domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016

Finishing the week on a good note

The other night that I wrote Thursday`s post I said that I was going to run right away and that was what I did, I just did not post it. As I said I ran with Avelino and I headed out at 8:00 p.m. or so. The plan was to do 7.5k easy given that I ran a couple of harder laps yesterday. I accomplished the plan up to a point because We were running easy till the last lap when I threw a surge an did the last lap in 4:32, plus the 70 secs+ that I alwasy do I did at that pace also. I was huffing and puffing but Adelino was running very confortable.

The other laps were in 6:30-6:05, so We were runing before turining it up for the last lap. I did the 7.5k in 45:13.

Rested on Saturday.

And today I ran with my father at 10:00 a.m. and the heat was very strong, even an easy run today was hard given that heat, but We both managed to finish up well. Today I decided to run easy once again, but I was feeling tired and sloppy for the first couple of laps, so I decided to throw 4 strides in the last lap to feel better and I did.

Laps today were betwee in 6:21 and 6:16, but the last lap including the strides was in 5:29, finished the 7.5k in 46:26.

I am feeling in good shape and I am starting to get hungry of racing, lets see how it goes, I need to start doing more structured workouts.

5 runs this week, right where I wanted to be!

Have a great weekend!

viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

1 lap easy and 1 lap harder

Yesterday I went to the park after resting on Wednesday. Yesterday I felt good, so after getting to the park in 7:48, and 2 easy laps in 6:21,6:09, I threw a harder lap in 4:50, I let my mind wander that much so I even forgot that I was running hard, these days my mind is all over the place. then 2 more laps easy in 6:21,6:10 and another lap hard in 4:45, this lap was more focused on the task at hand. then I continued at that pace for 75 more secs to run what I guess was a bit more than 7.5k in 43:57.

I am feeling more and more confortable at those fast pace, maybe I am in better shape, maybe I am leaner, I dont know I have not weighted myself in almost a year. But people tell me that I am skinny, I am feeling good so I dont mind people critizing me.

Feeling pretty good this days, eventhough my mind is all over the place and running after 7:45 p.m. lately, no excuses, I want to run and I dont want lose what I have built this year.

Even right now I will dress and go running with my spanish runner friend, so maybe 8:00 p.m. yea sometimes you have to get your training in when you can.

Stay tuned for tonight`s run!

martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

Maintenance night run

Today was a very stressful day at work and that will continue. But thanks to my running I could relieve some of that stress and tension.

Today I headed out at 7:50 p.m. to the park and ran with my new friend Adelino, the guy from Valencia, He is a heck of a runner and a great guy. Of course I had to hurry up a bit today to keep up with him, I think We were going too slow for his taste.

I did 7.5k total in 44:40, so the pace was faster than my normal easy pace, but I felt good so I went with it. Good conversation also.

Laps were close to 6 mins and the last two in 5:34 and 5:32. Today it was supposed to be very easy, but I did not feel tired or sore at all,so I played it by feel. Maybe I am in better shape than I think, who knows!!

Happy to have gotten my run in! The weather was good!

Have a great Tuesday!

lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016

Testing the system a bit

Today after  yesterday`s longer run I expected to feel a bit sore, but it was not the case. I left work at 7:00 p.m. and was out running around 7:40 p.m. I headed out easy at my normal pace, but I surged hard when I was going up the UTESA big hill, then I kept pushing the pace and got to the conservatory in 7:24, I found that it was slow given the effort I was putting in.

Then I continued at a harder effort and the first lap came in 5:26, then I decided that I would do 1 harder lap and 1 easy lap to get the run a bit more fun, and to increase fitness so a win win.

After that 5:26, next easy lap came in 6:12, then another hard lap started and came in 4:43, slower than I felt, then another lap came in 6:34, then my last hard lap for the day and I was feeling looser than in previous laps, I was huffing and puffing, but I was pretty much under control. that lap came in 4:25, this time I surprised myself with that fast lap. Then another lap easy  in 6:18 before running 90 seconds to finish up the run.

Finished up my 7.5k run in 42:50. Felt good and I am confident that I have improved, these workouts although they are not structured teach you a lot and give you fitness.

I hope to run sub 4 mins in one lap, I have more than 6 years that I dont run sub 4 mins in 1k (lap). It would be amazing to get back to that shape.

Have a great start to the week!

domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

Catching up

No running till today and I capped off the week with another 3 runs this week. Not the best thing in my book, but it was bad planning more than anything. but I will take it, todays run was good enough to be positive and to know that I have not lost a lot of fitness.

Today I headed out at 8:00 a.m. to the conservatory by myself, I let my father to sleep. I never looked at the watch during the run today, no point in checking splits when you are running easy, so I have to cut that habit out, that worked very well.

