miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

Catching up

The blog presented a problem so I could not blog, so I ll update since Friday.

Friday: This morning I woke up at 5:30 with the stomach giving me some problems, I went out to the conservatory and instead of doing 4 circuits, I did just 3, I almost skip the run so being out there enjoying it was a big plus for me, I am glad I did, the weather was just great and although I felt pretty heavy and fat, I could run one more time!! 7+kms watchless!! Have a great Night!

Saturday:This morning I headed out to the mirador with my father to the mirador, it was around 6:10 a.m. that I went out, We started at an easy pace and gradually increase pace throughout the run. I felt great the whole way and the faster pace did not bother me whatsoever, I outsprinted my father with 300s to go. We both run without watches, so We got lost in the moment and enjoyed the easy progression. Have a great day!! I ll do a longer run tomorrow! Effort running is great! 10k untimed.

SUNDAY:This morning was up at 6:20 a.m. and headed out with my father to the mirador. I wanted to do 11k and that was just what I did.I dropped my father within the first km, but I was running at an easy pace, increased the pace a bit as I warmed up, but the pace was always easy. Did 11k faster than He did 10k, He said He was sore and was running easy. The weather was good for the first half of the run but in the back half it was starting to warm up.Felt really strong today!!Had not run that distance or longer for 5 months, I need to ramp up that mileage!! But I am just enjoying what I am doing! 11k without a watch!! Have a great Sunday!

TuesdayYesterday took the day off.

This morning was up extremely early because I had to be early at work, so woke up at 5:10 a.m. and was out at 5:40 a.m. alone to the conservatory that has been opened in full force and I can do normal laps again, I did 6 laps in the conservatory without a watch and I felt better and better as the run went by, had stomach problems in the first 3-4 laps. I felt awesome at the end!! Have a great night!! 8.5k untimed.

Wednesday(Today):This morning was up at 5:10 a.m. had a meeting at 8 a.m., I m off from work,but the meeting had to do with it.Went out with my brother to the conservatory at 5:40 a.m. and I did 6 laps there, my brother did more, the pace was easy, but We pushed sometimes! Fun run! I felt better and stronger as the run went by!Finished feeling strong!! 8.5k watchless!

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

Hot morning run

Today I am off from work, so I slept in a bit and went out at 8:30 a.m. to the conservatory to do the untracked route ( same as yesterday). Today it was much warmer and no cool air at all, the enviroment was good but I felt somewhat tired with tired legs and breathing faster than I wanted eventhough the pace was easy for most of the run, I pushed a bit in the last 1.5k. The body told me to do so, so I had to obey:) Have a great day everyone! Bring on consistency!! untracked route without a watch.

martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

Predawn good run

Yesterday I was very sore so I opted for a rest day.

This morning woke up early at 5:10 a.m.and was out at 5:40 a.m. alone to the conservatory without a watch, did the untracked route, 4 times corner to corner while its closed. I felt really good, sluggish at the beginning ,but then was feeling better and better. Felt great at the end, the pace was kinda slow but I am recovery from the fast 10k I did on Saturday, I hope to be in much better shape in the next month or so, I wont track time though, I am enjoying so much to run by effort and without a watch.The weather was cool and good!! Hope you had a great day!

domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2013

Morning easy run

This morning I was sore from the fast 10k yesterday, so I wanted to do 10k easy today. I went out with my father at 7:00 a.m. to the mirador, I gapped my father in the first 2 kms, He was tired from yesterday´s 10k. I was running easy and kept the same pace for the rest of the run. Felt strong and good out there, just putting in the miles!!10k without a watch. The best thing is to listen to the body! Bring on Consistency!

sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2013

Fast morning run with my father 8( He won)

This morning my father wanted to do a 10k time trial and He carried his watch( he rarely carry it these days) to improve his 52 min 10k from last week, in which He did not run all out. Well I wanted to join him, but I am in pretty bad shape due to my inconsistency, but I am coming back to my 6 days a week running.

As the last 3 months I dont carry a watch, I told my father to not call out splits, I did not want to know. The pace at the beginning was fast, was fast for me so I stayed back and He started to gap me, I hoped him to fall back, but if not, then no biggies its all fun!the gap was around 30-40m , till the 4.5k mark, I finally could join him, but I was not running confortably, the breathing was somewhat labored and the inconsistency was starting to catch up to me , We crosssed the halfway together, but when We turned around He gapped me again for 10m , We kept that way till 7.2k, there I stopped to tie my shoes and to cheat( rest) a bit, was around 15 seconds though, then started running again I was feeling much better, the legs were heavy though! wel He finished  the 10k in 49:53, according to his watch I did 50:46, I was very surprised, I thought I was going to do 53-54 mins, so that was a good time, but since I am not monitoring it anymore in training, I just focused in my feels and let my mind wander a bit during the run. It was fun, but I did suffer a bit, I am not used to that pace anymore because of my inconsistency. I am starting to train consistently again, so I should feel better at a much faster paces later on, but who knows! I am just running how I feel on the day, when I want to push I push, when I dont feel good I run easy. Running should be a joy not a job, when you feel obligated to do something like in the army. Have a great Saturday!!

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Predawn run

Did not run yesterday, but Yesterday I thought about writing down my goals in my door and one of those goals is to run 6 times per week consistently to get in decent shape, and that started this morning. A lot of people can do it everyday so can I.

I woke up at 5:30 a.m.  and was out at 6 a.m. alone, Went out to the conservatory and did the untracked run, I dont know the time since I dont run with a watch. I felt really good and just let my mind wander this morning, most of the run was in the dark. Felt great when I was done. Running is great!! Tomorrow to the mirador!

miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013

First predawn run in a while with my brother

This morning I finally made it and headed out before 6 a.m.  with my brother to the conservatory, I did the untracked route that I have been doing when I head there,4 times corner to corner, Danilo took the time today and We did 52 mins, so I think its more than 8.5k, but dont know and I dont care. I run without a watch now and I feel good doing it.  It was good running with my bro and feeling the nice breeze in the early morning, but I had problems at work, was way too hungry and the day seem so long there, that is my only time though, it I dont do it in the morning, then the run is missed.

domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013

Coming back

The last run was on Monday, the inability to wake up early to run caused those several days without running.

This morning was up and out with my father to the mirador at 8:00 a.m. the temps were cloudy and there was a light pouring after 3k. We did 8k. With 2.1k or so to go I decided to speed up since I was feeling good, but ran hard for 1k, then had to ease up a bit , before hammering the last 300s again, I am in bad shape since I was breathing hard there, dont know the time since I dont wear a watch, but a lot of work has to be done, my father almost beat me, He is being much more consistent than myself at the moment, I want that to change. Have a great Sunday!!8k untimed to the mirador!

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

Hot morning run

This morning woke up at 7:30 a.m. since I am off from work, then headed out to the conservatory for my run, did the same route as last Wednesday, got the point when the conservatory is closed, then headed back to the other part that the conservatory is closed, did 4 times each side. Dont know the exact distance and as I dont run with a watch anymore , dont know the time either, it was a good run, but I felt tired and the calves are sore from the new shoes, the sun was strong and the heat was too. I battled it  and I won. Great run, maybe around 8-9k total, dont know! Have a great Monday!! Bring on consistency!

domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013

Good morning 10k

This morning I headed out with my father to the mirador at 7:20 a.m. , I ran 3k together, then He was climbing steps and I just kept going to the 5k mark ( from my house), turned back, then with 3.5k to go I met my father again We ran for a while but then He fell back, Those stairs are very steep and big!, my pace was easy since I was a bit sore in the calves and left hamstring, just enjoyed the feelings, scenary and the run itself, finished feeling pretty strong, in the end my father caught me, but He had to work too hard to do it, I did not accelerate at anypoint in this run, I just ran easy and confortable to complete the 10k. I felt stronger than I thought I would. Have a great Sunday!!

Runs this week: 4 runs, need to increase that!and I will!! Running is a gift and it gives you freedom!No better way to start the day, will have to remember that when I am fighting with the bed on the dark mornings before work!I think it will worth. I also want to run more races next year, just for fun, of course giving my best! but without pressure of time!I am enjoying the running a lot more that way and I think that I can run faster that way, if not, at least I would have enjoyed the running much more! in the end that is whats about!!

sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2013

Back again

No running since Wednesday, pure lazyness to wake up early.

This morning I forced myself to go out at 6:30 a.m. with my father to the mirador, We ran together till 2.5k to go, He pushed the pace everywhere and for me was not an easy feat, but not hard either, finally He gave in and I gapped by 1 min at the end, I dont know for sure because I dont wear a watch. We did 8k today. I am very surprised, after He decreased the excess weight He can keep up with me easy and I dont doubt that He could run sub 50 mins 10k right now, He improved a lot in the last month. I do better start training consistently again or He will kick my butt soon. I felt really good at the end, felt strong also, but He made push the pace more than I would have liked. 8k untimed.

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

Untracked morning run

Yesterday slept in so did not run, I have to avoid that.

Today I am off from work since they owed me a day from last week.  I slept in a bit, but went out to my run at 8:20 a.m. without a watch to the conservatory, the conservatory is being repaired so it has close parts, so I had to run how I could, well I run and run and run, dont know the exact time since I dont wear a watch anymore, and the distance could not be tracked since I was not doing a regular lap out there, I dont care too much, I just know that I got a good amount of running in and the most important thing right now is to get the consistency back. I think I did 50+ mins but dont know for sure. Good run, a bit hot there but glad that I could run!!

