sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2017

Another late morning run

I slept a lot last night, went to bed before 10 p.m. and was up at 5:30 a.m., then get back to sleep till 7 a.m., I was about to skip the run , but my brother was going to run at 9:00 a.m., so I went with him, I went without a watch and got ahead, but as soon as We entered the conservatory , He was going to do a workout and passed me fast and never looked back, I continued at that easy slow pace and felt too tired, I finished 5.5k in around 36 mins, dont know the exact time.

He did 32:20 and did 3 laps there in 15:50, so He is in better shape than I thought, I think I cant run that at the moment, We will see.

I felt tired and the heat and humidity did not help, felt frustrated, because I do medium workouts and last 3-4 days to recover, no good.

Anyway, run done!

Have a great Saturday!

viernes, 22 de septiembre de 2017

Catching up

Monday was a rest day. I played Volleyball with the ladies that are going to Punta Cana to represent the company that I work for.

I ll be in the company till October 3rd, I ll go to study to Spain for 9 months, so will know a different culture and will know new people, but will never forget my friends from CCI.

Tuesday - I ran easy for 5.5k watchless, to run watchless is a very good idea since I dont pay attention to pace and dont frustrate if the pace is slow, I just run by effort. I was so sore that I ran just easy.

Then 20 mins after finishing my run, I received a call from the sister of my brother`s girlfriend , She told me to pick downstairs something that my brother had sent me, when I went down, and take out a big and heavy suitcase, I told her, hey this luggage is for my house?then my brother appeared, He surprised and is here, so did his girlfriend.

Wednesday I took it off, Maria the hurricane is coming to town, but it was not raining a lot, but I did not play with thge logistics very well, so DNR.

Thursday was a day off from work due to the hurricane so my brother, father and I headed out at 9:00 a.m. to the conservatory to take advantage of the rain pause, I did not wear a watch and followed them along, then my brother started to push, then I went ahed for 1+ laps, then He passed me again, this time agressive and I just stayed behind at a good rythm, with about 1k to go I passed him back and I just kept building the gap, I finished the 7.5k in 45:38., my brother finished in 46:0x. My father ran 1 lap because He had stomach problems, but after He did his thing, He went back to the park, but the pace that We were running at was so hot, that He could not follow, I think that my last 1.2k was sub 8 min miles.

I felt good and the weather was not too bad.

Today after work, I really questioned if I should run, I decided to go ahead at 7:00 p.m., not too many people at the park, people dont have discipline. I just went out without a watch and did 3 laps and back home at an easy effort. It was a boring run, nothing exciting, but you have to face those as well, not every run is a paradise and you got to embrace it. 5.5k watchless.

Have a great night!

domingo, 17 de septiembre de 2017

Finishing up a good week of training

Today I wanted to do intervals, but decided not to when I woke up at 6:30 a.m., I was full from the fried chicken that I ate yesterday and it was a good decision, because when I had 500m into my run I felt the same as the past Sunday, tight calves and quads.

I headed out with my father at 7:30 a.m., but He fell behind since  He went to bed pretty late and woke up very early, I pretty much run from the 500m mark to the finish alone.

I decided to leave the watch at home because the watch is bringing me tension and frustration because timewise every run that I get in I dont like timewise. So I think it was a smart decision, since despite the heat and the tightness, I felt good at the end and felt very liberated, dont know the time, but I ran 5 laps in the conservatory and back home with 2 strides in the last 500m to loosen up a bit. Felt good at the end, 7.5k total.

In the afternoon,  from 3 p.m. till 6:30 p.m. We played basketball and walked a lot there, so burned a ton of calories, which is good to me, because I find myself overweight. THe guys that I played with, can win the 5k , they are young, skinny and their fast twitches are at its top, so they really can pull it off, I have endurance, but I am an expert in jogging, not running at fast paces, those days are behind. Anyway, I ll try my best and see what happens in that 5k race in a couple of weeks.

We play basketball in Punta Cana on Wednesday.

