lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

Solid week of training, Weight and Diet

On Saturday I ran at 4:50 p.m. and I had planned a 5k tempo, trying to run faster than the 24:56 that I ran 2 months ago or so, but at an easier effort, but really wanted to get sub 25 mins for 5k.

So I warmed up 15 mins, and included 4 x 50m strides after the 10 mins to loosen up the legs. Then I was ready to go, right off the bat I wanted to run sub 5 mins per km, so the first 200s were run in 57 seconds, right where I wanted to be.

Tried to kept the same effort , 1st km came in 4:49, which is 24:05, I thought that I should stay at that pace and then at the end speed up to run sub 24 mins, but the initial plan was to run sub 25 mins, and this was a tempo run, not a time trial. I think it it felt more like a time trial than a tempo run but, oh well!!

I crossed the 1600m in 7:44 and 2k in 9:40 (4:51), I thought that I would have slowed down, I did , but only 2 seconds, then kept the effort and pace and hit the halfway point in 12:02.16, then I turned around, and the plan there changed I wanted to try to run sub 24 mins, crossed the 3k in 14:27 (4:47), if I kept running like it I would get it, but the 4th km was tough, I tried to maintain my effort, but I crossed the 4k in 19:23 (4:56, too slow), and I was tired already, I could have run a race effort and run sub 24 mins, but that was not the goal, because if the goal would have been a time trial I would have gone out way faster, anyway, I tried to kept my effort and pace and remember the last Interval of my intervals and that really gave me confidence. I was huffing and puffing  in the last 200m, but I tried to increase pace a Little bit without sprinting nor losing my form, I finished the 5k in 24:04.34, almost identical as the first half. Last km was in 4:41.

I am happy with the result, but I would have liked to run sub 24 mins. However, this is my fastest time in training since 2014 almost 5 years. I am really happy with the way I am feeling and the direction my running is taking. I am improving nicely and feeling stronger every week. I am hitting times that I had not done in years!

Cool down for 12:30 till the wáter fountain, around 9k+ for the day.

Yesterday ( Sunday) I thought that I would wake up very sore from Saturday`s effort, but I did not, I woke up just How I do normally field the day after a workout, I even could run that workout again, of course it was going to be way harder physiologically.

The plan for Sunday was to run 80 mins easy and thats what I did. This time, however, I would only look at the watch int he first km, at 6k and 12k, to not stress about splits, I would just run easy at whatever pace my body felt like going while still going easy.

First km came in 6:51, and I started pretty slugish, so that was a good sign. 6k came in 38:16 and the 12k came in 75:49, so I negative Split the run 43 seconds, so second half came in 37:33 feeling confortable, after 12k,completed 80 mins and called it a day.

I felt better today than last Sunday, maybe I am adapting to the duration of this runs and today it did not feel so long as past weeks. I was a thirsty at the end though, eventhough the weather was in 20 degrees or so.

Solid week of training, 6 runs and feeling pretty good!!

This morning I went to the Gym with my brother, but not to exercise, just to weigh myself, according to the scale I was at 80.5 kgs, which is 177 pounds, that means that in the last 4 months I have lost 20+ pounds which is amazing, and that might explain how good I am feeling in my runs. The last time that I had such a weight was 5 years ago. Again, I am happy about that!

Of course, after I leave Guadalupe I knew that I would lose weight, since I would cook my own food, and would eat way less food that I was eating ( it was "free" there), so when there is free food I personally cant undereat. However, I thought that I would not be able to get back to this weight, but everything is posible!!

My diet is simple: Rice, Pasta, pork meat, cheese and Ham whole wheat bread sándwiches, peanut butter, tuna ,eggs, spinach,tomatoes, milk and chocolate powder to mix it with milk at breakfast. So I think that my current diet is balanced, to some it might look bored, but it Works for me and it has kept me in a very good shape. Of course, the key thing is to control portion sides, I have decreased portions significantly and dont stuff myself anymore. However, that changes when I go to the free buffet, that is the only place that I stuff my face these days.

I only drink diet soda, in the past years I have been addicted to regular sodas which contains a lot of calories thus increasing weight. These days I really enjoy diet soda and does not contain a single calorie.

