jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

True recovery run

To be honest today I did not plan a morning run, but my father and myself were force to get out the door after 8:30 a.m. because I received a message of a friend telling me that her brother died in an accident yesterday, that was a very bad message. With all honestly after that message, running did not cross my mind one bit, and then after a while of processing the message, my father invited me to run because in the afternoon evening We would not get a chance to do so!! I accepted, but today`s run was pretty much to be greatful for life and to pray a bit for Argenis.

I hope that He is doing fine wherever He is right now, my big condolences to the family!!

As for the run, I just left the watch at home and ran easy to the conservatory, 5 laps and back  for a total of 7.5k. Felt a bit tired but good.

7.5k total watchless!

Have a great day and enjoy every day to its fullest!!

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