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013

Nice run

Today is a public holiday here so I was off from work, I woke later than planned, at 8 a.m. and went out running at 8:45 a.m., Was out to the mirador again because the conservatory is closed till December, so flat terrain til December unless I find another hilly route which I might do. Went out without a watch a bit faster than planned, and pushed even more over the first half, I was feelinga bit tired when I hit the halfway point 4.2k, then turned back and eased back somewhat, but then I pushed again and eased again and so on, its good to run free and according to how you feel in the moment, I finished feeling better but tired, did 8.4k total. Too hot there. I ran in my new kick today, the New balance minimus, Ill start using them since the old ones are done!! Have a great Monday folks!!

domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013

Good morning run

Did not run since Wednesday. I need to get back into things, and seeing my friend Christian High crushing yesterdays marathon, its a good example of inspiration to start training consistently again, He is one of the most consistent runner I have ever seen!! This morning headed out just before 8 a.m. to the mirador and did only 6k to do something, ran at an easy effort without a watch, felt good there!! I am watching the NYC marathon now! Have a great day!

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

Coming back once again

Well, again with 10 days with no running, to be honest this was more lazyness than lack of water, but both had to do with it. oh welL! I thought that today I would feel bad and out of shape and the plan was do only 5.5k to get back into the groove, but when I started running and the kms passed by I felt better and better and added 2 laps to the plan so ended up doing 5 laps there for a total of 7.5k feeling pretty good. I was surprised the way I felt today, I felt really good. 7.5k total without a watch!! the weather is cooling down!! Have a great night!

domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013

Good morning run alone

This morning was out alone at 7:30 a.m. or so, to the conservatory, did 6 laps at a progressive easy pace, the latter laps were faster than the first laps, felt better and better as the run went by. Did 8.5k without a watch, its great to run by effort. 4 days of running in a row, not bad at all for my consistency, I hope that I build a good base of consistency, I need to do a race soon to push things a bit. Have a great Sunday and happy running!!

sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013

Morning run with father

My day off from work was today, so I went out a bit late to be a Saturday. Went out with my father at 7:10 a.m. to the conservatory  and We did 6 laps at a good easy pace without a watch, We did those clockwise as opposed to I always run. The whole run was not with my father, because for the first 2+ laps We were running with another fellow runner and they pushed on the hills and they payed the price for that, first We dropped the guy( He had done 6 laps before), then around 300s after that I dropped my father since He pushed the next hills and I pushed it back and dropped him, never looked back, then I was running alone for the remaining of the laps in the conservatory, We met again, sinceHe did his last lap counterclockwise , then We headed home together, ok! I dropped him in the downhill and I finished first. Felt really good today and it does seem that I lasted 10 days without running, I am just feeling great while running, I hope that feeling continues. 8.5k without a watch.

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

Good morning run with my brother

This morning was up at 5.:30 a.m. and was out at 6 something with my brother to the conservatory, We did 5 laps easy, but from 2.5-3.5 laps I increased my pace by feel, I was huffing and puffing and Danilo caught me and built a gap, but it was so fun, finished feeling pretty good. So did 7.5k total without a watch.

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Coming back

This morning I was up at 5:30 a.m. to run, had 10 days without running, a combination of lack of water and low motivation contributed to this, but now I am back. I did 3 easy laps in the conservatory without a watch, and felt really good, did not feel the absence at all, I ll notice it tomorrow though!! Have a great night!!5.5k total untimed.

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

Not a very good run

This afternoon I headed out to my run at 4:20 p.m.,I am off from work so that is why I could get that in at that time, I had a lot of time without running that early in the afternoon. As soon as I headed out I felt unconfortable due to the strong heat, but the most annoying was the stomach, it did not behave on this run, I was going to do 8.5k, but after 4 laps in the conservatory, being the last lap very slowly to see if I could feel better, decided to cut it short. I did 6.5k total without a watch, just by feel. Never felt good and to be honest did not enjoy this run, that stomach did not behave. At least I got my run in and could get some miles in. The weather was pretty hot. 6.5k without a watch.

domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013

Changing up the route

Have not run for the past couple of days due to the lack of motivation of no having water supply. This morning I wanted to change the route and do something different, I had been repeating the route for a lot of the lately runs. Just before 7 a.m. I headed out with my father to the Montesinos statue in the malecon( next to the ocean) and back, I dont know the exact distance and I did not carry a watch either, it was just running and enjoying it without tracking time or distance, I think that the running is much more enjoyable that way and definetely by now I ll stick to it. Ran with my father and We were running at a good clip, He was ahead of me with 1 mile to go or so, then the uphill came , I passed him and finished ahead by 40 seconds or so. I felt good the whole, increased effort in the final mile uphill and finished pretty strong, running effortlessly till home. I love running that way!! I ll have to change the routes more often, doing that you feel the true freedom that running provides. Have a great Sunday!! I did around 8+ kms, dont know for sure!!

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

Good morning run

Yesterday skipped the run. This morning I headed out at 8:00 a.m. since I am off from work, did 6 laps in the conservatory and back for a total of 8.5k, yea the same route as the past few weeks! I need to change it up a bit. Ran without a watch as lately and felt pretty strong and good, nothing compared as when I got from work, I am just spent at that time of the day. Have a great day!! 8.5kw/o watch.

martes, 1 de octubre de 2013

Decent run after work

Yesterday took the day off. had the calves somewhat tight causing my shins to bother me a bit, so opted for a rest day. This morning slept in, but leave it the run till the afternoon. At 6:50 p.m. headed out with my brother to the conservatory and did 6 laps there, feeling good but low and tired from work, definetely prefer the early morning when my energy is at its top. Did 8.5 without a watch, the run went by quickly. Have a great night!!8.5k without watch!

domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

Good morning run

This morning I woke up at 7 something and headed out just before 8 a.m. by my own, but saw my father out there. Got to the conservatory and did 6 laps, 3 counterclockwise and 3 laps clockwise, In the last 3 laps sprinted the long uphill to test the system. Felt good overall and ran without a watch, much more funny that way, no pressure!!! 8.5k total without a watch.

sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2013

Easy morning run

This morning headed out to the conservatory at 6:30 a.m. this time alone, just cruised at an easy pace and did 6 laps in the conservatory, feeling better and better as run went by. At the end was soaking wet and finished feeling strong. 8.5k total without a watch.

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

Morning run with brother

Yesterday skipped the run. This morning was up at 5:30 a.m. and headed out at 6:20 a.m. with my brother to the conservatory, did 8.5k, 6 laps in the conservatorty without a watch,but as I ran with my brother He took , the time, I knew my time for the first time in a month, 47:09 for 8.5k. I felt good some times, but We would throw surges anywhere and that made the run not so easy, at the end I could stabilitate myself and was running with no problem. Happy to have run with my bro, I thought that He would gapped me right away, but He is not in that great shape !! Have a great night!

miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013

Early morning run

This morning was up at 5:30 a.m. after a long debate decided to head out to the conservatory, did 6 laps there feeling very strong and feeling pretty good, sped up at times to test the system. Did 8.5k total watchless. What a freedom is to run time free!! Have a great night!

martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013

Good morning run

Yesterday did not run, wanted to run in the afternoon but could not. Today is a public holiday here so I slept in till 7:00 a.m., and headed out just before 8 a.m. , headed out without a watch to the conservatory and did 3 laps counterclock wise and 3 laps clock wise to vary things a bit. Felt a bit tired and out of shape but I am happy that I have estabilished my minimum distance to 8.5k, need to increase that if I want to jump in a couple of races. in the last 1.5 laps I rised the effort to stimulate the system. Ran easy from the conservatory to home. 8.5k watchless. I really enjoy these runs. Have a great Tuesday!

domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013

Morning run with my father

Yesterday I did not run because lack of water. This morning I went out at 7 a.m. with my father to the conservatory without a watch and We did 6 laps together, I did not accelerate today except for the last 100s. I felt tired at points and good at times. I felt so so the whole way and very thirsty, but I am glad that I ran. 8.5k total without a watch.

viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2013

Coming back

Yesterday Wednesday and Thursday. Yesterday I planned my run to the afternoon, but life got in the way. Today I am off from work and headed out to the conservatory to do my bread and butter route and distance, 8.5k(6 laps in the conservatory). Ran without a watch as usual for the past month. When I started I felt pretty strong and good, but as soon as I started the conservatory felt like crap the rest of the way, I finished the run with my heart, not with the legs. The legs just wanted to stop and rest. Good mental workout! Have a great Friday! 8.5k without a watch.

miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2013

Catching up

Monday was off. Yesterday I could not post because of internet was not working. After work I was tired and hungry but I headed out to the conservatory anyway, felt tired throught the run, the first 4 laps were "blah", the last 2 laps I picked it up a bit and felt better. Did 6 laps without a watch for a total of 8.5k. The humidity was ridiculous, was soaking wet at the end. Today I could not run because slept in the morning and in the after I could not. Tomorrow I ll be back a it. Have a great night!

domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013

Great morning run with hill sprints

This morning I was up at 6:45 a.m. since I went to bed almost at 2:00 a.m. Headed out alone to the conservatory feeling pretty good and did 6 laps, each lap feeling better and better, when I was about 500s off home I decided to do 5 x 50m hill sprints in the UTESA hill, which is pretty steep, smooth on these, then ran easy to home to finish up my 8.5k. I ran without a watch and felt out there, dont have an idea of pace and I am enjoying it a lot, no limits!! In the last 2 weeks I have been consistent, Ran 5 times each week which is a decent frecuency for running, I ll train 6 times per week soon, as I want to run fast in the upcoming races. For now I am liking the freedom no watch offers!! Have a great Sunday!

sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2013

Progressive run with father

Yesteday I rested. This morning was up at 5:30 a.m. and was out with my father to the conservatory at 6:20 a.m. This time I decided to run in his direction and with him in the first half of the run, I was feeling tight and sloppy, but just before the half way point I threw a huge surged and never looked back, never saw my father again till We were here in the house when I finish stretching, the second half was at a good pace, sometimes I threw surges and sometimes I slowed down, just enjoyed the moment. Did 8.5k without a watch, and I am really enjoyed training by effort these days. Have a great rest of Saturday!

