viernes, 25 de enero de 2019

Back to tempo runs, 5k: 24:56

On Wednesday I took the day off.

Yesterday I ha planned my first tempo run back, I did not come back to structured workouts doing intervals, because I wanted to just ease into it, and nothing better to ease back into it than a 5k tempo run. The plan was to do it with my brother and We planned to meet at 7:15 p.m. at the starting point of the tempo in The Turia Park, so that means that at 7:15 p.m. We both had to be warmed up, so I planned that perfectly, I warmed up 15 mins which is my regular warm up for workouts and after the 10 mins did 4 - 5 x 60m or so strides to loosen up the legs, when I got to the starting point, my brother was not anywhere to be seen, I waited for him 10 mins, jogging very slowly (almost walking), I was just ready to go, I gave him 10 more mins after the set hout.

I started the tempo and when I had run around 180m, my brother was coming and said to turn back so that We could start together, but I neglect, once I start there is no turning back, anyway, He then explained that He had some errands to do and He called me, but I had gone out already ( I never take my cellphone with me when I am running).

Back to the tempo, I crossed the 200m in 60 secs, 400m in 1:57, I had to turn on the light on my watch becuase it was very dark, in fact, I like to do my workouts at 4:50 p.m., where there is still clear and visible. 

I had some problems turning on the lights on my watch, sometimes I pressed the Split button and I thought that I stopped the watch, anyway, I crossed the 1st km in 4:58, which was faster than I wanted but felt really good. In the first half of the run there was a strong headwind, I realized that in the warming up, but that meant that in the second half (out and back route), the wind would be on my tale and thats how it played out.

2nd kilometer I was 10:10 so 5:12 for that km, no way I would run slower than that so sped up again, of course, maintaining a controlled effort and not red lining. Halfway came in 12:35, so that 500m came in 2:25.

The second half is always easier, because there is some downhills and you know you are close to finishing. 3k came in 15:04 or so, sometimes I turned the lights a bit later than crossing the mark, then I evaluated my effort and knew that I could run 25:10 without problems, and just stayed at that effort, in fact the initial goal was 25:30 for the first tempo back.

4th km came in 20:06, so 5:02 for that km. Then I decided to stay at that same effort to do 25:08 or so, but it seems that I sped up in the last km without even realizing it, I did not stretch out the stride in the last 200m or 100m, I just kept running at the same effort, but finished in 24:56, with a last km of 4:50.

I just kind of surprised with that one, I felt very good and although in the last 200m felt a bit tired, the pace never felt difficult to maintain, I just felt pretty good overall, and very pleased with the finishing time. My brother did 25:25, I would have lovee to do it with him as planned, but when I started I thought He would not attend as He is always very punctual, anyway, next week We can do another one together.

I did the second half way faster than the first one (12:35,12:21), I think it was the tailwind, or maybe I am in very good shape thanks to the training that I did last year from September to December. I thought that I would be out of shape, since you realice that you are out of shape, not on easy runs, but in workouts.

For cool down, I did around 16 mins easy to home. Did around 10k total for the day. Weather was cold, I wore my windbreaker and the wind was cold as well, it was around 10 degrees Celsius, but with the wind it felt cooler.

I just felt awesome and it seems that the 1 month basically off, did not affect me in the least, because I lost weight in that month and also while I working, the job was veyr physically demanding, and you basically stayed on your feet for hours on security boots and on top of that some days you did hard strength training, lifting packages, so thinking it better it was a month off basically from running, but not from working out. 

This is the first time in my life that after a break, I feel as good an as confident as prevbious to the break. This tempo Will be my starting point and from now on, no tempo of 5k should over 25:05, preferable sub 25 mins. Of course, that is a effort game, not pushing pace to get X splits, but according to how I felt yesterday, sub 25 mins should feel managable, and I ll get back to Interval workout next week. 

Today I ll run an easy run to recover from yesterday effort and tomorrow another longer effort in the port.

The satisfaction you get from workouts its hard to describe, I encourage all of you that only run easy, that do a variety of workouts (Intervals, tempos, long runs), of course if you are not used to it start slowly and gradually, but running Will be much fun that way and you Will progress faster.

Have a great Friday!

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