miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012
Easy predawn on my own + hill sprints
This morning woke very sleepy at 5:15 a.m. after going to bed after 12:30 a.m., that does not help, but my brother was doing a homework and the light of the room were on, so I stopped till He finished. After some self talking and convincing myself that the sleepyness feeling was going away when I started moving. It kind of worked that way, clothes on and out the door at 5:55 a.m.!! Took the route that I did last week, as the conservatory is closed I did 2 laps around the Maximo Gomez loop, then stopped around 3 min before home, where it is a big hill, there I did 5 x 12-14 seconds hill sprints, focusing on good form and turnover, then did the rest 3 mins easy to finish the run in 47:36. Dont know the exact distance since I dont have a garmin, but I felt really good and fresh! the sprint felt good too!!
Its incredible how one can transition of being a sleepy zombie, to feeling pretty good and strong in about 2- 5 mins! Have a great Humpday!
martes, 30 de octubre de 2012
Mirador predawn run
Sunday and Monday off. Went to bed pretty late both days! No excuses! I know, I am a pussy!
This morning I decided to leave the lazyness behind and see if I can run decent on a 5k race on December 24th. Woke up at 5:15 a.m. and was out with my brother to the mirador to do our usually lately 8k(He often do more), I felt good today, legs felt very fresh, but I know this is due to the short mileage that I have been putting lately. Finished the 8k run in 45:53 and felt pretty good!! Have a great Tuesday!
sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012
Back on the wagon
After 2 days off, related to sickness, that cold turned into flu and for experience, I dont do well when I run in these conditions.
This morning I was up before 6 a.m., but waited till 6:45 a.m. to go out with my bro,thought that I was going to feel normal, but I did not. Felt good for the first 2-3k, but when I tried to increase the pace when Danilo was doing his tempo run, the legs did not have anything, I was running out of gas and looked like a novice, no biggies, I know that is because the flu. Ran around 8.8k to the mirador in a time of 51:09, the last few kms were pretty slow, did not have nothing in the tank. I am glad to be back. Everytime that I want to get back to me 6 runs per week routine, something come up. A t least lately is not lazyness related. I am getting used to waking up early. Have a great Saturday!
miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012
Predawn run by myself
This morning I woke up at 4:05 a.m. , then started moving in my bed to sleep till 5:15 a.m. my alarm waking time, could not sleep more, got up at 4:45 a.m. and then started watching TV with the running clothes on. I started my predawn run at 6 a.m., did not feel like enountering dogs going to the mirador, so I decided to go to the conservatory, but I imagined that it was closed, when I got to the conservatory it was close and I had my back up plan anyway, did the same as Saturday, 2 big laps around the Maximo Gomez to get home in 43:02(22:22,20:40), then ran more to complete the 50 mins. I felt great this morning, my legs felt fresh and since it was raining the weather was great also. I am catching some kind of cold, I thought that I was going to wake up with sore throat today, but it seems that its a little congestion, my brother tried to convince to get back to sleep given that the light rain would get me worse, but I did not pay attention and went out, hope that this cold dont get worse and I can feel as strong as today! Have a great humday!!
martes, 23 de octubre de 2012
Easy predawn run with my brother
Sunday and Monday rest, not related to lazyness, but to lack of water to shower, that is my country!
Luckily the water came back Yesterday afternoon, and this morning I was up at 5:15 a.m. to oficially start my training for the 5k on december. This morning went out with my brother to the mirador at 5:45 a.m. , and We did 8k easy, reached the guacara (4k from home) and back. Ran without a watch, but He took the time , and I did 46:22, finished a bit ahead of him. Great weather, the road was a bit wet, since it was raining before aparently. I felt great and strong!! Bring on the training!! Have a great day!
sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012
Great predawn/brother run
It seems that I forgot yesterdays entry(19/10/2012)
Have been resting for the past couple of days due to a tight left calf.