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

Morning run

This morning was up at 6:30 a.m., I am off from work so I opted for extra sleep. Headed out to the conservatory at 7:40 a.m. to do the same distance and route that I have done over the past several runs, need to change up a bit. Today I felt good, better as the run went by luckily. Ran without a watch, just by effort and felt really good, but not that good to do a tempo type run. I ll have to change up rythm soon anyway. Have a great day!! 8.5k without a watch.

miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013

Early morning run

This morning was up at 5:30 a.m. and was out to the conservatory at 6:15 a.m. without a watch, did 6 laps there 12 hours after my last run, thought that I was going to feel loose since I took it easy yesterday, but felt good the first 3 laps and the last 3 felt like crap and I struggled to finish the run, was glad to finish. The weather was good. 8.5k untimed slogging!! Hope you had a great day!

martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

Good night run

Yesterday was off. Wanted to rest the right ankle that has been bothering me at the very beginning of the last few runs. This morning slept in, but that meant that I had to go after work. Just before 7 p.m. I headed out to the conservatory without a watch and did 6 laps there, felt tired at the beginning, then things got better and I was running without much effort for most of the run, but felt spent from the long day at work, all in all a good run. An easy effort run. 8.5k total untimed. The weather was decent and the enviroment was great with those people dancing and walking. I like the consistency I am getting without the worry of specifics.

domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013

Good morning run

This morning headed out to the conservatory at 7:40 a.m. or so, without a watch and with my new balance minimus, testing the new kicks, felt good with these, but way too light. During the first 2 kms felt like crap, but then as usual felt better and better till feeling great and effortless, changed efforts at times to estimulate the system. Finished feeling pretty good. I am loving training by feel/without a watch. The weather was hot at the end.8.5k total untimed. Have a great Sunday!

sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2013

Easy morning run

This morning was up at 5:30 a.m. and went out at 6:20 a.m. with my father to the conservatory, I did 6 laps there, started feeling like crap again, but then felt pretty good when I loosened it up. I was runing at a good pace since each lap I gapped my father( we were running in the opposite direction though), in the end I lapped, no worries, its just a training run. I ran without a watch as lately. Total 8.5k untimed. Felt pretty good when I finished. Poured some during the run and the weather was decent! Have a great day!

viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

Easy relaxed morning

Yesterday I did not run. Today I woke up at 7:50 a.m., I am off from work, so decided to head later today, headed at 8:20 a.m. to the conservatory and did 6 laps there, the first couple of laps I felt like crap, but then felt better and better, the only problem was the heat and that I was thirsty at the end. I ran without a watch and did 8.5k total relaxed. I am enjoying a lot training by feel. its way more fun than worrying about specifics. Have a great day!

miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2013

Predawn run

This morning debated hard to sleep or go out running, finally thought that I would feel great when I was done. I went out at 5;55 a.m. with Danilo to the conservatory, and I did 6 laps there without a watch, in the last few laps I felt very tired and finished really tired, but I completed the 8.5k, which is the most important thing. Hope you had a great day!

martes, 3 de septiembre de 2013

Fartlek crazy run after work

Yesterday took the day off. This morning slept in but I headed out to the conservatory after work at 7:00 p.m., as lately I went out watchless. Everything started as a normal run, got dark pretty fast today, I was not sure about how many laps I was going to do, The first 2 laps were easy normal pace, then I caught 3 USA guys that were running ahead of me and at a good pace, one fell back and I joined the woman and another man with black shirt, then the black shirt man threw a surge and I did not respond, I was ahead of the woman, she seemed to slow down, then the red shirt man passed me to catch the other man, again my intention was no racing, then the woman passed too, but I did not let her to get ahead, I just increased effort, and passed the woman and the red shirt man, caught the black shirt man and ran with him for 300s, then in the big downhill He got ahead and built a gap, then in the next hill, I closed the gap and saw the woman coming close to me, I have to admit that I was tired, but I was in the game already so no giving in, in the next big hill, the woman passed me and I increased big effort dropped the woman and caught the man again, ran with him 100s then I sped up even more and more to drop him and never looked back, that burned my legs. I was very tired and I did 1 lap " easy" but the guys never appeared again, maybe they were doing a workout and I was the only stupid guy racing in training, or they were racing too, it was pretty funny and I got to run hard for a while. Did 5 laps total and headed home to do a total of 7.5k without a watch, dont want to know the time either, the only thing I know is that I enjoyed the run and raced a bit. Another thing that I noted when I joined these guys is that they checked their watch way too often!! The weather was good but I was soaking wet at the end so maybe was not that good!! Have a great night!!

domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2013

Decent run:10k

This morning was up at 6:30 a.m. and was out with my father at 7 something to the mirador, I was going to do 8k with him, but almost 4k in, I decided to add 2k with a friend since She joined us when We were about to turn back, that served me as more kms, from km 5-7 I increased effort to catch a couple of 37 mins 10k guys, but I was not successfull, anyway I got to increase my effor a bit and it felt good and tiring at the same time, then eased back again,for the last 3k, the last km was hard , I was thirsty. I am happy that with this inconsistency I could run the 10k, ran it by feel without a watch. I ll last several months training that way, I am enjoying it so far. Have a great Sunday!

sábado, 31 de agosto de 2013

Nice shortie

This morning was up late than planned, and headed out at 6.50 a.m. too late for a work day, only did 3 laps to the conservatory and back, saw my father a few times there, did 5.5k total without a watch. Started like crap, finished feeling pretty good. Have a great Saturday!

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013

Coming back

The water left me run today from Sunday. This morning was up at 5:30 a.m. and was out to the conservatory at 6:00 a.m. without a watch, did 3 laps there , and ran 1.5 with a fellow runner, when He joined me We sped up and I felt better when I sped up, was feeling like crap prior to that. In the last 200s increased effort a bit and finished the 5.5k run feeling good. Weather was fine. Those watchless runs are great!

domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013

Decent morning run

This morning was up just before 7 a.m. and was out with my father to the conservatory, I did 5 laps there without a watch, so did not take my time but kept tabs on effort, breathing, turnover. Felt pretty good today, its rare because when I last 5-7 days with no running I feel like crap the first day or 2, felt good both days, yesterday and today, today felt much better than yesterday. In the last 2 laps increased effort on the longest hill and in the last 500s I increased effort confortably hard, these runs are a lot of fun without a watch, maybe I ll stay that way permanently. 7.5k untimed. The heat was very strong and the water has not come yet, its a shame! Have a great Sunday

sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013

I am back

Did not run from Sunday because lack of water, today I just had to shower with drinking water, what a disaster, I was out with my father at 6:30 a.m and did 3 laps to the conservatory, so 5.5k total, untimed, finished hard the last 100s. I am loving trainig without a watch!! Have a great Saturday!

domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013

Hot morning run

This morning I woke up for the second time at 7:30 a.m. since I woke up at 4 a.m. not feeling sleepy, then sit for 30 mins and the sleepyness feeling came back so went back to sleep to 7:30 a.m. At 8 a.m. I headed out to the conservatory with a lot of heat, As usual lately I headed out without a watch and just did 8.5k( 6 laps in the conservatory) at a relaxed pace, when I was about to finish the 4th lap, Danilo appeared and We ran together till I had to get out of the conservatory. I felt good, but I was thirsty and the heat affected me, but the effort felt low and the pace good. I ll start training without a watch for a while and see what that freeing experience takes me, I trained that way in 2010 for months I was surprised with the results, the workouts were wild and kind of fartlek, very funny,today´s runners are too consumed by technology that they forget why they do this and the simplicity of it, no equipment needed aside from a pretty good shoes. Running today is a bussiness and tech is empowering of the running with all those garmins and tech equipments, way back people trained without a watch and the repeats they did was from landmarks to landmarks and telephone poles to telephones pole, so its good to remind why We run and think as running as a simple sport rather than a tech rat sport!! Have a great Sunday!

sábado, 17 de agosto de 2013

surges run

This morning was up at 5:30 a.m. and was out with my brother and father to the conservatory and did 5 laps , so 7.5k total, shortie run and felt guilty for that at the end, did not wear a watch as lately, and just ran throwing surges everywhere and anytime, but those surges did not affect my brother as he always came back. This was a fun run and I like to run in such a wild way!! Really enjoyed! 7.5k total@untimed!

viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013

Yesterday´s redemption: 10k

Today is a public holiday here, so woke up at 6:50 a.m. and wanted to do 10 kms to the mirador , I headed out with my father to the mirador without a watch, We ran together for the first 2 kms, then dropped him and ran the rest of the way solo, dont know the time, but it was a good easy clip. I dont remember the last time I did more than 8.5k, so it was good. The weather was very very hot I almost take off my shirt. I am enjoying running without a watch.

jueves, 15 de agosto de 2013

Predawn short run

This morning was up at 5:30 a.m. and was out for my run at 6:10 a.m., got out without my watch and just ran easy for 7.5-8.5k, on the 3rd lap in the conservatory I developed stomach problems that I could not handle, got out to the conservatory to head home, but around the 3 mile mark, stopped to walk, called it a day and just got home to do my thing. I felt really good in the legs and generally, much better than yesterday night. The only problem was the stomach problems, happy to have run something at least. 3 miles, untimed.

