domingo, 9 de febrero de 2020

6k tempo run

Yesterday at 09:30 a.m. I did tempo run. As I said earlier in the week I wanted to run sub 29 mins for the 6k, of course I was not going to forcé it, but I would look at my watch at every kms, so if I am close I would accelerate to break that time. But in general I was not going to forcé anything. Luckily I did not have to forcé anything since I ran 28:35 feeling much better than last week and I was very happy about it.

I warmed up 15:30 to the Turia park. Today it was cold, around 10 degrees, so I wore my windbreaker, as opposed to last week that it was very hot and even finished with dry mouths, but the only thing with the cold is that it takes you longer to warm up.

I did Dynamic stretching before starting out and I think that helped me because lately I have been experiencing tigtness in my abductors during my tempos runs, so I did a Little bit of leg swings and I think that worked very well.

I started the first km in 4:47, I wanted something faster but I was feeling pretty Good, second km came in 4:47 again and I knew that I would have a Good day, when my second km is the same or faster than the first one I know that I am going to have a Good day, whereas, if its slower I know that its not going to be a Good day. Third km came in 4:50 and cross halfway in 14:25, so I knew that if I hold that pace I would run sub 29 mins, I was feeling Good, but once I turned around, I started to feel better and better and started running faster, 4th km came in 4:44 for 19:10, I was feeling solid an that increased my confidence, because on last tempo runs with 2k to I wanted to just finish / or quit, but this time around I felt solid and strong, 5th came in 4:41 and crossed the 5k in 23:51, much better than my last 5k tempo that was 23:54, I tried to hammer the last km a bit, but I just could stay at the same pace, did the last km in 4:44 to finish my 6k in 28:35, so did 16 seconds negative Split and finished very strong. I was very happy when I finished since I feel that my fitness is coming back. Happy to keep heading the right direction, however, I just want to do again the 27:16 that I did on September 30th, I am 75 seconds slower but heading the right direction. Anyways, when I ran my 46 mins 10k on May, my best 6k tempo was 29:09 and then started to do 8k tempos where the last 6k I would do them in 28:50s or something like that, so doing your tempo faster is not necessarily better. But when you are running faster and feeling better thats a very Good indication that you are improving.

After my tempo, walked for a couple of mins and then did 15 mins cool down to home to finish up a 10-10.5k total for the day.

Today ( in about 1.5 hours ) I Will head out to do my 90 mins run. I Will run the last 6k at maratón effort just as last week, but I wont try to beat last week`s time since this workout is secondary, my priorities are my intervals and my Saturday`s tempos, anything else is just for extra stimulus. However, if I can run the same pace as last week that would be great.

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