viernes, 14 de junio de 2013

Dawn tempo run :5k

This morning was up at 5:15 a.m. after going to bed at 1 a.m. watching ¨man of steel¨ the movie, but I am so focused in my training that waking up today was not a big problem, would have liked a bit more sleep though. At 5:45 a.m. I warmed up to the conservatory 3k untimed to the mirador, stretched a bit and the 5k tempo started, splits were 4:43,4:47,half in 11:52, 3rd km in 4:46, the last 2k just was feeling good and did 4:42 for the last 2k finishing the 5k in 23:40. Felt pretty good eventhough in the warm up did not feel pretty good, that pace did not feel that hard and I felt pretty good in the second half. Happy with the time but effort is the most important thing so I think I accomplish the goal today. 3k cool down to home to do 11k total. Have a great day!

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