As I said yesterday, I am off from work until December, so at 4 p.m. very cloudy, windy, almost raining, the forecast showed 80+ % of rain, I did not want the rain affected the run, luckily it did not rain. Today I just ran easy to recover. Felt better than expected. Thought that I would struggle, but I felt pretty good and although sore, felt somewhat fresh. Kept the effort easy. Went to the blasco park from my home and did 8 laps in 46:33, very confortable. Last couple of laps were in 5:30 per lap. It only shows that easy runs does not have to do at all with your real fitness. I am feeling pretty good in easy runs and the pace is the same (or faster) as when I am in good shape, but in workouts and races I am light years back. Its time to get consistent again, the leg did not bother at the beginning given the cold, which was good, but it bothered me at times in the middle of the run. I could run through it.
7.5k total. Tomorrow I will get in a few strides.
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