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

Trying to get out the inconsistency train

Monday and Tuesday did not run due to lazyness and leaving it to the afternoon, did not happen both days. Today slept in but I wanted to workout after work so that is what I did, after work went out without a watch to the conservatory and did 4 laps there, its pretty liberating not to worry about splits, need to do more of those, felt like crap, the legs did not respond and I am starting to feel out of shape!! I need to get back to the consistency I was one month ago!! This was run was at 6:45 p.m. and did 6.5k total. Have a great night!

domingo, 11 de agosto de 2013

Back on the train

Friday and Saturday off due to lazyness and to avoid running in that strong sun and heat, today enough was enough and was up at 7:00 a.m. woke up right away and went out to the mirador with my father. I ran without a watch and I did 8k relaxed, the pace was easy but the effort was not that easy due to the strong heat, anyway, I am happy to have run today , tomorrow I hope to zap the zero early! Have a great Sunday!8k@untimed

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2013

Morning run

Today I am off from work, but I wanted to do the run early since I ll be somewhat busy during the day and dont want nothing to interfere with the run, so I headed out a bit late than normal, at 7:30 a.m. with my father to the conservatory, I dropped him right away, but I saw him twice on every lap since He was doing the laps in the opposite direction, I did 6 laps there with the watch on time of day, some times if felt good, some times I felt really tired, but I was a bit tired when I started. The heat was getting harder and harder, and I was soaking wet at the end, did 8.5k in 50:13. I need to do a workout this week, then next week ll try to resume the 2x week workouts! Have a great day! Cesar

miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2013

Putting the kms early

This morning was up at 5:30 a.m., toyed with the idea of running in the afternoon but its not that easy to find the time since sometimes I leave work way too late,plus I am much more tired after work, so I decided to wake up and just do it, headed out at 6:15 a.m.(less than 12 hours of my last run) to the conservatory and put the watch on time of day,did 6 laps there, feeling easy but tired at the same time, the pace felt slow the wholeway, did 51:56 for 8.5k. I am glad that I did not look at the watch today! Weather was fine, cool breeze! Have a great day!

martes, 6 de agosto de 2013

Zapping the zero

Yesterday I wanted to run in the afternoon but got home pretty hungry , till the point of fainting because of the hunger, skipped the run. Wanted to run this morning but moved to the afternoon risking to not run again, I leave work earlier today so I started my run today at 6:40 p.m. went out to the conservatory without a watch and did 6 laps there, the first few miles were sluggish and experienced a strong side stitch but I could overcome it. It was good to just roll easy and not worry about splits, I need to do runs like this more often since I am obsessing with splits even on easy days, which could be a dangerous game. Too much people in the conservatory, it was unconfortable at times because you just dodged people everytime, but too much energy there and good music too. Weather was decent!! Have a great night! 8.5k total untimed.

domingo, 4 de agosto de 2013

Good morning run

This morning slept in a bit because I had to get my father in the airport, I headed out to my run at 9:05 a.m. , a little late than I would have liked. Went out to the conservatory feeling pretty good almost in my normal form, did 6 laps in 6:03,5:59,5:57,5:53,5:49,5:41, and the last 1.2k in 6:00( 8 mins mile), did 49:31, but basically raced the watch at the end to beat the 50 mins, I need a watchless run cuz I am obsessing too much with the lap splits, but I am glad that I am getting back to where I was 1 month ago. so 8.5k@ 9:22 per mile pace. The weather was too hot but I felt strong and good the whole way! Cheers, Cesar

sábado, 3 de agosto de 2013

Back again

On Thursday I rested, but decided that enough was enough and yesterday I ran after work at 7:00 p.m. with my brother, felt dead and flat, did 5 laps in the conservatory, so 7.5k total in 46:26. This morning at 6:20 a.m. I headed out to the conservatory and did 6 laps there, felt much better than yesterday night, but not completely good, laps were in over 6 mins for the first 3, then did the last 3 in 5:56,5:52,5:43, felt more tired than I would have liked, did 8.5k in 50:41, felt better than yesterday, need to get back into the swings of things. I have decided to quit dailymile and just log my runs here, that is much time consuming and too much distraction, it would be better to take advantage of another things instead of lasting too much time on that social media,plus I need to stop comparing with other runners and do my own training. Have a great rest of Saturday!

miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013

Back again

On Sunday and Monday I got the flu and hit me somewhat hard, I dont like to run sick because I feel worse after the run, so I skipped both days. On Tuesday I had no enough water so could not run. This morning I was back on it, I woke up at 5:30 a.m. and I was out to the conservatory to do 8.5k at 6:20 a.m., but cutting it short if I felt bad. I felt heavy and not pretty good since the beginning and never loosened it up, got to the conservatory in 7:52, then did 5 laps in 6:14,6:17,6:10,6:33,6:13, then back home to do 7.5k total in 46:38, every lap was slow but its good to run like that once in a while especially when you dont feel good ran with a fellow runner from the mirador for 2 laps or so. At least I could run today and hopefully will be back at it full force! Have a great day!

sábado, 27 de julio de 2013

Dawn easy run

Yesterday I left the running to the afternoon and as always it did not happen as life always gets in the way. Definetely, predawn running is the way to go in today´s society. This morning was up before 5 a.m. but surfed the internet for a while and headed out at 6:20 a.m. to the conservatory, again the felt pretty fresh since nothing to recover from, I need to do hard workouts soon, did 6 laps in the conservatory in 6:11,6:03,5:55,5:56,5:52,5:43, finished the 8.5k in 50:36.Felt great out there, I dont know how I exchange this feeling for sleeping a bit more in the predawn, something to think about when you are dead sleepy!! Have a great Saturday folks!

jueves, 25 de julio de 2013

Back on the predawn train

On Tuesday rest due to lazyness in the predawn, yesterday I got up to run, but I had a strong stomachache so skipped, wanted to run after work but life got in the way, I was fed up of all those things and I have gotten a nice fitness to let it dissapear so I woke up at 5:15 a.m. today and I was out to the conservatory at 6:00 a.m. feeling sleepy, but after 8 mins I felt pretty good and did 6 laps to the conservatory in 6:11,6:07,5:59,5:44,5:16,5:30, well in the last 2 laps I really increased pace because my brother´s friend joined me again for the last 2 laps and as I slowed him down last week because I was doing a recovery run( I am faster than him at races), I did not want him to slow down again so I sped up, but I gapped him in the first 200s of my acceleration, never looked back and never saw him again, oh well! I think that my fitness is not lost in this crappy week of running, I am happy to be back and I felt excellent at the end, I just love to find that groove of flying through the ground, finieshed the 8.5k in 49:26, last mile was close to 8 mins. First half was in 26:30, second half in 22:56. The weather was hot but much more tolearable than other times of the day. Happy to be back to the predawn train and I hopefully will stay doing my weekly stress workouts! Have a nice one!

lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

Night Zero zapper

Did not run Friday, Saturday or Sunday. On Friday woke up feeling a bit sick so I skipped on Saturday and Sunday could not fit the run in because it was predawn or DNR given the sun at other times of the day and the commitments in the afternoon/ night, so for me these days is predawn or DNR. I was dissapointed too because when I rested on Friday I screw my weekly total, anyway Today I was back to stay again. This morning did not run, but could find a window when I got home at 7:00 p.m. to do a short run, 3 laps to the conservatory in 6:05,6:00,5:55 to finish up 5.5k in 32:48. Felt fresh and excellent, the only problem was the stomach problems, these days served as rest more than anything, you can really absorb the hard training for the past couple of months, but it avoid you to accumulate more training to improve, thats why consistency is important! Felt great and happy to be back! tomorrow is a predawn run!

jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

Dawn recovery run

This morning woke up at 5:30 a.m. very sleepy again eventhough I went to bed at 10:30 p.m. which is early for me. Was not going to skip it but boy it was hard! I finally got out at 6:10 a.m. to the conservatory without a watch and as soon as I started felt tired, the first 400s felt like a mile, but then I got into a groove and could run decent till the halfway, then things started to get better and better until felt good. Did 6 laps in the conservatory at an easy pace without a watch. The weather was hot and humid, I was soaked at the end. 8.5k total. Have a great day!

miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

Predawn tempo run

This morning I was up at 5:15 a.m. very sleepy, never thought of skipping though, but I was very unconfortable, dont like to be so sleepy, I hope it gets easier. I went out to the mirador with my brother to do my tempo run and warmed up 3k to the mirador, stretched a bit and the 5k tempo started, splits per km were 4:45,4:46, 2:22(500s),half in 11:54, turned around, 2:23(500s),4:37,4:43 to finish up the 5k in 23:39 and negative split by 9 seconds. I was very happy today because I felt pretty good out there, I felt very controlled and good the whole way, the only problem is that I could not run much faster, but felt really good. The first half was a breeze and even chatted a bit with my brother, but in the second half just had to kept focus. 3k cool down to finish up 11k total for the day. On the cool down I felt really bad, felt dehydrated, weak and very thristy. It seems that the 12 hours at work yesterday affected, and the fact that I did not eat very good yesterday. Happy with this workout though! Have a great day!

