Tuesday - December 8th - Tempo at 4 p.m. with my brother, that day was holidays in Valencia. Warmed up 15 mins + 5 easy 50m strides. Then did 5k in 24:33. Brother defeated me, he did 24:20, but pretty much went ahead within the first 100m and I could not match the bridge. First km was in 4:43, too fast compared to past week, halfway was in 12:13 ( did not look, but pressed the split). Felt a bit tired, and I really wanted to improve the 24:16 of the previous week. 15 mins cool down to home to complete 6 miles total.
Wednesday 09th - After work, did 8 laps in the blasco park ,but starting from my home. Did 49:36.
Thursday 10th - After work, did the same as the day prior,but included some strides easy and controlled, did 48:32.
Friday - off
Saturday11th - At 11 a.m. did the new route that I have been doing, doing 1 lap to my brother`s route and did 51:08.
Sunday 12th - At 4 p.m. Did 35 mins within the new route and then went to the turia park and finished my run 75 mins. This run was a good pace, it was a 5:30-5:40 average pace per km. Really pushed in the last 300-400m.
5 runs for the week, decent week of training.
Monday - off - went to a birthday and ate delicious food.
Tuesday - Did 8 laps in the park starting from my home. Did 5 easy strides from laps 6 to 8. This run was done after work. But heck running after work when you have a ton of work its not motivating, you pretty much have to rush from work because you have to run and its already dark.
Wednesday - off again. No motitavation and I was pretty hungry.
Thursday - After work. Did 32:31, did 5 laps in the blasco park starting from home. I had to cut it short, because I was going to a chinese all you can eat.
I have not run since that day, really no motivation. I have been very busy and if I did not run in the morning, I pretty much lose the run. Given that there are no races in the near future ( I could not care less about virtual races), my training has no meaning, especially with the glute and leg problem that i have been experimenting. Anyway, tomorrow is a new week and I do better start moving my butt again, because I am eating like a pig and I will pretty much get back to 200 pounds, if I keep up with this eating. Eating is something that I do pretty well, as opposed to running, lol. In all seriousness, I should start training again, so that when races come, I am ready to start racing.
2 runs for the week. No pretty!
I hope that your running is going well!