martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

More Catching up

Thursday - Easy run in the conservatory, 7.5k in 46:22. Felt good, but kept the effort easy. This time I ran alone.

Friday - Rest.

Saturday - unplanned rest, left the run for the evening and life got in the way and I could not run.

Sunday -  I ran in the morning with my father at 7:30 a.m., and We ran into a light down pour and the weather was good also. Total time for 7.5k in 48:25, felt good and easy today. 4 runs that week! I wanted to do 5 runs, but as I said on Saturday life got in the way.

Monday  -  I had planned to do 3 x 1000m in the conservatory with paused rest in between, I warmed up 2.2k easy (1 lap in the park) and then I started the 1 lap repeats, splits were 4:22,4:25,4:22, I got tired a lot and I thought that it was going to be easy with the 3 mins walking in between repeats, I think that way is harder, ouch, that owrkouts really hard and I had a sinphony with my breathing. At least the splits were consistent, after the workout I did around 2 more miles at an easy pace, feeling good by the last couple of laps.

Today I did not run, because I think I am getting the flu, I am caughing a bit, We will see how I wake up tomorrow. Tomorrow if I run, it will be an easy run before doing 400s repeats on Thursday. So yeah! I think its time to throw some intervals, my anaerobic conditiong is very bad, I was breathing very hard at 4:20 /km pace. nad that was almost my 10k pace years ago. A lot of work to do! Total distance was 7.5k in yesterday`s run.

Have a great night!

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