martes, 16 de julio de 2013

Zero zapper predawn slow run

Yesterday was the planned day off. This morning I was up at 5:15 a.m. since I am back to work and need to be there by 8 a.m., so I went out to the conservatory at 5:40 a.m. to do an easy anticipation run, I felt fresh and rested, ran with the watch on time of day and did 6 laps to the conservatory, around 3.5 of those laps were with my brother´s friend, I think I slowed him down and I sped up when He joined me to run, it seems that I was running super slow this morning, maybe because this is my first predawn easy run in 2-3 weeks. Did 51:52 for 8.5k, thought that I was running around 49-50 mins. All in all felt good and rested. The weather was decent. Have a great day!

domingo, 14 de julio de 2013

Longer run :13k

This morning slept in and did not have the motivation to run to be honest, as in the past 3 days,but I was going to do it anyway, I am focused in my training and missing a day would mess with my head. At 9:30 a.m. with the sun shining hard and the humidity hight, I decided to go the conservatory for this one and do 10 laps there and when I get home I would run 3 more mins to complete the 13k that I wanted to do today. I took the splits each lap to entertain a bit and to see how slow or fast I was running. the laps (kms) were 6:09,6:04,6:00,6:00,5:59,6:00,6:00,6:02,6:02,5:58, did 12.5k in 75:29, then did 3 more mins to finish up the run in 78:32 and complete the 13k. I felt pretty confortable till the 50 mins, then I started to get thirsty, I was feeling great cardiovasculary but the lack of water kills me. I just reminded myself today that it was time on feet instead of pace. The pace was easy and was holding back a lot, I did a hard workout yesterday so did not want to over do it, but to do my long run nonetheless. This was a good week of training outside of the missed day on Tuesday because of the hard rain. Have a great Sunday!

sábado, 13 de julio de 2013

Fartlek :90 seconds repeats

This morning I wanted to go to the mirador to do 400s intervals, I slept in, but felt pretty guily and would feel like s"·$·"t if I would not have gotten my intervals in, so at 8:40 a.m.( too late with the sun shining) I decided to go to the conservatory and do a fartlek in the flat part, the intervals would be 90 seconds, so afer 18 mins or so warming up, stretched a bit and then did 8 x 90 seconds with 90 seconds rest(jogging), this workout was very hard , and the repeats 2,4,6,8, the first 100s were slighty uphill so no easy at any point, at the end of each repeat I was huffing and puffing hard, even wanted to do 10, but after they 8th one I was done and had to put my hands on my knees, was very tired out there, but put in a great effort, glad I did not do more reps then I would have raced the workout instead of training to race, but to be honest this workout tired me more than the 5k race of last Saturday, hech this one was in the sun at a much faster pace with only 90 second rest, and at the end of 90 seconds rest, my heart still wanted to go out of my chest, oh well! that is training hard!! I was running out of time so I could only cool down around 11 mins, generally I would cooldown 20 mins or so. Definitely a good workout! Have a great Saturday!!

viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

Easy afternoon run with brother

I ran today in the afternoon at 5:30 p.m., these days are going to end since I get back to work on Monday, so predawn running or night running those days, I hope to really keep my running schedule going and this consistency going,, I ll do my best. I went out to the conservatory and when I was getting there by brother passed me like a bat, then We ran together for the rest of the run, We did 6 laps there in 6:09,6:04,5:54,5:54,5:50,5:48 to finish the 8.5k in 50:31, He did 48:30, given that He went out 2 mins behind. I felt much better today than yesterday no pains or niggles today, I just cruising along easy peacy, and as the run went by i felt better and better. I took it easy since I want to do intervals tomorrow morning. Have a great evening!

jueves, 11 de julio de 2013

These are images of the cocuyos 5k race past Saturday!

Morning watchless recovery run

This morning I headed out at 8:00 a.m. to the conservatory without a watch to do my recovery run, heck, as soon as I started I felt really tired and mega tight, the outside part of the calves were really tight, that bothered me the first half(3 laps in the conservatory) of the run, then it kind of loosened up but I never felt great and it really felt like a long run instead of a recovery run. I just did 6 laps to the conservatory and back home for a total of 8.5k untimed. The heat and humidity were a mess and it was cloudy. I dont know if the tighness was due to the fact that I ran in my brother´s shoes today because mine were soaked from yesterday storm, or it was the AT run that I did yesterday during the rain, what I know is that the rain has to do with that. Happy to have gotten my running in though! Have a great day!

miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

Morning Aerobic threshold run

Monday was a planned rest day, yesterday did not. Yesterday I left the run to the afternoon and when I got dressed started raining pretty hard, just knew about a strong storm entering the country, so could not run yesterday and I was pretty pissed off. This morning wanted to do 400s repeats but I did not sleep well and the left arm was hurting me dont know why, I woke up at 6:30 a.m. and was very cloudy, I just decided to do just one workut this week and to take it as a recovery week, heck, I missed yesterday anyway! When I went to the conservatory at 7:00 a.m. I was feeling pretty good and after one lap I decided to do a progression run or aerobic threshold run( Marathon- half marathon race pace) to lie to myself that I ran somewhat hard today and to do my normal 2 workouts per week, it worked perfectly as the legs are still tired from the race given the lactate is still accumulated in my legs, did 5 laps in at Marathon -half marathon pace in 5:16,5:10,5:02,4:57,4:58, wanted to do more, but the legs were feeling the burn already, I was not fully recovered very well from the race. Another thing is that in the conservatory splits are way slower because of the 2 hills each lap, in the mirador that wold have been faster and easier. After the 5 fast laps I did 2 easy laps, so 8 laps total for a total of 10.5k. Just timed the 5 aerobic threshold laps. I felt good but at the same time tired, the pace was not difficult to hold, but needed to stay focused to maintain. I am happy that I did not take it and push things a bit, so on Saturday I ll do my 400s. In the last 2 laps started pouring pretty hard and I was soaked at the end, even I stretched in the rain, I felt like a kid again and I am very greatful that I could feel that sense of victory!! Have a great day!

domingo, 7 de julio de 2013

Longer run :13k+

This morning considered to rest after yesterday´s afternoon race, but then I told to myself that I dont rest after stress workouts and that race was pretty much that a hard workout and nothing more, no the olympics, so I left the pus!"$ness behind and start working, at 7:40 a.m. I headed to the mirador wanting to run 12-13k, I felt sore when I started but after a few mins felt great and everyting clicked, within the first km I had problems with some dogs so I stopped a couple of times there, when I reached the mirador I was feeling pretty good and decided to do 13k, in the 10k I bought a water bottle since I was feeling a bit tired there, and after 13k ran around 2 more mins to make up the time lost with those dogs.I wore my watch but those dogs made me to lose track of time but I did 80 mins total time. Felt good but a bit tired in the last few kms, felt strong, was soaked at the end, it seemed that I jumped into a pool! Great way to finish a good week of training and I love the consistency that I have had in the last month!! Tomorrow is a planned rest day! Have a great Sunday!

sábado, 6 de julio de 2013

Cocuyos 5k race

This afternoon I raced the Cocuos 5k race at 6:00 p.m. ,this was my first race of the year, I was a bit insecure about my time, but I wanted to run 22:30 or less or at least race sub 23. I did 22:45, I did not race with a watch so no idea of splits, just ran hard the whole way. The weather was decent, I think I could have run faster, but I have not found the pace that I need to go out,need more races to figure this out, I sprinted hard in the last 100s without losing form though, passed around 3-4 people in the last 200s. Feel satisfied, but lots of work need to be done. Warmed up 2k before the race and cooled down 2 more kms inmediately afte r the race with my brother. Wanted to run more, but just leave it at that, tomorrow I ll do a longer run!! Have a great night!!

viernes, 5 de julio de 2013

Easy afternoon shakeout with brother

This afternoon at 6:00 p.m. headed out with my brother to the conservatory to do a 7.5 shakeout before tomorrow´s race, We did 5 laps to the conservatory and I carried no watch, but He took the time. We started pretty slow, but then I told to myself that running that slow would detriment our performance tomorrow, its better to run at normal pace, Dont We run at normal pace the day before a stress workout, well, tomorrow is the same, its just a 5k, not a half marathon or marathon where all the energy must be saved. Doing non-normal things would cause more pressure. We did 7.5k in 45:47, still slow, but the stride was not that sloppy like We started. The weather was great!! Have a great night!

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

Easy afternoon recovery run

Decided to do the run in the afternoon today. At 5:50 p.m. went out to the conservatory without a watch and did 6 laps there very easy to recover from yesterday´s workout and to save something for Saturday´s 5k race. The first 3 laps were alone, the following 2 were with my brother and the last lap by my own again. I felt better and better as the run went by, the effort and pace were low, but I just trying to get the supercompensation to digest the stress workout yesterday. Near the end of the run the back part of the right knee( what is bothering me in the last few days) bothered me a bit, but no biggies so far. Hope that thing behaves!! Have a great night all!