In the last 4 months, I only have drunk around 5 beers, which is almost nothing for me, Kicking alcohol out of my life has helped a lot in the weight departament, I have thought about quitting completely, that does not have any Benefit at all.

I am not working at the moment, so I wont spend my money on alcohol. and giving it a Deep thought I think I am not spend any money on it when I am working. Maybe I Will drink the occasional beer in social situations, but thats about it.

That pretty much sums up my current diet!

This evening I ll run easy to recover from the weekend!

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

Two recovery runs

On Thusday I ran at 5:00 p.m. and did a recovery run. Went to the Churchill in 16:15, then ran to the opposite direction till the watch read 30:30, then turned around and completed 45 mins. Felt good and easy. Pace was around 6:30 per km.

Today I had planned to run early in the morning, with early I mean around 8 a.m., that is early for me these days because I go to bed very late and at that time (8 a.m) is not totally clear to see. Anyway, when the alarm went off at 7:30 a.m., I woke up but it was raining, so I went back to bed, and woke up at 11:15 a.m, that is very late and that has to change, I am going to bed past 2 a.m. though. Here in Spain, there is no way that I can go to bed early, have to make the habit though!

As soon as I woke up at 11:15 a.m., I drank wáter, got dressed and headed out to the Turia Park. I started running there just before 12 p.m.? and headed out to the "mirador" , no Churchill today, turned around when the watch read 22:40 and back, got the the starting point in 44:45, but the plan was to keep running home till 50 mins. When I had 50 mins, I stopped, but I was only 1k off my house, so that mean less walking to home, which was nice since I was thirsty. The weather at midday was 13 Celsius which was night. Felt pretty good and the pace progressed till 6:20 or so per km.

Felt good to run in the morning. That opened up the Schedule for other things such as cleaning the house, it was my turn this week, and I never seem to find the Groove to do it, but with the morning running really you dont have excuses.

Another reason that I ran in the morning was that I want to run in the morning on the weekend, its  very boring to run in the evening on the weekend, especially when my brother is not around. To be honest I have always felt better running in the morning, but the real problem is to wake up to make it happen.

Felt good on these recovey runs, tomorrow something harder!!

Have a great Friday!

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018

Intervals: 5 x 800m + 3 x 200m

Yesterday it was Interval day, the plan for yesterday`s was not very clear even on my way to the Turia Park, I could not decided between 800s repeats or 3k at 4:30-4:40 per km plus some more. I finally decided for the 800s.

I started my run at 4:55 p.m. warmed up 15 mins including 4 x 50m strides to loosen up the legs. I felt pretty good at the end of the warm up. Then the plan was to do 5 x 800s with 400m jog rest in between and some 200s (with 200s jog recovery) to practice fast finish in races.

The goal was to do them controlled and then hammber in the last one, I think that I am running faster than I should because technically speaking I am running them at around 3k effort, and I think those repeats are done between 3k - 5k race pace to reap the full benefits.

The 5 x 800s were in 3:34,3:36,3:34,3:33,3:20. I felt pretty good for the first 4, then in the last one was huffing and puffing a lot, pretty much gave everything I had in that one. My brother critizice me becusae there is a lot of difference between the slowest and the fastest one, but the plan was to really hammer in the last one to see if I could beat 3:20, which was the fastest I ran on my last 800s workouts around 3 weeks ago. Anyway, I rested 400m easy between the 800s and then did 3 x 200m in 44,44,44, very even and felt pretty good on those. Recovered for 200m between each one. After the 200s, I walked 100m to catch my breath and then started my cool down, which was 12:33 or I would say 1.8k or so.

I did 11k total for the day counting on the recovery, warm up, cool down. You cant believe how fast the time passed by when you run various efforts in the same workout. As opposed, to Sunday runs where you run easy for 80 mins, it kinds of boring and you have to have a lot of patience, but that is a part of training I guess. I cant even imagine running 2-3 hours at that pace, but hey this is an aerobic sport after all.
 Weather was in 17 degrees Celsius so no windbreaker.

All in all, happy with how my training is going and how good I feel. This evening Will be an easy run.

