domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015

Mirador morning 10k

Yesterday I took the day off. I said, that I was going to take 1 of the weekend days off, so I took Saturday, I just woke up very tired and a bit sore from the tempo yesterday.

Today I woke up at 7:30 a.m.( We headed out at 8:05 a.m.)  to a very good weather, very cloudy and cool morning. I had planned to do 10k to the mirador with my father and thats what We did.

We started out slow, but my father was always ahead till past the 7k when I decided to push a little, but that " little" resulted in a much faster pace and my previous 2 5ks", so I am starting to question my actual fitness to be honest.

First 3k were in 17:49, 5k in 29:13 (my father in 28:49), I was just trying to keep it easy because I felt a bit sore, but I rested yesterday so a bit pushing in the end was fair!! 6k in 34:50, 7k in 40:24, then I decided to push to catch my father who was around 10 secs ahead, then He started push when I passed, but I knew that I would win since I felt very strong (I was not racing though), finished the 10k in 55:23, with the last 3k in 14:59, and last 5k in 26:10, so   feeling tired at the end, but very strong and good at the same time. My father finished in 56:29, which is very good for him, I dont remember the last time He ran that fast, He is basically jogging at 10 mins per mile pace everyday. I am sure that weather helped a ton, but hey anyway, that is much faster than my last race, I should be able to run sub 25:30 at least in the next one, and to be honest I would be dissapointed with that time, but you cant fake fitness.

It seems that those tempos and accelerations are paying off, eventhough I have only done those 4 times after my last race, maybe the weather decrease is paying off in times and the way that I feel during runs, because I have been feeling amazing during runs. Definately I dare to say that I am in sub 25 mins shape.

10k@55:23, its time to ramp up the  long runs a bit, I should be able to get out more of my training with the extra days off.

5 runs this week, feeling very strong and hoping to get very fit!!

Have a great Sunday everyone!Dont stuff yourself with muffins or pizza :), but you have my permission to indulge a bit!!

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

Morning tempo run

Yesterday I took the day off.

This morning I went out with my father at 6:50 a.m. to the conservatory and I inmediately started faster than normal, because I wanted to run faster today in form of intervals or tempo running, I chose the latter.

I dropped my father after the big hill around 500-600s in, then continued my pace solo. Got to the conservatory in 7:05, which is fast compared to most days, but slower than I thought. Anyway, I built from there and did 3 laps corner to corner at that fast pace.

The 3 laps came in 8:49,8:25,8:28, so basically 1 min faster than I normally run, which is a good tempo run, I estimate that to be 1.7k or a bit less for the laps, but I dont know for sure, effort is the most important thing, but I certainly would like to know my time in the 5k. After the 3rd lap I slowed down to a very easy jog to wait for my father, then ran 1:42 back to the conservatory entrance and 7:36 back home very easy to cool down. I did 42:22 for 7.5k or more, so I improved my time in that distance by more than 2 mins and the last 10 mins were a very easy jog, I must have pushed in those 33 mins.

Anyway, I think I ran 25-26 mins for the 5k, but I ll leave it at 26 mins, which is good for me at the moment, but I am slowly getting back into shape eventhough my training has not been optimal. Today was also a confidence booster, because I watned to stop in the middle of the 3rd lap, but then slowed down a bit and felt better, then pushed again, botton line is that I never quit, I kept hurting and pushing till the completion of the 3 laps.

I would like to do this in a flat terrain,because if I ran 26 mins or less with 6 hills, I must be in better shape than in my last 5k race, but who knows, I went out controlled today, and in races I go out like an idiot, believing that something magical can happen on race day.

Good day for running, and I ll run a bit longer on the weekend, it could be tomorrow or Sunday, but `probably tomorrow, Sunday off and 2 hard workouts next week.

Today is the 5k race of the company that my brother works for, this year is not in the shape He was last year, I predict that He will do 23:20-23:40, which is slower than the 21:10 He did last year. I ll be there watching and cheering.

