to the wagon

 Today after  16 days of no running, it was time to get back at it. I have been sick. I thought that I would feel weak running, but that was not the case. Actually felt pretty good. Did 25:15 to play it safe and felt pretty good. Ran at 07:25 p.m. after work. It was too hot, but that did not affected me too much.

Its time to ramp up the training little by little. I signed up for the biggest 10k in Spain on October 3rd and I have lost 1 month of training exactly. 1 month of my last race, but in the past month I have rested 1 week, then ran 6 times the other week and then rested for the other 16 days. I have lost a lot of fitness in that month, but I will train as smart as I can to get back my fitness at least o where I had it 1 month ago.

25:15 in the blasco park. Tomorrow I will run 30-35 mins.

miércoles, 7 de julio de 2021


 Monday was a planned rest day.

Tuesday -  The plan was to run in the evening after work, I woke up feeling good, but after lunch time, I started to feel very weak and sick, when you feel when you are get the flu. I skipped the run and watched football, I slept 7 hours and I sweat a lot, my bed was wet.

Today I woke feeling much better, but still no great, but wanted to do a short run in the evening, but I started to feel down again, not as bad as yesterday, but when feel hot, and you start caughing a little. Again I skipped the run, I dont run when sick, it does not worth it.

I dont know when I will be back , maybe on Friday or on the weekend, lets see how I feel tomorrow. But  rest and recovery is the goal now.

It sucks when you are going to start running 6 times per week and then the momentum stops. Thats life.

I hope your running is going well.

domingo, 4 de julio de 2021

Catching up

 Thursday - Ran in the morning at 06:10 a.m., but had to cut the run short because I had strong stomach problems. Did 35:23 total time. Legs felt off once again. And again much slower than normal.

Friday -  I ran in the morning again at 06:20 a.m., this time alone because my brother raced a 7k at Friday night. Finally found my legs and felt pretty good, no stomach problems. Did my normal 8.3k route. Did it in 51:03. Felt pretty good.

Saturday - I ran at 07:20 a.m. a.m. to the harbor and the plan was to do 60 mins, but I ended up running 64:39 and then did 6 x 20 seconds strides with 40 seconds walking rest. I did those In the street of my home. I ran with my brother on the run, since he ran a race on Friday night, we were running pretty slow for a lot of the run, but then once we got to the harbor, I started to pull way, on my way back I ran again with him, until He finished his run. Felt ok, but not as great as on Friday. Around 6:20/km.

Today I ran at 09:05 a.m., because I went to bed at 2:30 a.m. because we had a small party here at home yesterday, I dont remember the last time that I went to bed so late, so I knew that the 07 a.m. run was not happening, as I wanted to sleep. I drank a lot of beer, but I tricked myself, meaning that between beers I drank around 3 glasses of water, and I woke up feeling pretty good today, no hang over and no nothing and actually felt pretty good on the run. I ran with my brother and we went to the Turia park today, the heat was hitting hard and in the harbor there are no shades, so we opted to the turia this time. A lot of runners there as always. I did 61:27 total time, around 6:15/ km ,  running easy. Felt good.

Ran 6 times this week, which was the goal. However, I did not do any workouts, so this week I have to get some stress work. The next couple of weeks will be hard workwise, because one of my colleagues its on vacation, so the work load will be higher. However, I will run on morning or evenings, but need to keep the training going.

Have a great Sunday you all!!