This morning was up at 5:15 a.m. and Went out with my brother to the mirador at 5:41 a.m., We did 8k (4k out and 4k back), the first couple of kms were ridiculous slow due to a couple of dogs encounters besides the stiffness you feel in the first 100-200 meter of the predawn run. I felt really good today and threw a couple of agressive surges in the mirador, to get rid of some other runners, maybe I need to run a race so that I can threw out of this competitive juice,those surges were no problem at all to my brother Dan G. since He is in much better shape than me, 8k in 45:27, the weather was great. The calf bothered me a bit at first, but it kind of dissaperead, no more rest because of it. Have a great Friday! ran without a watch but Dan took the time.
Dawn change of route
This morning slept in till 7:10 a.m. was out the door at 7:30 a.m. to the conservatory by myself, very cloudy, only to see that the conservatory was closed. That meant to improvise the route, I did the Maximo gome lap til the conservatory, twice, then back home in 43:20, then I continued to complete the 50 mins. Starte pouring after 31 mins, but it was great, I felt great and the effort felt very easy all the way. When I started the calf was bothering, but I dont care, it seems that the rested did not help, however, its not bad, I CAN run through it! silly I know, but I want to start training very hard again, an flirt with my PR's. The left leg felt burned out too, it seems that the surges that I did yesterday catched up today. Have a great Saturday!
martes, 16 de octubre de 2012
Tired morning run
Yesterday was off.
This morning slept in a bit, since I am on vacation, big mistake, woke up just before 7 a.m. and went out running at 8:25 a.m. to the conservatory, in the first step my left calf was very tight, I thought that the strides were going to lossen it up,but it did not. I was dragging for the first half of the run, very unconfortable, although I looked confortable, I was feeling tired , and the traffic to get to the conservatory did not help either, thats what I said that was a big mistake to go out that "late". The predawn is always quiet and you have the streets for yourself, anyway! tomorrow I ll be back to the predawn routine, way cooler and better at that time! After second half today which I crossed in 25:15 or so, I started to feel better for a lap or 2 but then started to feel tired again. I ran much faster in the second half since I finished the run in 48:17 for the 8.5k. I have to admit that in the late morning I am faster, but I d rather to sacrifice a few seconds per mile and really enjoy the run than to really shuffle and be unconfortable. Anyway, its in the books and I am happy that I battled though it!! Have a great day!
domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012
Feeling stronger
This morning slept in a bit and woke up at 7:00 a.m., went out with my girlfriend, brother and friends and went to bed at 1 a.m., so not much sleep, but I felt kind of rested when I woke up at 7 a.m.
Went out to the conservatory alone at 8:00 a.m. to do my bread and butter route of 8.52k, so 6 laps to the conservatory and back home. Today opted to leave the watch at home, Went out to the conservatory threw 4 x 100s strides. Want to incorporate strides very often to improve form and footspeed, plus it really loose you a lot! Felt really good but I am dissapointed that I only ran 4 times this week, I ll have to go back to 6 runs per week, and now will be easier since I am off from work for the next 24 days. Have a great Sunday!
sábado, 13 de octubre de 2012
Great predawn run
Yesterday I even got dresses to go run in the predawn, but the stomach was feeling very happy and I have had bad experiences due to GI problems,so I aborted the run and went back to bed, day off.
This morning I was up at 5:15 a.m. so went out with my father and brother to the mirador, my brother was only 20 mins as I think he is doing a 5k this afternoon. My father and I ran together for 2 kms, he has been injured so pretty out of shape, so I built a gap on him and never looked back, the first 3k were ridiculous slow 19:02. the next one came in 5:46 ( half in 24:48), next in 5:41, it seems that I warmed up by that point, the last 3k were in 15:50, in the last km I included 4 x 20 secs strides/with 60 mins jog rest. Felt great in the second half , negative split by like 3:15. to finish in 46:19, the 8k. Felt great and fresh, but that is because I am not doing a lot of kms, I would like to feel like that doing a fair amount of kms/miles. Today I start my vacations from work, so 24 days work free, but need to get my college monographic done,Have a great day!!
jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012
Yesterday was off due to my eternal lazyness.