I ran 6 times per week, I am not content with my speed, but I have to be content with my consistency, I just have to keep up the good work and the consistency going!

Have a great Sunday!

sábado, 16 de septiembre de 2017

Catching up

Thusday morning I had to run early because I had a trip to Punta Cana and I would be at home by 10 p.m., so the only option was to run at 6:00 a.m., I was tired from Wednesday`s night workout, so I only did 5.5k in 36:10.

On Friday evening after work, I headed out to the conservatory and did 5 laps there and back home, never looked at the watch as the majority of the runs. Finished in 48:23 for 7.5k. Felt tired and really did not enjoy this run at all, but you have to get the training in despite how you feel.

This morning at 6:00 a.m. I headed out with my father to the mirador and We did 8k there, and I thought that I was going faster than the actual pace, finished in 50:05  and my father in 50:07, I outsprinted him. First 3k were in 19:04, next 2k in 6:21 and 6:19 and the last 3k in 18:19, I never really pushed the pace, and when I was about to push it I made myself slow down. But anyway, running this slow is frustrating for me, I felt that at that effort I would run sub 48 mins for those 8k, more than 2 mins slower. To be honest any run is a frustration timewise, so I will have to ditch the watch on non workout days so that does not affect me.

However, I am glad with the consistency I have been putting in the last  3 weeks. Tomorrow I want to do a workout, but lets see how the Boxing fight end today,  I ll run anyway in the morning.

Have a great Saturday!

miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2017

Progressive tempo run

Monday was my planned rest day.

Tuesday I woke up very early to run at 6:00 a.m., Ran to the park, did 5 laps and then back home for 7.5k in 48:51. I thought that I was running faster than that. In the last lap incorporated 4 x 20 secs strides or so, felt good on these. The heat was awful, it was early in the morning, but I got home soaking wet. Took more than 30 mins to get dry so that I could shower. The heat is very nasty these days.

Today I ran after work at 7:00 p.m., I wanted to do something faster than easy pace, a fast workout or a progressive tempo run, I opted for the latter. I went out to the conservatory easy to warm up in 8:25. Then wanted to do 5 laps in less than 6 mins per lap, I was not sure how that would feel because these days I am running slower than 6:30 per km at my easy pace, but I was ready for something faster today, too much easy running wont get you so far.

1st lap came in 5:57, it felt much faster than that, second lap came in 5:47, so my body was finding the rythm , 3rd lap I was getting tired came in 5:38, then tried to keep the effort going till the end, 4th lap came in 5:34, then Jose joined me for my last lap, thanks to him, I was able to not abbort the workout, I was feeling very bad, I even fainted, but tried to keep my composure and when We got to the flats of the last lap I sped up a bit and took advantage of the last downhill to finish the 5th lap in 5:14, Had to stop for a couple of mins, I was spent and was hurting bad in the last lap, but at least I accomplish the purpose of the workout.

All 5th lap in much less than 6 mins, 1 mins faster than my current easy pace so it was almost a tempo run. Then talked a bit with Jose before going home for my 1.2k cool down. Finished the 7.5k in 45:07.

Good workout, but the heat is very very bad, as I type this I am sweating. I hope that this shit goes away quickly!!

Have a great night!

domingo, 10 de septiembre de 2017

Workout failed

Today I wanted to do a 400m repeats workout in the morning, but I moved the run till the evening. Since the park is not measured I wanted to do a progression run  and in the last 1k or so get in some 1 min repeats. That was my plan for the evening run.

At 5:45 p.m. I headed out to the conservatory in 7:23, I wanted to do laps no more than 6 mins per lap, more towards the 5:40s range, I just got to the 10 min mark and I knew that it was not happening, and frustrated I aborted the workout and completed the 5 laps easy, I am an expert in jogging, but at faster paces I am in very bad shape.

The reason I aborted was huffing and puffing and the calves and quads burned out at that slow pace. My splits in the 5 laps were 6:34,6:41,6:37,6:32, 6:28 and back home in 7:16 to finish up the 7.5k in 48:06.