Hope you have a great day!

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Yesterday`s run

Yesterday I could not blog, so here it goes.... I went out with my friend Juan to the conservatory at 7:10 p.m., a little later than planned, but the weather was pretty good. I ran with him for the first 500s or so, but then started to pull away and got to my normal groove, got to the conservatory in 8:02, and then did 4 laps corner to corner in 10:09,9:52,9:27,9:26.

I felt really good today, especially in the last couple of laps, completed the 50 mins to make sure I ran 8 kms. I am planning to do something fast today or tomorrow, maybe I ll run today or rest, I have planned to run 5 times per week this week.

I have also decided to drop my runs to 5 runs per week, instead of 6 runs, I have seem that when I strive for 6 times for running per week, I end up running 4-5, and I have also realized that I am not a professional runner and I ll never be, so 5 runs a week its a very good balance and if you insert the right intensity there you can reap great fitness.

Another thing, that I want to try is to do strength training in my rest days, I have not decided if bodyweight exercises or gym exercises, but either will do good for me.

Hope you have a great day!

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

Catching up

Sorry for lack of blogging the last few days, I am having problems with the internet connection, but I hope that those are solved now.

I have been running consistently and feeling pretty good.

Sunday I was out with my brother and father at 9:30 a.m. We just stayed up late watching the boxing fight that I did not like between Cotto and Canelo. This time I did 4.5 laps taking the outside of the conservatory when its closed, this is the first time that I do that but I was running with my brother, I prefer the corner to corner route, I felt good but the heat was strong at that time of the day. I did around 42-43 mins, dont know for sure, because I was not wearing a watch.

Monday at 6:00 p.m. I headed out to the conservatory in 7:30 and did 4 laps corner to corner at a very controlled pace, but the pace was good, splits were 9:58,9:40,9:40,9:38, then completed the 48 mins. Felt really good.

Yesterday (Tuesday) I headed out at 6:30 p.m. with my brother to the conservatory, but I decided to ditch the watch once more, I was feeling good and my brother was feeling tired, so I dropped him early, did 4 laps corner to corner and then bought some water and back, for a total of 51:56 according to my brother who was wearing my watch. I dont know about splits, but the pace was good and I was feeling pretty strong!! Almost 9k I would say!

Hope all of you are good!

sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2015

Morning run

Today I was up before 7 a.m. and at 7:30 a.m. I headed out to the conservatory to do 3 laps corner to corner, what a novelty!! and back home. I got to the conservatory in 7:40 and the 3 laps were 9:58,9:39,9:33 feeling pretty good in all of them, much better than in the evening. From the conservatory to home I accelerated in the last stretch, that has around 450-500m, I did that in 1:56 racing the watch, to get down the 44:40 that I did in that route a couple of weeks ago, I finished in 44:23. The last 1.2k were in 5:57, dont remember the last time I ran sub 6 mins in that loop.

Not the smartest thing to do, but what can I do, I was feeling pretty good because I rested for 2 days, in fact, I should have done a workout today.

The weather was awesome, have not experienced a weather like that in a long time, probably for american people it was a heatwave, but for us, it was fairly refreshing and great, maybe that was the reason I felt so good today, even runnin fast at the end!

Anyway, around 7.5k in 44:23.

Have a great day!

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2015

Back to the blogsphore

I did not run from Thursday to Monday due to a strong pain in my right ankle as I said earlier, I decided to give it some rest, it was a hard thing to do but the best decision, right now I am pain free and back to my normal running again,

I started again on Monday and felt really good, Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. I went to the conservatory and did 2 laps corner to corner and back home, was not wearing a watch, but I think it was about 35-36 mins.

Tuesday evening I went to the baseball stadium and did laps around the 400s track, sounds a bit crazy, but the track enters the stadium and pretty much the whole track is inside the baseball stadium. I was not wearing a watch either but my brother took me 40 mins there, felt really good.

