domingo, 14 de abril de 2013

Dawn to the conservatory

This morning when I woke up at 5:45 a.m. it was raining hard, so I slept in 1 more hour, headed out at 7:40 a.m. to the conservatory by myself, I wanted to do a tempo run today, but from the get go I felt flat and was huffing and puffing from the very beginning, and the legs were burned out. I said that it should be interesting to finish the run that way, I ran through that for 3 laps, then Danilo met me there and I asked to run with me for my 3 remaining laps, things got better after that, I was still tired, finished the run feeling better but flat and the pace was easy the whole way. 8.5k run completed in 50:41, and 5 runs for 3 weeks in a row. A lot of work to do, but I am heading the right direction I guess!! need to add some quality to be race ready! Have a great Sunday!

2 comentarios:

  1. Great job being consistent. That alone will result in way more speed than you can even imagine. Keep up the good work!