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018

Zapping the zero

On Monday I ran at at 5:20 p.m. , went to the "Churchill" in 16:00 running easy, and then ran to the" Mirador" and went back when the watch read 30:30, finished the run at 45 mins. The effort was just easy to recover from the weekend. Felt good. Weather was around 13 Celsius and I wore the windbreaker without heat issues.

Yesterday took the day off, but I lasted the whole day with a headache, and that made my day really unconfortable. Anyway, I am better today and Will try to do an Interval session, although I am not very motivated to do so, but you have to do what you have to do!

Have a great Humpday!

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

Sunday 12.6k "Long run"

On Sunday I did my planned 80 mins at 4:50 p.m. in the Turia Park. This time I had to do that alone, because my brother is sick with Varicela so this next week is going to be solo running. I am used to be though! I used to run mostly alone there in Madrid and in the Dominican Republic.

Anyway, the weather was very good, around 15 Celsius, I did not wear my windbreaker, I knew that once I warm up I would feel very good. No rain yesterday luckily, but I found that it got dark very quick it was just 6 p.m. when is was getting dark, that is too early for me.

When I started I felt a bit tired but within some mins I felt pretty good and when I saw the first km Split faster than I normally do, and the effort was very easy, I knew that this long run was going to be faster than last week without even trying. Overall felt pretty good, but man you have to be patient to run at the same intensity for more than one hour, when you log 10-11k doing  workout, time pass by and you only realice that you run for so long when you start doing the math at home.

However, for these long runs you have to be very patient since time on your feel is the most important thing on these runs, of course if you are training for a maratón, you have to throw some quality in there once in a while, for I think 12k is nothing close to a maratón ha!

The splits per km were

6:50 (around 20 secs long km)
13:10 (6:20)
19:25 (6:15)
25:40 (6:15)
31:50 (6:10)
38:08 (6:18)
44:26 (6:18)
50:42 (6:16)
56:56 (6:14)
63:11 (6:15)
69:24 (6:13)
75:59 (6:35, same case as the first one, longer by 20 secs or so)

After that just kept running till competing the 80 mins which I think was around 12.6k or so. The pace was pretty even, I seemed like a robot there, negative Split by 17 seconds so not bad given that I was running at an easy effort. The weather was great so I attribute the faster pace at the same effort to that. Did not feel to tired from Saturday`s tempo, maybe I am getting in great shape!

5 runs for the week, missed one run due to the rain on Friday, sounds like an excuse, but definately I think I made the right decisión there, it was not a common rain, anyway! Solid week of training nonetheless!

Today Will be an easy recovery run if the weather permits since its raining again!

Have a great start to the week!

domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2018

Tempo run :6k + 2 x 200s

On Friday I did not run because as I said it was the whole day raining and certainly its not worth it to run with the wet terrain risking an injury or an illness. However, if the rain start when I am already running, I wont look back and I Will finish the run normally. I lived to run another day, the good side is that I was more rested for my Saturday Tempo run.

Yesterday at 4:50 p.m. I was in the Turia Park starting my warm up for my Tempo Run, did 15 mins easy and after 10 mins, did 4 strides of around 50m to loosen of the legs, since I did not run on Friday. This is the 1st time that I do strides for tempos, I only do them for Intervals, but I Will start doing for all workouts, since they really loosen your legs up.

The plan for the tempo was to run 6k at tempo pace only looking at the watch in the 1st km, and then running by effort, and after the tempo do some 200s to loosen up the legs, in yesterday`s case I did only 2 repeats.

The weather was good, but I did not wear my windbreaker because I knew that if I wear it I would fry myself once I warm up.

1st km was in 5:05, such as last week, then I just ran by effort, but to be honest the effort was not very easy, and I thought I was having a bad day, anyway, I toughed it out and finish the run without looking accepting the outcome, but I have to admit that in the last km I was huffing and puffing, but never really changed pace or sprinted at the finish. In the halfway I pressed the Split button without looking so that I could look post run.

To my surprise I stopped the watch at 6k in 30:11, bummer!! I was surprised with that time and that explain the disconfort that I was feeling, I thought that I was having a bad day but the reality was that I was going a tad faster than I should. 1st half I did it in 15:09 and negative Split by 7 seconds meaning that I did the second half in 15:02. It seems that once I started looking at the watch at 1st km I started to accelerate, no wonder! a couple of guys passed me before the 1k mark and I just wanted to maintain contact.