On Wednesday I ran in the evening at 7:00 p.m. with Juan, We went to the conservatory , I had about 3-4 weeks without going to the conservatory in the evening, this time I dropped Juan within the 500s and I followed my own pace, this time around, I did 4 laps corner to corner but stopped there, it was around 8k total, I took the laps splits : 9:44,9:27,9:22,9:25. Ironically, the fastest lap was the lap that I felt under control, other laps I pushed the pace at times. I finished soaking wet, and was amazed by the humidity, I looked like I just got off a pool!!

I did not run Thursday, I took that as my day off, but Today I decided to rest as well, nothing special, just lazyness, I am not enjoying evening running as much as morning running, but when I was injured , it was impossible to run in the morning, since I woke up limping off bed!! 

I am pain free and feeling pretty good, next month is crucial and I ll try to run sub 25 mins in the Christmas 5k, I do have another 5k in a couple of weeks, but because I have not been pretty consistent in the last few weeks, I dont know what to expect!!

Hope all of you are good and running strong!

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

Evening aerobic threshold run

Yesterday I took the day off, because when I woke up the right ankle was hurting and I got up from bed limping, not good news, since in the past 3 days I was running normally and thought that the ankle thing was an afterthought. Apparently, it is not.

This morning again I woke up limping and everytime that I get up off a chair is the same thing, is not a big thing when I warm up, but the pain is there. I wanted to do some 1 min repeats, but I am an old runner and I know that I cant push the pain like that, eventhough it gets a lot better when it warms up.

Anyway, I wanted to run today but ran in the evening at 6:10 p.m. I crossed the street and got to the baseball stadium of UASD university, (as I said in a previous post, They have a 400m trail track) and was going to run 20-30 mins depending of my foot, but as soon as I started running the pain went away and after the first km, decided to do 5k, but after 4k, decided to do 8k. On top of that, it was like a progression run, starting slow the first km, but pushing the pace a lot ( according to my fitness of course)  later on.

I did 8k(20 laps to the track) in 45:22, splits per km were 6:07,5:59,5:50,5:48,5:35,5:28,5:24,5:09. As you can see, in the last 3-4k I pushed the pace a lot compared to my last 5k, that was the reason that I tittled the post " aerobic threshold run" or maybe it was an anaerobic threshold run , eventhough that was my easy pace a while back. Anyway, I dont have lactic acid accumlation and I feel just fine.

I must admit, though, that in the last km, I was huffing and puffing a lot and I wanted to push much harder in the last lap, but could not find another gear. both halves were 23:45,21:37, so last 4k were about 1 min slower than my pace in my last 5k pace, not bad at all. But to be  honest, I think, that I am not in 25 mins just yet, too much effort ( but controlled) in the last km today.

In regards to the ankle, it felt fine, but later in the run I could feel a bit, after the run I was feeling it, I ll try to run in the morning tomorrow, if not I ll take advantage of this trail in the evening, because its good to run there when you are injured.

One more thing is that I found that 9 min miles there is not the same that 9 min miles on the road, given that terrain in that track, I think you run slower, eventhough the pounding is much easier.

That is all I got for today, I should have just run slow, but I am stubborn, but hey, I did not do my 1 min repeats!!

Have a great Humpday!

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015

Zapping the zero early

Today I was up at 6:50 a.m. and out the door with my father at 7:30 a.m. to the conservatory. My quads still very sore from Saturday, but I decided to take the watch with me this time. We got to the conservatory in 7:52, running pretty relaxed, then did 3 laps corner to corner in 10:11,9:58,9:55, after that my father had 1 lap (7+ minutes) remaining, so I decided to do that lap with him, I only cathched him later in  the lap because when I had finished my 3 corner to corner laps He had started his 5th lap.