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

Intervals: 800s & 400s

This morning was up early at 5:30 a.m. debated to leave the workout for the afternoon, no way, in the afternoon life gets in the way and this workout is very important.So I headed out to the mirador park at 6:35 a.m., warmed up 3k to get there and then stretched a bit.Then I had planned to do 4 x 800s and 2 x 400s, if I felt good add to that 2 x 200s but the 200s did not happen today. So did the 800s in 3:21,3:22,3:18.3:19, all with 400s rest, after the first one, I decided to not look at the watch till the end of the repeat, that worked very well, since I ran with no pressure during the intervals, I just focused on effort, breathing and form, after the 800s jogged for 3 mins and did 2 x 400s in 90 and 97, after that 97 I decided to call it a day since I was very very tired!! then did 3k cool down for a total of 11.8k, so a long day for me!! I felt great after the workout and very satisfied, its incredible how you feel after a hard workout!! Have a great day!

martes, 2 de julio de 2013

Anticipation afternoon run

Yesterday was my planned day off, not so a day off since I lasted 3 hour cleaning part of the house. This afternoon headed out to the conservatory at 4:40 p.m. to do an easy run in preparation to my tomorrow morning intervals, not sure what intervals I am going to do tomorrow. This afternoon went to the conservatory and did 6 laps with the watch on time of day, felt bloated at the beginning, but after halfway I started feeling better and better till loosened completely. Finished the 8.5k in 51:08, thought that I was going a lot faster, but no biggie, its just an easy run. Felt strong and the weather was cloudy and good the whole run. Have a great night!

domingo, 30 de junio de 2013

¨Long run¨:13k

This morning I was up at 6:00 a.m. but did not headed out until 7:10 a.m. headed out with my father to the mirador with the sun shining hard, I dropped him entering the Mirador park (2k), then I ran by my own till the 3.5k mark(6.5k) and back, so did 13k without looking at the watch, just running easy there. Did the 13k in 75:44. In the second half I did feel a lot looser and smooth than in the first half,felt pretty strong finishing the run, I just did a bit of water, but besides that I felt pretty strong. Need to increase those long runs 10+ miles. The last month has been pretty consistent for me, that is the way that I want it for a lot of time! Tomorrow is a planned rest day , I feel pretty motivated and dont wanna rest, but rest is just as important as training!! Have a great day!

sábado, 29 de junio de 2013

Tempo run :5k

This morning I felt much better from the hamstring and I was doing my planned 5k tempo. Warmed up to the mirador 3k with my brother and father, then stretched a bit and did the tempo in 23:45, the splits per km were 4:41,4:44,4:49,4:46,4:45. Halfway was in 11:48. Felt good and the pace felt pretty managable, but the breathing was faster than I would have liked especially in the second half, but I am glad that I did this threshold run and the hamstring is behaving well, then stopped to wait my brother for his 200s time trial, and then headed home to our 3k cool down, so around 11k total. This workouts are confidence builder!! I really love to train with this approach of year round workouts!! Have a great day!

viernes, 28 de junio de 2013

Friday afternoon stroll

This morning I was up with the pain in the hamstring and behing the knee, walking was difficult, so I opted for a short run in the afternoon or a completely rest day, forcing me to push the tempo run to tomorrow if everything turned out fine. This afternoon after cleaning,I decided to go for a run, it felt the right thing to do. At first I felt like crap, but in the second half estabilized my breathing and was running without tightness and without the hamstring disconfort( I was warmed up of course), as David Peters would say I did a no look, and just ran what felt easy, did 3 laps in the conservatory and was back home and did 5.5k total in 33:21, slower than I felt, but I was just testing the hamstring and I was fortunate to even go out running today!! Have a great night!

jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

Easy morning run

This morning was up at 5:30 a.m. surfed on the internet for a while and at 7:30 a.m. I headed out for my run. Yesterday I dont know if it was from Tuesday workout, or a bad position while sitting,but I hurt the back part of the knee( below the hamstring, I think that I pulled that muscle, I started limping on my run today, but then I warmed up and could run normally except for the hills where I could feel the pull. I went out to the conservatory and did 6 easy laps there, it seems that I found my normal training pace again which is sub 6 for the laps, the laps were in 6:04,5:59,5:57,5:45,5:50,5:50. for a total time of 50:20 for 8.5k, felt really good and fresh. No sun but the humidity was high since I was soaked at the end. I am going to try ibuprophen to release the pullness in my??, but I still have my tempo run planned for tomorrow! Have a great day!

miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013

Recovery run

This afternoon at 6:00 p.m. headed out to the conservatory to do my recovery run. Was going to do 6 laps there, but after 2 guys that did not look like runners passed me like They owned the road, I decided to add a lap and see if I could pass them back, of course without altering my easy effort and pace, did not work since they built a bigger lap on me, I was so pissed off and wished to be in a stress day today to give those guys a lesson. oh well!! at least I kept composure and respected my recovery run. The weather was nice and even poured several times during the run. Ran watchless for a total of 9.5k.

martes, 25 de junio de 2013

Afternoon 1 minute intervals

Yesterday was my planned day off. This morning did not have the motivation to go out, so I posponed my interval session to the afternoon. At 4:00 p.m. with the heat pretty high and the humidity doing its job, I headed out to the conservatory to do 10 x 1 minutes at 3k effort or so there, doing the repeats there, is not an easy feat, given the hills and turns, I warmed up around 18 mins, then started the repeats. The plan was to do first 5 repeats controlled and hammer in the second half of the workout, I started with the plan but in the first repeat the legs were fried already, I could not even lift the knees, so I gutted it out till the 8th repeat, after 8 x 1 mins , I just started the cool down that was around 22-23 more mins, did around 9.5k total. The weather was pretty hot, but I thought that I had control on it, dont know what was wrong, I just did not have it today, at least I stimulate the system somewhat and I had a good workout, was huffing and puffing hard in the last repeat, in the cool down felt better, but the legs when I tried to raise the knees to run fast, thew were fried. Have a great afternoon!

domingo, 23 de junio de 2013

Longer run :13k

This morning was up at 6:55 a.m. with the sun shining hard, I have to admit that I was intimated by it and I was not motivated to go out to my ¨long run´, I was doing it alone, since my father and brother are racing the Hispaniola half marathon this afternoon, I am going to be there watching, but I need to do my training to feel good about life:D,, I decided to go to the conservatory and do 10 laps there, 5 laps counterclock wise and 5 laps in the opposite way, that was what I did, in the first few laps I was kind of unconfortable mentally, counting laps to go, that messed with my head, then I was pissed off, because the laps ( kms) were run at 6:01 the majority of the run, the only laps that were sub 6 were the last 3, 5:56,5:56,5:54, I was very thirsty when I headed out off the conservatory, got home in 75:21 for 12.5k, then ran 3 more mins to complete the 13k, I was not feeling too tired, but I was very thirsty and only were 13k, that has been my problem with ¨long runs¨I get thirsty way too early in the run! Anyway! its done, slow! but I am happy with the way I felt !! Have a great Sunday!

sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

Morning recovery run

This morning was not very motivated to run, but I needed to do it so at 8:50 a.m. I went out to the conservatory to run at a ver easy pace without a watch, ran for 6 laps and then went home. Felt better as the run went by, and felt pretty easy, the bad thing is that I suffered GI problems early in the run, but fortunately it did not bother me later. The weather was decent!! 8.5k total without a watch!

viernes, 21 de junio de 2013

Dawn tempo run

Today is Tempo run day, so I woke up early at 5:30 a.m. and took my time to go out since from today till July 15th, I am off from work (vacation mode), so good news! At 6:20 a.m. I went out with my father to the mirador and warmed up 3k, then stretched a couple of mins and my 5k tempo started, I was a bit worried because I did not want to feel the way I did yesterday, did not do bad time wise, but the effort was higher than I would have liked at the end, splits per km were: 4:35,4:41,4;46,4:42,4:44. Half in 11:39 an finished the 5k in 23:28, so positive split by 8-10 seconds, I wanted to slow down a bit in the second half since I dont want to push pace on these runs, these runs are about to really learn to clear lactate and to run confortably hard, not to do time trials, but it was what it was!! 3k cool down for a total of 11k in around 62 mins. It seems that I am still somewhat weak from the stomach problems from Tuesday, since did not feel super strong there! Pst. my father kept going when I stopped stretching, then I catched him a mile later!!

jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

Dawn rainy recovery run

Yesterday I could not run because when I got up off bed, my stomach was feeling pretty bad, and then started feeling pretty weak throughout the day, after work too much rain so I decided to skip it. This morning was feeling much better, poured hard just before the rain, waited till 6:10 a.m. to go out, did 6 laps in the conservatory, felt great upper body, but the legs did not respond, when I thought that my legs were responding I just did a 6:10lap (1k), laps were 6:20,6:18,6:14,6:14,6:10,6:10 to finish the 8.5k in 52:54, felt good at the end, but dont know why I felt so fast and was running that slow, oh well!! that happens sometimes,!! glad it was on a recovery day so does not matter much! Have a great day!

martes, 18 de junio de 2013

Predawn intervals:1000m repeats

Yesterday was a planned off day. This morning was up at 5:00 a.m. and out the door at 5:21 a.m. , warmed up 3k to the mirador, then hit the porta potty, and then stretched briefly and We I was off 4 x 1k with around 500s recovery, splits were 4:11,4:13,4:12,4:11. The splits were pretty even, but I was huffing and puffing more than I would have liked. In the last repeat I did not look at 200s splits, felt the slower and one as fast as the first one, I was feeling pretty tired in the last one, stopped for 1 min to catch my breath, then started my 3k cool down home. Around 11.5k total work. Have a great Tuesday!

