Today i went to bed(yesterday) at 10:45, que temprano para mi, and at 4:00a .m., estaba muy despierto, me quise volver a dormir pero mequede en la cama hasta las 5 hasta que decidi levantarme , me fui a las 5:25a.m., a hacer mi long run de 16 kms, the first 3k were slow in 18:04, the 11k in 63:11 and then i finished the 16k in 1:29:01(46:30,42:31), i ran slower than i thought , but the last half was way faster than the first half. Ran about 12k in the dark, felt pretty good, the weather was great. It was nice to see that sky with those stars. Priceless.
My long run is now in the bag :D.
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