Although I did not accomplish the workout, I at least got my run in and could run 5 times this week, the goal was 6, but Irma the hurricane did not allow to run on Thursday evening, anyway, hope that I can feel better at faster paces in 3 weeks, if not I ll be in a bad position to perform well in the company. However, I am quiting tomorrow , and my last day in the comany is on October 3rd, at least thats the plan.

I am carrying some extra pounds, but I think that limiting my calories a bit, and running 6 times, I ll lose some fat.

Have a great end of the weekend!

sábado, 9 de septiembre de 2017

Catching up

Due to the hurricane Irma I could not run on Thursday. In the morning it was not raining, but We posponed the run till the afternoon, but it was raininghard in the evening, so DNR.

Friday morning I headed out with my father at 6:10 a.m. the plan was to run 7.5k, but I experienced stomach problems, so I cut the run short  and did 5.5k in 36:23. Very slow, because I was very tired from the effort on Wednesday. My father did 7.5k in 48:47, He was way ahead of me.

Today We headed out to the mirador at 6:30a.m., and the plan was to do 8k easy, my father got excited and started racing the 100+ runner that train in the mirador, so He built a big gap and finished the 8k in 47:20. I came a while back in 48:40. I felt pretty good in the second half, I was soaking wet at the end due to the heat. Did not feel the heat, but the sox and sneackers were totally soaked, thats when I realized that it was hot.

I cant deny its frustrating to lose to your father who is 62 years old ( He turned 62 yesterday), I ran easy yes, and was very tired from my workout on Wednesday, but despite that I feel a bit frustrated, because I am still young, sometimes I feel that I am an old guy. But one can I do, if I am tired and my legs are burned an easy recovery run is in order, It would be stupid to race your father on easy runs, so yea He won again.

My splits were 18:42 for first 3k, then did 6:05 and 6:05 for the next 2 k, crossed the 5k in 30:56, then did the last 3k in 17:44 to complete 8k in 48:40.

Tomorrow morning I want to get 5 x 400s with 200m jog in between in the mirador, We will see since I played basketball this evening as well.

Have a great night!

miércoles, 6 de septiembre de 2017

Waiting for Irma with a mini tempo effort

Today I left work at 3 p.m. We were allowed to leave due to the hurricane that is coming called Irma. It was supposed to rain in the evening, but no rain yet, just a bit at 2:15 p.m. and no more, so my father and I took advantage of that and got our run at 5:15 p.m.

I had planned to do 2 laps at 10 mins, by effort, because I had been running easy in the last few days and on Sunday`s effort I felt like a failure. Today I felt like crap, but I was going to try it anyway.

My father went ahead, but I knew that as soon as I start the workout I would pass him or at least He would have to accelerate to keep with me. I got to the conservatory in 8:16 something like that, then did 1 lap easy (6:41) to finish up my warm up, felt better than when I started, but felt dead indeed. I started the 2 faster laps though and I was going to abort in the 1st lap, but when I saw 5:06, I said, hey I am not running that bad eventhough the effort suggest otherwise, so I kept running at that effort till the end of 2nd faster lap which came in 5:13, Felt tired and was huffing and puffing a lot, I even had to stop but around 10-15 secs to catch my breath before continuing my cool down. I am in very bad shape and another person who I had not seen in a while told me that I was fat. Yea I know!!!

Completed 2 more laps easy in 6:50 and 6:29, then back home and sped up in the last 100-120m to finish up my 7.5k in 46:00. My father came some time later in 48:47. The heat was strong, not as bad as previous days, but it is still very hot.

Anyway, at least I ran harder than easy, those slow easy runs get old after a while and dont build your fitness unless you are increasing a lot of mileage or you are a novice. So bring on the workouts!!

I am not feeling very well, feel fat, but hey I gota have patience and fitness wil come, or at least that is what they say!

