jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

easy run

Hoy corri por la tarde a las 4:10 p.m., me fui de mi casa al conservatorio en 7:41, i just wanted to recover from my yesterday workout, i took the splits to kill boredom, the first lap i had 14:09, then 6:04, 6:00, 5:56, 5:49,5:43. so 6 laps there then came to my home in 6:41 to finish with a total time of 50:41. I felt a bit tired but then the legs got loose as i warmed up.Me dieron varios calambres en la pierna izquierda, de hecho, cuando escribo esto todavia los tengo, ojala y eso no sea razon para preocuparse. The weather was pretty good, because was cloudy but i sewated a lot anyway. just easing things to saturday's 10k race.

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