viernes, 22 de julio de 2016

Thursday late night progressive tempo

Yesterday it was another 9:05 p.m. run, its good to find out a new time for running, you have to explore new ways to get your running in, and even more when you are leaving work way too late.

Yesterday I had planned to run somewhat fast, because I was going to rest today (Friday) again, that is the schedule that is working for me the last few weeks, and taking advantage of the weekends.

So I headed out without having eaten dinner and that worked well, not side stitch today. I ran easy till the conservatory, then I said to myself that I wanted to do all laps sub 6 mins, not that hard, but a little faster than my normal easy pace and if I felt good I would increase pace.

I felt good and the splits were like this 6:03,5:52,5:44,5:23,5:10, then got off the conservatory and did the last 1.2k in 6:11, did not sprint, but finished at a strong pace. Did 7.5k total in 42:54. That was a good progressive run and I finished feeling strong and not huffing and puffing like most tempo runs. Either I am getting better or I felt better at the end because I eased into it . Either way, I am happy with this run, given the late start and the fact that I have been very stressed by work.

The running helps and when something is important to you, you will find a way!

Heat was strong also, I was sweating very much!

What is your excuse??

Have a great Friday!

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