Anyway, after the 6k I jogged 400m and did 2 x 200s with 200s recovery, the times were 43 and 43 secs. Getting faster Little by Little, what felt 47 seconds several weeks ago, feels 43 seconds today. Heading the right direction I guess!!

After the 200s, walked 100m and then started my 12 mins easy jog cool down, for a total of 11k for the day.

I cant attribute the improvement to the strides, but it seems that they loosen up my legs, or maybe I am just getting better an better, I have to note that sometimes the legs felt incoordinated, on both occasions the legs hit each other, but I tried to relax and run with the best form as posible, the uncoordination seemed to not affect pace at all.

Satisfied with the workout, but I would have rather to run slower and feel better! It is what it is!

This evening I do have a 80 mins run easy with the weather cooperates, its raining right now! Yikes!!

Have a great Sunday!

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018

Intervals and Easy run

Tuesday was a planned day off.

On Wednesday I ate lunch later than planned and decided to move the intervals for Thursday because I was going to run at 6:50 p.m., which means that at that time is very dark, so I messaged my brother to meet up at 6:50 p.m. at our meeting point, I normally do my workouts at 4:50 p.m. these days because its getting dark very quickly.

Anyway, when I was about to head out I felt really good so I thought, Why move the workout if you feel good and recovered, another easy run would not be appropiate, so I got there 5 mins earlier, ran 5 mins before my brother get there and then ran to the starting point of my workout , after 10 mins warming up I included 4  x 50m strides or so to loosen up the legs. The only downside was the darkness, but I already was in the mood for the workout so I was ready.

The plan was to do 4 x 1000m with 3:50 or so rest better than the times I did around 1 month ago to see if I progressed. Sometimes, that its not a good indication because you dont feel the same everyday, and on Wednesday I did not feel my best, but I could pull it off, none the less.

First repeat was done in 4:28, I had problems with the watch, because I I wanted to turn the lights of the watch ( yea, it was that dark) to see the first 500m or so of the repeat, I lost my rythm, because I thought that I would have paused the watch, then turned on the lights correctly and could see the stopwatch running, so no big deal but maybe I lost a couple of seconds.

It was difficult to see where you were stepping , in the Turia park there are places were the terrain is irregular, so you have to be careful especially if you cant see the path. In the second repeat I was already tired, but I toughed out and finished the repeat in 4:24, I was huffing and puffing there, I told to myself that if I was going to finish the workout I would have to take the 3rd repeat more convervative and hammer the last one.

On the 3rd repeat, I went out conservative for the first 500-600m and then pushed it a bit and finished in 4:31, was not happy with it to be honest, but it is what is is. Recovered around 4 mins easy jogging and started the last one, on this one I went out controlled the first 500m and started to push in the second half, never finished in a sprint although finished fast. Last one came in 4:18.

After the 3rd repeat I felt better and when I finished the 4th repeat I jogged for 400m and did 1 x 400m @1:35 and 1 x 200m @ 43 seconds.

The 1000m were not bad and I think I improved on last time, but I wanted to take revange of the 3rd repeat, I added 1 x 400s and 1 x 200s to add speed and to add volumen at a hard pace.

Its incredible how shorter repeats felt way easier than longer repeats when you do them in the same workout.

I dont remember the last time I did 1:35 in 400m, maybe 7-8 years ago, every single workout I am surprising myself and everytime I am closer to where I was, but still miles away.

After the 200m I stopped for 2 mins or so to catch my breath and then did 15 mins cool down. I did around 10.5k total, not bad.

Yesterday had been raining the whole day and considered to take the day off, but at 6:30 p.m. it was not raining, so I took advantage of it , got dressed and headed to the Turia Park to do my 45 mins easy run.

I was not sore at all yesterday after Wednesday workout, I was surprised of how good I felt. Anyway, within mins of starting the run to the "Churchill" the rain started again, did the Churchill loop in 16:16 feeling easy and controlled, at that point the rain had stopped, but shortly after, the rain started again and this time stronger, but once I am running the sky can fall and I wont stop, did my run of 45 mins, felt pretty good, but on the walk to home I was soaking wet, luckily I wore the windbreaker.

