domingo, 5 de junio de 2011

The come back "long run"

This morning I was up at 6.30a.m. and out at 7.10 a.m. this time I was alone since my father rest and my brother moved his run to the afternoon, the weather was cloudy and almost raining, I went out anyway. Today the plan was to run 11k and if I felt good I would do 13.5k, when I started running I felt so loose and smooth and I knew inmediately that I was running 13.5k, the leg bothered me a bit , bit its much better and I am happy with the way that I am feeling, I never looked at the watch but recorded some splits to see after the run, first 3k in 17:18, strange for a morning run, then the next 5k in 26:31, the 8k in 43:49, then the next 3k in 15:28, so 11k in 59:17, then went out to the conservatory and back in 12:25, so 13.5k in 71:43. Very good for my easy pace, I increased the pace as the run went on, and felt great at the end, felt very strong and my motivation is coming in a big way, hope the leg keeps improving. The weather helped a lot also. This is the fastest that I have gone for an easy run in a long time, but its because I am not doing hard workouts lately. This has been my longest run in over a month.

13.5k total, 71:43.

Runs this week: 5 runs, but one of them was a mini run , since it was only 3 kms. Took 2 days off for lack of motivation.

Kilometraje semanal: 42 kms, very low. The last month has been very low, but I see it more as a rest and recovery for my leg and my body. Next week I do have a race and I hope to runs ub 21:30, despite my low training the past month, However, I hope to start getting in my 40 or miles a week.

2 comentarios:

  1. So glad to hear things are returning to normal for you, Cesar! Keep up the great running -- you've got that sub-21:30!

  2. Thanks Doug!! My main goal for the race is to go out slower than last time and be stronger in the latter miles, a lot of people passed in my last 5k, no good thing to swallow!