Have a great Wednesday and be careful of Irma!

I dont know if I ll be able to run tomorrow since the hurricane arrive  just after midnight, We will see!

martes, 5 de septiembre de 2017

Zapping the zero

Yesterday was my planned day off.

Today I ran after work. Got later than planned off work, but  I was determined to run, so I headed out at 7:50 p.m. to the conservatory, the pace was easy and I never looked at the watch during the run. In the last lap I did 4 strides where I felt way better than last week.

However, I still find myself very slow, I thought that I was going a lot faster  than I actually was. But hey, you cant outrun fitness and I am doing what I can.

I checked the splits at the end and got to the  conservatory in 8:06, then did 5 laps in 6:41,6:31,6:32,6:32,5:49 (4 strides) and back home in 7:27 to finish up 7.5k in 48:14.

At least I ran sub 6 mins in the lap that I did the strides, then other laps were very slow. Anyway, happy to have run and happy with the consistency that I am getting.

I hope to keep the consistency going this week eventhough We are alerted of the Hurricane Irma that possibly will get here on Thursday, I hope that that thing dont hit directly here, We are not prepared to fight that thing.

I hope that my training does not suffer a lot because of the hurricane!

Have a great week!

domingo, 3 de septiembre de 2017

Catching up

On Saturday (yesterday) early morning at 7:15 a.m., I headed out with my father to the conservatory , but He pretty much got ahead right off the bat, and as I was recovery and preparing for a workout today, I took things easy.

He built 65 seconds on me and finished the 7.5k in 46:54, I came back in 47:59, I kept the effort very easy, but this heat make things everything but easy.

Yesterday evening I also played basketball, with a coworker, I forgot to mention, but besides the 5k race in the company, I am in the basketball team and our game (s) is on September 13th, I had a lot of years without playing basketball, but I have not lost a lot of my abilities, in fact I think now I am better because I am fatter and can gith better just below the basket.

This morning I wanted to do a mini tempo run of 2 laps in 10 mins of less, I failed because I ran 1 lap in 5:08 and 400m laters I had stomach problems so I bailed the rest right there, then continued easy to complete 5 laps and get back home to complete 7.5k in 47:35. My father came in 54:38, yeah He drank  a lot yesterday! I warmed up to the conservatory, 1 lap easy, then tried to do the 2 laps, but happened what I just told, then the cooldown was to complete the 5 laps.

I am frustrated because those slow paces are getting really old and I am not feeling my best, in fact that 5:08 in the first lap did not feel like a sprint, but it was not a walk in the park either, even a guy that I normally see there with his dog, told me to cut the carbs out since I was fat.

Yeah I am fat, but I am working on it, and I wont cut carbs. I ll try this 2 laps in 10 mins on Wednesday again and see how it feels, then want to do 5-6 x 400s on the weekend. All the rest will be easy recovery runs.

I cant deny that I am pissed off with the way I am feeling and the heat, but I am also glad that I ran 6 times this week. Dont remember the last time I ran 6 times like in the old times.

Have a great weekend!

viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2017

Easy recovery run

Today I headed out to run at 7:20 p.m. or so after work. Today I had planned 5.5k very easy to recover from yesterday`s workout and prepare for the weekend.

I ran with my watch, my only looked at it at the end and did not take splits, no reason to when you are recovering. I felt pretty good, but when I was feeling this good, I was sure that the pace would be very slow, and thats how it played out.

I did 5.5k in 36:14, which is slow, but at least I reached the desired adaptations, I wont deny that I felt frustrated when I saw that time, I was hoping more within the 34 mins range at that effort level, but what  you can do!

The weather was not as bad as in previous days, so that was a positive!! I am really liking the consistency I am getting right now, this is my 4th day running in a row, dont remember the last time I did that, not so long ago, but maybe more than 2-3 months without doing that. Plan to run on the weekend and rest on Monday as my only rest day of the week!

I plan to run 7.5k tomorrow morning with my father, lets see how that plays out!