Sali a las 7:05a.m. , Calente 3k hacia el mirador en 18:55, estreche y el workout empezo, 2 x 2 millas with 2 min rest, the splits were 13:57(6:56,7:00), 14:17(7:07,7:10).
Desde el warm up no me sentia muy bien, a bit tired, en la segunda milla de la primera repeticion se reflejo, in the second repeat i was kind of surprised when i crossed the mile in 7:07 and in the second half i surge for the final 300m to home and only managed 7:10, not my day definetly. cool down 3k to home, around 12.7k total.Wanted to do a second run today to boost my mileage over 75 kms but no podre porque tengo un compromiso. Nice week of training.
runs this week :6
kilometraje semanal: 68.8 kms
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