This morning I wanted to keep battling to become a predawn runner again, and I won, I woke up at 5:15 a.m., lasted more than I wanted before going out, went out with my brother to the mirador and We did 8k there, started the run very easy but increased the pace every km, till I threw a sprint in the last 100s to beat my brother, of course He was running easy and I was the one that I was struggling, felt good though and very strong throughout, but I have to admit that the pace in the last 3 kms was not that easy for me. The weather was ok!! I ran without the watch but my bro took the time, 44:36 for 8.5k. Have a great Thursday!
martes, 9 de octubre de 2012
Fresh predawn
Yesterday was a day off. I wanted to run but when I woke up it was raining and thundering and the calf was not very happy so took the day off.
This morning woke up at 5:15 a.m. and was very sleepy, defeated that feeling ,: outta bed, clothes on, out the door, without thinking too much. I went out to the conservatory at 5:50 a.m., alone, from the first step I was fresh and rested, when I climbed that hill and was feeling even stronger, I knew that it was going to be a great day, I felt effortless today and pushed in the second half of the run, so 6 laps to the conservatory and back home, the last 500s I pushed the pace and finished the run in 49:09. I thought that I was going a lot faster, but boy!! I felt great and the legs felt strong, it seems that this consistency is giving my fitness back, a lot of work to do yet!! Have a great day!
domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012
Sunday morning to the conservatory with brother
This morning sleep in a bit, and at 7:45 a.m. headed out to the conservatory with my brother at a very easy pace, We did 3 laps together with good conversation, then met a dominican artist for 2 laps and We slowed down for 2 laps a lot but no biggies its just an easy run, then sped up a bit and finished the 6 laps, then came back home to finish the 8.52k in 52:41, great morning for a run!! my brother did 2 more kms. Tomorrow I am supposed to rest but I am not tired, so I ll just run predawn! Have a great Sunday!! I am getting more consistent which is good!
sábado, 6 de octubre de 2012
Predawn with my brother to the mirador
This morning I got up later than planned, 5:49 a.m. , went out at 6:15 a.m. to the mirador with my brother to the mirador, I ran without a watch and only ran with him till 3k, since He was doing something faster, I felt better as the run went by and fniished feeling hungry for more, but since I started later than planned was pressed a bit by time. The weather was great!! Have a great Saturday!
viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012
Predawn to the conservatory alone
Yesterday skipped the run, woke up later than planned and I thought that I had to go out at 7:00 a.m. with my girlfriend, but that did not happen and that sabotaged my run, oh well, 5 runs per week is not that bad, by now!
This morning I was up at 5:15 a.m. stayed in bed till 5:50 a.m. then headed out with my bro at 6:10 a.m., We took different routes though, He went to the mirador and I went to the conservatory to do my 6 laps, I went out without a watch today, and just ran easy for 6 laps , I thought that I was running 10 mins miles, I felt liberated and relaxed, just wanted to get the miles in, in the final 300s I saw my brother Dan G. and told him to take my time, finished the 8.5k in 49:17, faster than I normally do at that hour, it seems that going relaxed makes u run faster, I was kind of surprised with the time, but its just an easy run and the run its in the books, Have a great Friday!
miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012
All alone predawn to the conservatory
This morning I was up at 5:15 a.m. very very sleepy, almost skipped the run, but then forced to get up and did not give up!! Went out alone to the conservatory at 5:45 a.m. , did 6 laps there , in the 6th lap threw 4 x 100s strides and the legs felt fresh and smooth on these, each lap I think was faster than the last. All in all a good run, but thought that I was going faster, no biggies, its just an easy run, and its in the books. Great morning for running!Happy humpday everyone!
martes, 2 de octubre de 2012
My brother and me to the mirador
Yesterday morning woke up to run but inmediately started raining pretty hard, I went back to bed. I rest most Mondays anyway!
This morning was up at 5:15 a.m. very sleepy but I woke up and went out with my brother to the mirador, We did 9k easy, in the last 4k he took off and built a gap on me , which I didnot close for the rest of the run. I finished the 9k in 51:39 and my brother in 51:12. Felt better when I sped up! Nice morning for a run and its in the books!! Have a great Tuesday!
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