domingo, 16 de junio de 2013

Dawn longer run

This morning was up at 6:05 a.m. not sleepy at all, it seems that I am getting used to this predawn life. Today I did a longer run, its not a long run, but its a longer run for me compared to my average runs. At 6:50 a.m. I headed out with my father to the mirador, I had planned to do 12-13k depending on how I felt out there, I decided to do 13k, bu I basically did this run alone, I dropped my father 800 meters into the run, did not like that, that meant that I was going to run alone, it basically happened that way. At around 6k I met two uknown guys, I was preparing to pass and one of them started to racing me and built a gap, hey! I was just running easy recovering from my Friday workout and preparing for Tuesday´s workout, maybe We can race on Tuesday, but I ll give him the victory today since I was just cruising along, halfway was in 38:18 and I finished the run in 1:14:59. At 10k mark(58:20), I stopped briefly to buy a water bottle, it was too hot there and I was thirsty, so that water tasted really good and really recovered me, too humidity and heat these days!! but that wont stop me!!! Did 13k@ 74:59. Tomorrow is a rest day! The last 3 weeks have been great for me, I feel like I am training again, not just running along, but with a plan( intervals, tempos,longer runs, recovery runs,etc), that keeps me very motivated, and whatever people say about periodization is the best approach for peaking and all of that , workouts all year round its pretty fun and you feel confident and fit all year round. After all We are not olympians. Have a great Sunday!!

sábado, 15 de junio de 2013

Dawn recovery run with my father

This morning I was up at 5:30 a.m. and was out with my father to the mirador, I headed out watchless and dropped my father before the 2k mark, did 8k easy , I was tired and had to take it very easy, today´s recovery was harder than my yesterday´s tempo(Christian you know what I mean). I am glad that I got this done, tomorrow will be a longer run! Have a great day!

viernes, 14 de junio de 2013

Dawn tempo run :5k

This morning was up at 5:15 a.m. after going to bed at 1 a.m. watching ¨man of steel¨ the movie, but I am so focused in my training that waking up today was not a big problem, would have liked a bit more sleep though. At 5:45 a.m. I warmed up to the conservatory 3k untimed to the mirador, stretched a bit and the 5k tempo started, splits were 4:43,4:47,half in 11:52, 3rd km in 4:46, the last 2k just was feeling good and did 4:42 for the last 2k finishing the 5k in 23:40. Felt pretty good eventhough in the warm up did not feel pretty good, that pace did not feel that hard and I felt pretty good in the second half. Happy with the time but effort is the most important thing so I think I accomplish the goal today. 3k cool down to home to do 11k total. Have a great day!

jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

Dawn easy run in the conservatory

This morning was up at 5:30 a.m. wanting to get some more sleep, but later in the day I just cant run, so I just got up and went out at 6:10 a.m. to the conservatory and did 6 laps easy there, splits were 6:11,6:06,6:00,5:58,5:52,5:20. That 5:20 was not that planned but the most interesting thing of the run was a guy who I passed him easily in the past, passed me today and stayed ahead for 3-4 laps, but He was struggling, I was just trying to recover from Tuesday intervals and getting ready for tomorrow´s tempo, but in the last lap I decided to catch him (I was running about 20-30m behind), then I was head to head with him I yelled ¨lets go!! then He surged again and built a gap, then I catched him again and did the same thing for 2 more times, then He sped up and it was time for me to leave the conservatory and go home, I am happy because I like motivating others, He was hurting bad when I yelled lets go¨so I just wanted to give him a boost of energy, I think I did that!! then just cruised home and did 8.5k total in 50:47. Felt good overall, tomorrow tempo run!! Have a great day!

miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013

Dawn recovery run

Forgot to mention in my yesterday´s post that Monday was a planned rest day. This morning was up at 5:30 a.m. and out at 6 a.m. I went out to the conservatory without a watch and ran easy for 6 laps, for the second lap on ran with my brother till I went out off the conservatory. Felt a bit tired at half way point, but then loosened up again, a bit tired from yesterday intervals, but for that are the recovery days. 8.5k total watchless!

martes, 11 de junio de 2013

Predawn intervals: 800s

This morning I was up at 5:00 a.m. very focused to do my workout, I am amazed how cna motivation drag you out of bed easily( well sort of). Was out to the mirador at 5:20 a.m. to do my intervals, I wanted to do 4 x 800s with 400s recovery. My stomach did not feel good at all in the first mile, but then it got better and better till normal, warmed up 3k in 19:37, very stiff and lazy at the beginning. Then the workout began 4 x 800s in 3:23,3:19,3:17,3:15, very happy with the splits, but the last 2 I wanted to keep them slower, no need to push things right now. But it was what it was, and I am happy the way I felt there, I really love stress workouts. Have a great day!!

domingo, 9 de junio de 2013

Morning Longer run

This morning slept in a bit and was out with my father to the mirador at 7:45 a.m. We went out to the 5.5k mark and back, so I did 11k today, first half in 33:30, second half in 30:59, only increased effort a bit in the second half, because in the first half was waiting for my father but He dropped back. I finished the 11k in 64:29 feeling pretty good and strong, thought that was going to feel more tired at the end, but felt pretty good, a bit thirsty but good. The weather cooperated. Have a great Sunday!! I have 2 weeks of consistent training with an interval and a tempo work, I hope to continue this training for several months to really ramp up fitness!!

sábado, 8 de junio de 2013

Dawn recovery run with my father

This morning was up at 5:30 a.m. was our with my father at 6:10 a.m. to the mirador , We did 8k easy without a watch, We were runing together till the 4k, after that I dropped him running at the same pace, He slowed down a lot, I felt pretty good and a bit tired from yesterday! Tomorrow is going to a longer run! Have a great Saturday!

viernes, 7 de junio de 2013

Dawn tempo run

This morning was up at 5:10 a.m. debating to do the tempo run this morning, I then thought very serious that I gotta do it now or the week will screw up! I got up and was out at 5:55 a.m. to the mirador. I warmed up 3k to the mirador,feeling a bit tired and had run the previous 2 days pretty easy, any way I was out and the first 200s were in 51 seconds, too fast, but felt somewhat slow, figured it out that I was not that bad, then slowed down a bit and wanted to run 4:50s for the km, 4 seconds per km faster than last week, oh well, could not slow down that much, the first km was 4:38, the second was in 4:45(9:23), the next in 4:45 (14:08), the last one in 4:42, did 18:50 for today´s 4k, 48 seconds faster than last week feeling much better, I just found a groove and kept at it, felt strong and the breathing was not that labored, I just looked smooth out there. Last week´s tempo had a lot of hills and was after a full day at work, but I just felt effortlessly there today!! then recovered 2-3 mins, and did 2 x 200s in 41,42. Then cooled down 3k to home, for a total of 10.6k, my longest run in quite a while! Have a great day!

jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

Predawn recovery run

This morning and after 11 hours post last run I was back to the conservatory at 6:10 a.m. did the same exact route as yesterday (6 laps there) but this time ran watchless, no reason to obsess about pace during easy runs, I just made sure that I was running easy,8.5k total. tomorrow I have a Tempo run, We will see if I can feel better than last Friday! Have a great day!!

miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013

Afterwork recovery run

This morning slept in, but did my recovery run after work. At 7:00 p.m. I went out to the conservatory at an easy pace to recovery from yesterday´s intervals, did 6 laps there in 6:10,6:00,6:00,5:58,5:59,5:56, so very easy effort there to finish up the 8.5k in 51:20. Felt pretty good and strong there, a bit tired after the 400s, but finished feeling pretty good and strong. The weather was a bit hot even at night!! Have a great night!

martes, 4 de junio de 2013

Predawn Short intervals: 400s

Yesterday was an off, wanted to do something after work but life got in the way. This morning I was determined to run an interval workout, was up at 5:10 a.m. and was out at 5:40 a.m. to the mirador with heavey GI problems, warmed up 3k in 19:12 dealing with the issue, then hit the porta potties there and solved the problem, then did 6 x 400s with 200s recovery, the splits were 1:35,1:34,1:34,1:35,1:32,1:33, was huffing and puffing there but I felt strong and was happy to have run that workout, cooled down home 3 more kms, for a total of 9.4k or so. Felt heavy and slow there, but that will have to improve overtime. Had not have a chance to post till now,have a great night!

domingo, 2 de junio de 2013

Another morning recovery run

This morning slept in because I went to bed pretty late(12:50 a.m.) was up at 8 something and was out a 9 a.m. to do my run in, I went out to the conservatory again running pretty easy. I am pretty beat up from the Friday tempo, the quads are pretty sore just like a I just raced. When I started running I did not feel that bad and not that tired, but I still ran pretty easy, did 6 laps in 6:10,6:05,6:01,6:01,5:56, dont know the last one and got here in 50:59 for 8.5k, I ll need to ramp up the mileage of the long runs. All in all felt good and fine. The humidity was not that high as yesterday! Have a great Sunday BTW, ran 6 times this week which is a plus for me, also tomorrow I am gonna have 1 month soda free, which is a record for me.

