Monday - Planned day off
Tuesday - up at 5:35a a.m., out at 06:05 a.m. with my brother Blasco Ibañez route, or as I call it the Maximo Gomez route -, I wanted to do 6 strides, but only could do 4 strides, because I experience some stomach problems. Did the 8.3k in 50:04.
Wednesday - up at 5:30 a.m., out at 06:00a.m. and I did with my brother an interval workout. He would do 5 x 1000m, and I did 4 x 1000m, I dont want to peak too soon as there are no race in the horizon. I did not run good today, splits were slower than I expected and the effort was farly high. My splits were: 4:27, 4:23, 4:16, 4:17. Very tired. Warm up was 15 mins incorporating 5 x 50m strides and cool down the same to home. Around 10k for the day.
Thursday - Up at 5:35 a.m. and out at 6:05 a.m. the same thing as Tuesday without the strides with my brother. Did 51:13. I think I did that exact time last Thursday. Felt good.
Friday - Planned day off.
Saturday 06/03 - Up at 06:10 a.m. and out at 07:10 a..m with my brother to the port. I did the warm up at my normal easy pace, and when I finished my 17 mins of easy running, did 6 x 15 secs strides with 45 secs recovery still. Then did our 6k tempo run in the port. The idea was to run faster than 2 weeks ago 29:39, I started feeling a bit heavy, but about the 700m mark started feeling bettter and took the lead, and stayed that way until the end. Just looked at the watch at the 1st km mark, which was 4:50. I thought that I would do 29 or 28 high for the 6k, but when I finished, I did 29:24, halfway in 29:42.84. So 1 sec negative split. I felt good, but it was not easy. My brother was sit behind the whole run, in 29:35.I finished strong, but it was not easy or confortable. Then did 17mins cool down to home. Around 11.8k for the day, something like that. Happy to have run 15 secs faster than last tempo, but a lot of work to do yet.
Today We did 2 hours, I had since 2005 that I did not run 2 hours, but its time to surpass our mental limits. I am happy that I could accomplish the goal and run 2 hours. The last 10 mins were hard mentally, but phisically I was strong the whole way. Today it was a rainy day and it was slippery at times. We headed to the Patacona ( they opened it since it was close for the past weeks, basically, hindering 1 mile or so of the total run), then we headed to the other extreme of the run as usual and then headed to home, but near my home I had to run around 2-3 mins to complete the 2 hours. We averaged around 5:58 /km and we did 20.1 kms or something like that. I am breaking barriers as I have said I have not done that since 2005. Very happy, but have to adap. I want to eventually run 3 hours. That would be crazy for me and I guess it would bring positive results to our fitness. The company of my brother makes it easier, since you have someone to talk to and when you talk time flies by. I am not so sure the time would fly running alone. Weather was rainy and road slìppery, but we got it done.
58 kms for the week on 5 runs this week. I am feeling great and love the consistency and the progression in long runs.
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