Glad that I ran, but its not too funny when you have to run in the rain and then walk to home.

Today its raining again the whole day and as I type this the rain is way stronger than yesterday, so today I dont promise that I can run, I would like for sure, but sometimes you have to skip a day in order to not risk a fall or an injury, We Will see if I can find a window when its not raining and get my run in, but again, We Will see, either way, I do have my tempo run planned for tomorrow!

Have  a great Friday!

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018

Easy run to start the week

Today I ran at 4:50 p.m., my brother was not runnin so I did it early evening. The plan for today was to run 45 mins easy to recover from the weekend. I started the run feeling tight and sluggish, but after the first km I felt pretty good.

I went to the "Churchill" and back (2.4k or so)  in 16:00, that is fast compared to the splits on that segment lately, anyway, I just was running easy. Then went to the opposite side of the Turia which I call the "Mirador", ran till the watch had 30:30 and turned around, got around to the starting point in 44:54, then ran 6 more seconds to complete 45 mins.

Pace was 6:27-6:29 per km once I warmed up, just easy and relaxed. Felt pretty good today once I warmed up. Tomorrow I ll rest and on Wednesday an Interval workout. Weather was around 21 Celsius, so I was a bit hot running with the windbreaker, but no problem.

Another run in the books! Have a great week!

" Long run"

Today I ran with my brother at 4:50 p.m., today I had planned to do a longer run, for me honestly is a long run, but for anyone that runs half maratón, marathons or even 5-10k, 12+k is just a normal run. However, you have to accept your current circunstances and fitness.

The plan for today was to do 80 mins, which according to my calculations would be around 12.4-12.5k.

I just took the run easy, I would have liked to do the last 5k faster, but as I did the tempo yesterday just wanted to recover. My brother and I ran together till the 6k, because after that He wanted to do another route, but I did not want to so I turned around and completed the 12k in 1:17:38, then kept running till the 80 mins, which was around 12.4k total. Man! that felt long, I cant imagine how half marathoners and marathoners run for that long, anyway, long runs always have been the missing piece of the puzle for me, and I think that the lack of those never really got me to my potential. This is an aerobic sport after all!

I looked at the watch at every kilometer, but just for fun, did not alter my pace or effort, just ran easy.

7:11 (this first km is around 20 secs  longer running easy, so 6:51 or so)
13:46 (6:35)
20:13 (6:27)
26:33 (6:20)
32:52 (6:19)
39:16 (6:24)
45:39 (6:23)
51:58 (6:19)
58:20 (6:22)
64:41 (6:21)
71:01 (6:20)
77:38 (6:37, the same as the first one, is around 20 secs longer), after that completed 80 mins.

Those splits were out of my memory, so I am not that crazy after all! I felt good, the pace felt confortable, but felt thirsty and mentally it was kind of long. Legs started tired from the Tempo run, but once I warmed up I felt pretty good. Weather was around 25 Celsius, so no windbreaker.

I am heading the right direction with my training, I hope to keep that consistency going! Today Will be an easy 45 mins run to recover.

Have a great start to the week!

domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2018

Tempo run 6k + 2 x 200s

Yesterday afternoon I met with my brother at 5:00 p.m. in the Turia Park, when He arrived I had 7 mins of easy running since I got there at 4:55 p.m. to get some more mins of warm up. For today I had planned a 6k tempo run and if I felt good when I finish I would include some 200s repeats to loose the legs a bit.

I warmed up 17 mins total and this time around I did not weat my windbreaker so I felt much fresher during the tempo. Last week I wore my windbreaker and although I could complete my tempo at a decent time, I did not feel good in the last 2 kms, I suspect the extra heat had something to do with it.

The plan for today was to only look at the watch at the 1st km and then never look at it again, after the 1st km just run by effort. That is what I did, 1st km came in 5:05, I was feeling pretty good and surprised, this is the first time I head out that fast in a tempo, anyway, I went by effort from that point onward. The next km was not that confortable, that is one of the most unconfortable kms always mentally, after the 2.5k I just get into a Groove and try to maintain that effort/pace to the finish.

