Sali hacia el mirador a hacer 10k suave, without pushing ( not even in the comeback), started the watch and never looked at my wrist till the run was over. Final time for the 10k was 54:00. Wow, it was my normal easy pace and i didnot push the pace en ningun sitio, de hecho yo juraba que tenia como 56-58 mins cuando pare el reloj. Me senti algo cansado al final, pero es natural ya que tenia VARIOS meses sin correr esta distancia, creo que desde Abril no corria 10k y en este anio no he hecho un run de mas de 10k, so my aerobic endurance is poor, well, it is not if i am hitting my normal easy pace( even faster) as before without really pushing. However, that bad record of not going over 10k or doing few 10k runs is going to over, as i will be increasing my runs and my long runs. Need to get the ready for the races to come.
In regards to calfs, estaban bastante tights cuando sali a correr esta manana, a medida que calente se me disminuyendo, pero todo el run sentia toda esa carga ahi, pero es natural, estoy aumentando el kilometraje, y lo seguire aumentando. Way to go!!!
I am hungry of PR's once again. The effort of this run at the end was ver very low.
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