Well, that lap I did it in 6:58 running very relaxed, then it was time to get out of the conservatory and head home, did those 1.2k in 6:50. I wanted to push in the last 500s, but thought better of it and decided to leave that energy for the next workout. Anyway, I am still tired from Saturday, my I played it smart since when I started to accelerate and the breathing sped up and forced myself to take it easy again to truly recover.

I did around 8.7k, not sure, but total time was 52:31,my father was a bit back 29 seconds back.

I felt good today, at 30 mins I had a low in energy, but after 2 mins that went again and I felt fine again.

Weather was a bit hot, because the sun was out already. All in all a good way to start the day and the week! I am very greatful that I can run!! Today is a public holiday here so the streets are quiet!

Hope you have a great week!

domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2015

Morning recovery run

Yesterday I could not run in the evening, because my friend did not bring running clothes and it rained like the sky would fall. Not that I would not run in the rain but I had run in the morning already.

Today I woke up at 7:40 a.m. and was out the door with my father at around 8:20 a.m. to the conservatory. I ran without a watch today because my quads were very sore, maybe I pushed more than I should yesterday, but I am glad I did. Today was just an easy run, 3 laps corner to corner and back, basically the same route as the past 2 weeks.

Felt very good today, just running easy, and monitoring my effort to keep it as easy as possible, yea! a good recovery run. The weather was great, because it was very cloudy and a good breeze, probably will run hard the rest of the day as well.

4 runs this week, not because I wanted, but because I sprained my stupid ankle and had to take a couple of days off.

7.5k+ without a watch.

Hope you have a great Sunday!

sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2015

Spontanous tempo run

This morning I was up at 7:00 a.m. and was out with my father at 7:40 a.m. to the conservatory, We started pretty easy, but I was feeling very fresh and rested, maybe that ankle rest payed its dividends, the problem with those rests is that you can build up your fitness further, you just rest and get the benefits of the training done. Anyway, When We hit to the UTESA hill, within 600s of starting the run, my father likes to accelerate and runs the hill  hard, so as I was feeling so well, I followed him and passed him, but when We hit the top of the hill and our way to the conservatory, I was feeling very strong and decided to keep pushing the pace, my father was well behind.

I hit the conservatory in 7:02, was surprised with that split, I had seen a split like that since 2009, the only difference is that today I was pushing the pace although feeling good, but back then that was easy pace. I felt very happy and confident to keep going, decided to do 3 laps corner to corner, but I was not sure if I could hold that pace for 3 laps but kept going nonetheless.

Long story short, I did 2 laps corner to corner in 8:54, and the second one pushing a bit more came in 8:15 and I was surprised with that one, at that point my breathing was very high and I could feel my Lactate filling up my muscles, so I left it at that, I completed the 3rd lap of course but this time in 10:24, that felt like walking, maybe that faster pace got my legs loose.

Since I was going a lot faster than my father, I had to wait 8 mins running there( not laps this time), so that We could get out of the conservatory together, I stopped there for around 4 mins, after the 8 mins, since my official run would be over by 43 mins or so, so basically what I did not done when I twisted my ankle, I did it today, maybe that day was not the most convenient day to run hard ! who knows!

My father and I got out to the conservatory and ran around 8 more mins to home, I did almost 9k total in 50:56 total time, but this time around the most important part of the run was the 4k or so that I did pushing the pace, I would dare to say that todays pace was at least equal than my 5k race, but today I felt much in control and I faced 2 hills per lap today, the mirador is pancake flat, so no comparison at all!

These fast workouts are giving me confidence that is the most important thing in racing, next week I ll try to do 7 x 1 mins on, 1 min off.

The ankle problem is gone and I felt awesome today!

Likely, I ll run again this evening, because I told my friend Alexis to bring his running clothes to run a few miles, I dont run a double since 2009 maybe, We will see how that workouts out!!

See you in the PM!