At the halfway point I was feeling pretty good, and in the second half tried to take advantage of the downhills and the flat segment of the last 2 kms, that is what I did and I have to be honest, in the last km I was tired, but nothing close as last week, I felt very controlled and even tried to hold back in the last km to not turn that into a race, I did not speed up in the last 200-400m, I just kept running at the same pace/effort.

I was surprised to see the final time for the 6k being 30:33, feeling much confortable than the week before. After the tempo run I waked around 100m, then did 2 x 200s in 44.25 and 41.91 seconds. In the first repeat I had to Dodge/put the brakes on because it was a Little girl in the middle of the road running throughout, I easily lost 1 second there. In the second repeat I really put the hammer down in the last 100m without trying to lose form. I have to admit that that pace is very fast for me right now, what it used to be my mile race pace, its now my "sprint" pace, haha.

Anyway, the last time I did 41 seconds in 200m was in 2009-2011, I cant remember exactly, but I am heading the right direction and happy with the way that I am feeling lately. I want to get back to 21 mins 5k again, and I am heading that direction I guess.

I pressed the only Split avaibable that has my watch and the halfway I crossed in 15:23 and negative Split to a 15:10 in the second half. Of course, I never looked at the watch in the halfway and only checked the splits at the end.

After that walked around m to catch my breath, and then did 12 mins cool down or so.

I ll start running my tempos by feel, of course, checking the watch int he first km to see how I go, after that only by feel, that way you just get in tune with your body without mentally worrying about splits.

For this evening I have planned a longer run with my brother, I ll do 80 mins or so, He Will do 90 mins, I Will take that easy to recover from yesterday`s workout.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

Easy run

I ran with my brother in the Turia Park at 6:10 p.m., but its pretty dark already at that time. I planned 45 mins easy for today and thats what We did. We headed to the " Churchill" in around 16:40s, very slow, but I started the run full because I ate pizza for lunch and some entrances. I could feel it in the run despite not feeling full before the run.

Anyway, We completed the 45 mins at an easy effort. My brother finished ahead of me, I was just trying to recover since I felt somewhat sore and I have a 6k Tempo run prepared for tomorrow, so easy did it.

Weather was 17 Celsius and I left the windbreaker at home, yesterday I got very hot wearing it.

Have a great Friday!

Easy recovery run

Yesterday I ran with my brother and a friend (the same We ran on Sunday) at 7:20 p.m., The route was different so I dont know the exact distance I ran. Although I ran with them for the first km or so, after that I encouraged them to pull away, since They were gapping me a bit and I was very tired from Wednesday Intervals to try to keep up. I was just in recovery mode.

I just kept a very relaxed pace (6:40-6:30 per km) and completed the 50 mins. Felt good, but wore the windbreaker and I started to get pretty hot mid-run. Anyway, Good run and good recovery run. My brother and Jorge did 2k fast(brother in less than 10 mins, Jorge did around 11 mins).

Sometimes easy days are harder than hard days, its not easy to be disciplined to speed up or when all those people in the Turia park pass you and to avoid the urge to start "Racing" with them. I am trusting my training approach and I have been studing the sport for more than 15 years.

Today another easy run, propably faster due to I am more rested, but the effort Will be the same, easy!

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2018

Catching up : Easy run and Intervals

On Monday I ran with my brother at 6:50 p.m. the sky looked like there were 10 p.m. because it was already dark. Anyway, since it was just an easy run I did not have much problem with running in the dark.

We went to the Churchill, and came back in 16:35, I was surprised with how slow We were going, but it was just an easy run, so did not matter, then ran to the opposite side that I call "the mirador", turned around at 31 mins and I finished my run at 45:07. The run passed by quickly, I was talking with my brother about the NYC Marathon and time just passed by quickly. He did 60 mins.

At the beginning of the run the left shin was bothering, and I decided to rest on Tuesday since I have suffered from shin splints for several years and I could not put in a lot of weeks of workouts because of it, it hampered my improvement, even in my best running years.

On Wednesday I did my Interval session of the week. The plan was to do 1600m at Interval pace and 6 x 400m, with 800m recovery after the 1600m, and 200m recovery after the 400m. After the 1600m, I am always very tired and in the recovery my legs seem like jelly. Anyway, I need to justify the easy days being very easy, so I man up and do the best that I can.