The plan was to do 5.5k easy, but I was feeling good and I encountered the Valencia runner that I saw the other day and He was doing 1 lap repeats, so 1000m, so I encouraged him and then in another lapI asked him the time He was running the repeats, He was doing them in 3:45, He did 3 repeats, then on his cool down( I supposed to go home, but I continued doing laps with him talking about running and about Valencia, Valencia is the place where my brother went to to his master 2 weeks ago, and He graduated in the same college, my brother is attending to.

So I can say that I found a friend, He is a great guy and a very good runner, I knew he was fast since the first time I saw him running, today I asked about his PBs and He is an elite, 16 min 5k runner, 33 min 10k runner and 75 mins in the half. Here in the country those times are run by the elites.

He only runs 3 times per week so He is got a lot of talent, I told him that if He trained more frecuently He would be a world class athele, but his response also made me thinking, He said that maybe He would not enjoy it that much if He trained that frecuent. Anyway, it was a good conversation and I finished my run in 67 mins. I never run that long these days, but I just took advantage of the good conversation and ran more so a win win.

Laps were between 6:25 and 6:11, so my normal easy pace. Felt good and easy.

I estimated the distance in about 11k or a bit less.

Have a great weekend!

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

Catching up

I rested from Wednesday till Sunday. The reason  was that I got sick by Thursday and as I have said before that  I dont run sick. But on Sunday I was feeling a lot better
( not only from the flu, lol) and out running with my father early. I just did 4 laps in the conservatory and totalled 5.5k or so, I told my father to finish there ( He was doing 7.5k) and We came walking.

I felt good, but wanted to give the body a break and called it a day at 5.5k.

Splits per lap were 6:41,6:24,6:28,6:07. 35:38 total time.

Today I went out running after work, at 7:52 p.m. to be exact. Got to the conservatory in 7:55, then did 6 laps and finished there, laps were 6:21,6:14,6:10,5:56,5:53,5:30 and 90 seconds to finish my 7.5k in 45:35. Was a bit tired at the end, I am not fully recovered, but I felt good none-the-less.

Have a great Monday!

martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

Good progressive run

Today I  left work at 7:05 p.m. and was out running at 8:00 p.m. The plan was to run again at an easy pace, I headed out feeling good and got to the park in 8:01, then did 4 laps to fnish up there and talk a bit with Jose. The splits per lap were 6:28,6:16,5:43,5:11, then ran around 600-700m, so I did in total 5.8k or so in 35 mins. The reason of my 2 faster splits was that another guy that looked like a runner, in fact He was wearing a singlet that said running in Valencia marathon, Valencia is where my brother is at the moment. I felt good so when He passed me, I tried to keep contact and after a bit more than a lap I could pass him, but I can tell you that He was not running hard at all, his economy was very good. I supect He is a good runner.

All in all, felt very good in today`s run and it seems that that weekk did more good than harm. Total time was 35 mins as I said.

Have a great one!

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2016

Catching up

I apologize for the disaster post that I wrote on Thursday, the reason was that my keyboard was not working, and I did my best to pòst, but that was not a success.

The last week was a disaster runningwise, it was a difficult week for me, my brother is gone to Spain for almost 2 years to do his master and that made me sad, I am used to see him everyday and to share a lot with him, We are twins after all. Anyway, I wish him the best, The storm Matthew made running at the beginning of the week almost impossible.

I wanted to run on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, but when I just could not run because at the time that I planned to run I have visitors here, that is not a big of a excuse since I slept in on both days of the weekend and neglect the running to the evening, but in the evening as I said I had visitors. On Wednesday I went to the gym, but I am still sore from the gym and it was not a very good experience, I started the exercises starving and was nauseous by the time I got home, even when I ate dinner, I still felt bad. I think struggle to get there and to get back home from the gym is more tiring than the gym itself, so I think the gym will have to wait till I do have a car and can get there in 10 mins in the highway.

So I only ran 1 time last week, I felt really bad about it, but this week I will continue my normal training.

Today after work, I went out running at 7:52 p.m. to the conservatory and the plan was to do only 5.5k, so 3 laps in the park and back home, I felt great, surprised myself, I thought that I was going to feel very tired and out ot shape, but I felt fresh and strong. Laps were in 6:23,6:11,6:11, then back home to finish the 5.5k in 34:17.

Felt good and happy to get back to running.I just love running, you just cant compare the feeling from running vs lifting weight, when you lift weights no endorphins there, but when you run, you feel good and good and good, weightlifters will have to forgive me, but I feel much better running than weight lifitng. Of course you should do strength training to supplement your running and to have a more stronger upper body, but I personally dont get the happy endorphins from weightlifting.

Have a great night!

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016

back at it

satursasy- 7.5k, inxlusing 8 strisws asns 500s or so in 1:42, thw final hom strwtxh, 44:33 totasl timw.

Sunsasy-7.5k wasy in 46:47, 4 runs last wwwk.

no run till tosasy , 35 mins in 5.6k or so.

my kwyboras is fuxkws up.