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015

Back on the wagon luckily

Yesterday I wanted to test the leg in the baseball field at night, but in the afternoon it rained so my chances were out, instead I waited till this morning.

This morning I headed out later than planned, at 7:55 a.m. and was very careful in the section that I sprained my ankle, and man, that sidewalk is a nightmare, I had not realized that because no harm was done, but after that accident, I realized that that sidewalk is very irregular, and I am suprised that I had not injured before.

Today I just wanted to test the leg so I left the watch at home, and I was feeling a bit unconfortable, in the first half of the run, thought that I was going to cut this short, but I kept at it and then got into a groove and was fine.

Ran very easy, then in the last lap, oh yes! I did 3 laps corner to corner so around 7.5k or more total, I sped up a bit.

Ankle behaved very well, and did not bother me at all to be honest, so tomorrow is going to be a normal pace run, maybe I push a bit in the latter stages, We will see!! Next week I resume workouts!

All in all, happy to have run again, I am very happy, thought that this thing was taking me longer to cure!!

7.5k watchless!

Have a great Friday!

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015

Injured? Tempo run fail

Today I headed out later than usual, again with not so much motivation, but once I got dressed the motivation came back and the mindset changed.

However, when I started my run at 7:50 a.m. at a good pace and feeling pretty good, within 1:30 into the run, I twised my ankle pretty hard, that sounded craaaaaaaaaa, my face completely changed, it was a lot of pain, for around 15 seconds, then I started limping back home, then did a mini 1 sec jog and I could run, but I played it safe, and called it a day.

I dont know if I did the best decision, but I hope that this does not turn into several days off!! Damn, when I am about to start workouts in full force, something comes up!!

Today I wanted to do the 7.5k route that I am doing lately, but 2-3 min faster, so basically a tempo run, but now I have to be content with running 1 min ,30 secs.

I hope that I can get back at it tomorrow, but who knows!

Have a great Wednesday!

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

Zapping the zero in the morning

Yesterday I was a bit tired, because lately when I wake up I feel my achilles very sore, but yesterday my knee was sore and I felt tired overall, so I decided to take the day off.

This morning woke up at 5:45 a.m., but my motivation was very low, and I went to bed, but the guilt did not let me fall sleep again, lasted a while moving from side to side, pondering the pros and cons of running today, the pros won and defeated the guilt, at 7 a.m. my motivation came back and I got dressed and headed out to the conservatory at 7:30 a.m. to do my peanut butter route of these days.

I got to the conservatory in 7:30, felt good but at the same time felt flat, I wanted to run faster today, but played it safe and ran easy instead, when I got to the conservatory, did 3 laps corner to corner in 10:02,9:55,9:38, 1 min inside the park and from the conservatory to home in 6:44, feeling pretty good at the end.

Did 45:25, for 7.5k or more, dont know exactly! I cant say today that it was cool, because at the time that I headed out the sun was shining hard, and I had to wear my sunglassed today. Hot in my opinion!!

Anyway, happy to have gotten this run in, and happy to start the running week on a positive note!!

Have a great week!

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2015

Morning run to finish up the week

Today I was up at 6: something a.m. and was out with my father at 7:10 a.m. to the conservatory, and I did 3 laps corner to corner ( what a new route!!-_-) 1 more min and back home. Today I looked at the splits and I think that I got impatient after the first lap, but kept the effort as easy as I could, but sometimes I was just pushing more than neccesary. Some day I ll learn the lesson.

Splits were 7:55, 3 laps corner to corner in 10:21,9:50,9:30 and back home in 7:08 (1.2k). As I said earlier, I pushed a bit after the first lap eventhough I felt a bit tired today. Finish up the run in 46:23 for 7.5k or more!!

6 runs in 6 mornings  this week, I must have became a morning runner!!

Today there is a 10k race in the mirador that I ll go watching, I am not in shape to run 10k now, but eventually I ll start racing those again.

Hope you have a great Sunday everyone!