I warmed up 15 mins previous the workout and included 4 acceleration strides. I wanted to improve on that 7:21 from last week, and I am sure the strides would help, because last week I started cold and the pace felt harder than it should, once I warmed up in the mile, the 800s felt way confortable and easier, so I decided to do strides for this one.

I only looked at the watch in the 200m in 53 secs, then decided not to look at the watch for the rest of the repeat and concéntrate on form, breathing . The 1600m came in 7:08, I was happy and surprised with that, 13 seconds faster than last week, at the same effort.

Recovered 800m, and in the recovery the legs felt like jelly, so I knew that the 400m repeats would be hard. Then did 6 x 400m, with 200m recovery in 1:38,1:44,1:43,1:37,1:41,1:36. On the second and third repeat, I was very tired and the legs were fried, luckily after the 3rd repeat my legs got smoother and felt better, so thats how I could salvage the " disaster" of the 2nd and 3rd repeat.

After the last repeat I walked 150m huffing and puffing, yes I had a Bethoven Synphony with my breathing, then Started the cool down to home, 16 mins total for cool down.

I am happy with the workout, especially the 1600m, but heck those intervals workouts hurt a lot. Those prepare you very well for races.

Another thing is that I did not wear the windbreaker today because the temps were in 19 Celsius, no need for Windbreaker.

This evening another easy run with my brother at 6:50 p.m., We well see how I feel!

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

Finishing up a solid week of training

On Friday I ran at 4:55 p.m., I had planned another easy run before my tempo run on Saturday. I just ran easy till the watch said 25:15, when I got back it read 49:51, then completed the 50 mins. The pace was 6:38-6:20 per km very relaxed. Weather was good. Wore my windbreaker, although you dont need it at all during the run.

On Saturday, I went out to the Turia Park at 4:50 p.m. and started my warm up for my 6k tempo run, warmed up 15 mins easy and was feeling good, although that morning I woke up with the legs a bit burned still from the Interval workout on Wednesday, it seems that that workout took a lot out of me. Anyway, when I was finishing my warm up, but brother passed me, I thought that He was not running on Saturday, but then let it go, because I would take 30 seconds walking/jogging before starting the tempo. The tempo started and I was feeling good, but I could feel the legs a bit tired, passed my brother in the 650m or so and He kept with me, He passed me in my 1st km and then kind of served as a pace maker, when We hit the 2.5k He turned around, because He did not remember that I was doing a 6k tempo, He thought that was 5k. Anyway, I was so focused at the task at hand that I did not say anything and continued going till the 3k, on the halfway point I was feeling good, but then started to feel more tired and I knew that it was not my day. In the 3.5k my brother was waiting for me to pace me to the finish of the Tempo. I was going at a good pace and feeling decent till the 4k, after that the Split slowed down despite keeping or pushing the effort. In the last km I was undisciplined and it was a race against the 30:46 that I did the previous week, I finished in 30:36, but felt much tired and pushed a lot in the last km to beat the time, not the goal in a tempo run, so I feel a bit guilty about that, but on the flip side that serve me well for races to finish fast. I could pass my brother with 200m to go , because I did the last 200m in 47 secs.

The splits were 5:09, 10:20 (5:11), 2.5k in 12:53, 3k in 15:30 (5:10), 20:35 (5:05), 25:46 (5:11) at that point I knew that I was not having a bad day since that Split is always as fast or faster than the previous Split, 30:36 (4:50), I really pushed in the last 400m and I think I decreased the average pace in the last 200m that were in 47 secs. When I finished I was huffing and puffing, not how I normally finished my tempos, that is what happen when you race the watch. Next time I Will glance at the watch in the early stages to see if I am on pace, but after that Will run by effort. Another reason that I felt so tired in the second half was probably the windbreaker, the weather was in 20 celcius and with that thing on, you probably have your body temperatura in 30+ degrees, anyway, I could complete the workout at a decent pace, happy for that. I had planned to do some 200m repeats after the workout, but I was tired enough and called it a day. 11 mins cool down to finish the day in 6 miles or so.

On Sunday, around 9 p.m. I was with my brother and another friend in the 2k mark of the Turia, We were to start the run there, I decided to run in the morning yesterday because yesterday was the NYC Marathon and I wanted to watch it, the maratón would finish at 6 p.m. and at that time its already dark this day, and I had planned to do 12k, so I decided to do it with the Boys.

Since I had the workout 15 hours ago, I planned for mínimum 1 hour and then see how I felt, luckily I felt great and completed 80 mins, but as We were going slow, I would say I did around 12.1k, so goal accomplished. We started at 7:31 the first km, slower than I would have liked, but then started to increase the pace to 7:10 the second km, and the third km in 6:58, I was feeling great at point, and the pace kept increasing, by the 7-8k We were running 6:10-6:20 per km, which is around my easy pace, so that pace felt right. Anyway, I was running by effort, but when I see 6:11 and the guys were a couple of seconds ahead I decided to hold back a bit, I did not want to turn this into a progression run having done my workout yesterday evening.

Felt very strong and the weather was at 8 degrees or so when We started so the windbreaker today was mandatory, my brother ran with short sleeves so kudos to him. By the end, the knees were hurting  a bit, because of the duration, I dont remember the last time I ran for so "long".

However, when I was watching the NYC maratón which by the way was a great competitive race in the last few miles. I was feeling satisfied because I had accomplished my run for the day. Maybe I should start running in the morning again, at least on Weekends.

6 runs for the week and 2 workouts and a longer run, solid week of training!

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2018

Catching up

On Tuesday I supposed to do an Interval workout, but I did not feel very good, my Little finger hurted a lot, so I decided to move my rest day form Wednesday to Tuesday, so that meant that my Interval workout I would have to do it on Wednesday. Thats how things played out.

It was a good decisión, because on Wednesday the finger was just fine and I felt pretty good and motivated, the cold is coming, so this time around I had to wear the windbreaker for the whole workout, it was around 13 degrees Celsius, but with a lot of cold headwind.

The plan for today was to run 1 x 1600m and 3 x 800m, if the first 1600m felt good, I would do 2 x 1600m and 1 x 800m, but I sticked to the former.

I warmed up 15 mins of easy running and started the workout, the 1600m were in 7:21, right where I wanted to be, but I felt that I was struggling after the km, also I think that I should have warmed up with some strides, because I was huffing and puffing and also it has something to do with the cold. After the 1600m, I jogged for 800m and started my 3 x 800m with 400m jog rest in between.

The 800s repeats were the opposite of the 1600m, I felt like jogging and when I saw the first 200m in 52 secs, I realized that I was warmed up, I had to hold back a bit on that one, so that I could complete the workout, 1st 800m in 3:28, not bad.

2nd 800s felt pretty much easy, but the last 200-300m the breathing was high at that point, that came in 3:33. In the last one, I was willing to push in the last 200-300s, and that is what I did, despite I was huffing and puffing I increased my effort on top of that to simulate the later stages of a race,of course I never lose my form and I could finish the last repeat in 3:20. With that Split I think I can improve the 4:07 in 1km  test that We did around 1 month ago.

After the last 800s I did 1 x 200m fast but without losing the form, came out in 42.47 secs. The last time I ran that fast in 200m was 9 years ago maybe.

I am sure the weather helped a ton, except for the first repeat that I was struggling to maintain a pace that was way slower tan the 800s, another thing is that when are you doing a mix of distances in a workout, once you go from the long repeats to the short repeats, the short repeats felt way easier and way shorter, that was another reason, at least mentally, but in the 800s the stride were smoother and I could run more relaxed. However, I lack endurance and 1600m is not the same as 800m, you dont manage the energy the same way.

I did 20 mins cool down, these days I am not cooling down that much, but I cooled down from the Turia park to my brother`s job and it took me 20 mins, so I was very pumped up with my workout, nothing close to my previous self from 10 years ago, but absolutely hiting the right direction.

Yesterday it was a public holiday here and I ran at 4:55 p.m with my brother, He had run for 15 mins already so He ran with me the planned 45 mins that I had for yesterday. I was tired from Wednesay`s worokout so the pace was slow and the effort very easy, I was running around 6:40-6:30 mins per km, jsut getting in the miles.

Stopped the watch in 45:02. Weather was around 19 Celsius, but I wore my windbreaker, since when its getting dard temps tend to decrease a lot.

Today Will be another easy run, see you in a few hours!