sábado, 1 de junio de 2013

Watchless morning recovery run

This morning was up at 6: a.m and was out 11 hours after my last run, I was tired of course, but I commited to go out without a watch and just run as easy as possible for the super compensation to occur from yesterday workout. Went out to the conservatory and did 5 laps there feeling tired, was very thristy by the end, I understand Christian High now that recovery runs can be harder than the actual stress workouts. All in all happy to have gotten my run!! Have a great Saturday!

viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013

Night Tempo run

I was suppossed to run this morning, but I slept in. I ran after work and thought about moving my tempo run to tomorrow since I went out pretty late from work, I did not get out to run till 7:30 p.m. one of the latest run that I have done ever, but I was determined to run no matter what, I still had in mind to do the tempo run (was thinking of 2 x 2 laps in the conservatory), when I warmed up around 15 mins, I went out to do 4k continious tempo run( 4 laps to the conservatory), were in 4:55,4:51,4:55,4:56 for a total of 19:38 for 4k. One of my slowest tempo runs ever, but I felt the effort and it was no easy feat, I could feel the work on every lap. I am out of shape but at least I am working the systems that will improve my fitness. did 2.2k warm up and cool down for a total of 8.5k. The weather was pretty hot even at night!! I was soaking a the end! Have a great night!

jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

Morning recovery run

Yesterday I took the day off. That was a planned rest. Today is a public holiday so I slept in a bit before my run. At 8:45 a.m. or so I headed to the conservatory without a watch to do a recovery run, since I want to do my first tempo in long months tomorrow. Did 6 laps in the conservatory feeling fresh and strong,although a bit thristy at the end. The weather was cloudy but a bit hot. Happy to have run as always!! 8.5k total untimed.

martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

Afterwork short intervals

Today I had planned to do a light workout to estimulate a bit the system. After work at 6:40 p.m. I went out again to the conservatory and warmed up 17+ mins, then did 6 x 1 mins at a hard effort, with 1 min rest, then the rest was cool down, in total I did 8.5k in 48:27. During the repeats I felt good and with good form, but the breathing was pretty labored by the last one. I was happy with the effort and with the way I felt there. The laps passed by pretty quicky since you focus on the fast portions. Very good short workout. The last 2 days the weather has been pretty good since both are rainy days, fortunately no rain when I went out, a pretty great breeze and fresh air. Have a great Night!

lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013

Awesome after work run

The consistency continue... Today I ran after work since in the morning I slept in. As soon as I got home from work at 6:45 pm. I went out to the conservatory and started pretty easy, I was feeling pretty fresh but not that strong, that changed when I got in the conservatory, I started feeling better and better and I felt effortless and each lap was faster than the last, I felt awesome and added one lap to my planned 5 laps, did 6 laps in 5:54,5.48,5:39,5:45,5:35 and dont know the last one, but I was feeling effortless out there and the legs felt fresh all the way, finished the 8.5k in 48:48. Love days like this when you run faster and faster and the effort is easier each mile!

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

Birthday and mother´s day dawn run

This morning was up at 6:20 a.m. and out at 7 a.m. to the conservatory alone. Went out without my watch because I have been feeling tired in the last few days, wanted to get the run in without worrying about times, given my fitness that does not matter much now. I did 5 laps to the conservatory and did a total of 7.5k untimed. Started feeling tired and huffing and puffing when I climbled the hardest hill of the route, that is within the first 500s of most of my runs. At the end felt better and better, wanted to run more, but I am playing it safe since I want to do 6 runs next week. Today I turn 25, wow time goes by fast quickly! Happy birthday to me and my twin brother Danilo. Today is mother´s day also! Happy mother´s day mom I ll always love you and remember you!! Have a great day all!

sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013

Dawn run

Today I was up at 5:30 a.m. and was out alone at 6:05 a.m. went out to the conservatory feeling a bit tired and huffing and puffing, then I felt better and better and did 5 laps in the conservatory 6:04,5:52,5:52,5:43,5:33 and finished the 7.5k @ 43:32, finished feeling pretty good. Glad I woke up to run!! Have a great Saturday!

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013

Finally running predawn

The past 2 days I left the run for the afternoon, both days did not happen. I kind of go from work a bit tired and lazy. I was determined to run in the morning today because I need to get back to action and beat some old guys there. This morning was up at 5:30 a.m. and was out at 6:00 a.m. was out without a watch to the conservatory, did not feel good during the run, felt fresh, but had no energy. I wanted to do 5 laps in the conservatory,but after 4 I said was enough, was feeling weak there. Did 6.5k total without a watch. Have a great Friday!

martes, 21 de mayo de 2013

Zapping the zero

Yesterday wanted to run in the afternoon after work, but life got in the way, so DNR. Today I could not run in the morning, slept in, in the afternoon after work I went out to the conservatory at 7:00p.m. and did 5 laps there, feeling pretty good and strong, wow I am feeling pretty good during my runs, I dont know if its due to the soda quiting, but I am feeling pretty good and hydrated and full of energy. In the 5th lap did 4 x 100s+ strides, feeling smoooth and fast. Did 7.5k @ 42:47. I do have 17 days soda free, I am feeling pretty good.

domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

Getting consistent

This morning was up before 7 a.m., but did not get out until just before 8 a.m., I was our to the conservatory and got there in 7:22, there the watch turned off, it seems that the battery does not work any more, then it turned on again, and decided to run timeless till the 4rd lap when I decided to track my pace since I felt that I was running at a decent clip( for me on an easy day), the 4rd and 5th lap were in 5:34 and 5:29 respectively, then got home from the conservatory in 6:05, so did 17:25 for around 2 miles, not bad for an easy day. Felt pretty good and strong, was pretty hot at the end. Day 15 with no coke, I am enjoying this. Yesterday I weighted myself, I am 180 pounds right now, much heavier than 4 years ago, but I want to drop around 15 pounds. The last time I weighted prior to yesterday I was in 181 pounds around 2-3 months ago, We will see if in a month I am lighter due to the sugary drinks cut out!!if not then I still made a great decision in quiting that garbage! Have a great Sunday!

sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013

Great morning run

This morning was up at 5:30 a.m. and was out with my father to the conservatory at 6:00 a.m. We ran in opposite directions, but always were in contact. I did 4 laps there in 6:06,5:54,5:46,5:37. Felt better as the run went by, finished the 6.5 in 37:42, 1 second faster than my last run feeling much more confortable. Definetely its not easy to run after 11 hours of work, today I was pretty rested. Sped up in the last km as the body was telling me to. Wanted to run more but stomach problems made to leave the conservatory earlier than planned! Have a great Saturday!

jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013

¨Easy¨ run after work

Today opted to do a run after work, the girlfriend was going to be at college, so I have the time to run. I went out easy with my repaired ironman watch, and took splits. In the conservatory met Jose who ride with me while I ran, got there in 7:31, did 4 laps in 6:03,5:43,5:49,5:47, and came home in 6:19. I sped up in the last 400s for fun. Did 6.5k in 37:43, was feeling pretty lazy before the run, but I felt great when I finished. Good run and felt good, but at times I lack strengt in the hills, I think that is due to the inconsistency of the past few weeks! Day 13 with no coke or soda!

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

Catching up

Had not run for the past week till yesterday. A combination of lack of water and lazyness ,but I ll never give up and ll never quit, so I am back. Yesterday was off from work and did 3 laps to the conservatory at 4:10 p.m. the laps were in 6:15,5:47 and 5:29, was feeling better and better as the run went by, but I was kind of full stomachwise, but then felt very good, did around 32 mins for the 5.5, clock got crazy when I stopped it at the finish of the run. Felt good. Today slept in and did not run, but tomorrow I ll be back on the horse once again hoping the water supply cooperate for the rest of the weeek. BTW, this is day number 11 of no coke or soda. Feel some cravings sometimes, but I always end up controling it!

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

After work run

This afternoon after work I was out running at around 6:45 p.m. I went out to the conservatory and did 5 laps there with Jose, good conversation. Felt good and drank a lot of water throughout the day, but boy it was hot!! the humidity was high!! Day 3 without coke, I am getting ahead!! Felt good but it felt faster than the 44:15 that I did for the 7.5k. Hope that the no coke approach help me to feel and better and to lose some of the excess fat!

domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013

Back on the horse

Last time I ran was on Monday and after that was not water supply to run and wash the clothes, the last 2 days were lazy for me honestly. Today afternoon I took advantage that my girlfriend was on a friend´s house and I got to run at 4:00 pm. the earliest I have run in the p.m. in years so the sun was shining hard and it was too hot, but I hydrated pretty good during the day and did pretty good, did 3 laps to the conservatory and did a total of 5.5k in 31:27 with the watch on time of day, just effort base running, felt surprised with the fast pace given the weather and myself trying to hold back at times. I have decided to quit sodas and coke, did not drink it yesterday nor today, We will see how much that will last! that should help with the weight and the way I feel!! Happy to be back to the running scene!

lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

Morning run with bro

This morning slept in a bit, its public holiday here so no work, tomorrow no work either since its my graduation. This morning I went out with my bro to the conservatory at 8:40 a.m. a bit late than I would have liked, the sun was shining hard. Did 6 laps with my bro at an easy pace with the watch on time of day. The finish time was 50:20 feeling pretty good and loose,but the sun takes its toll after the 4th lap, finished somewhat thirsty!! but happy as always to have run!!

domingo, 28 de abril de 2013

Morning recovery run

This morning was up at 6:30 a.m. and was out to the conservatory at around 7:00 a.m. pretty easy since I ran intervals yesterday, did 6 laps without a watch in the conservatory, feeling better and better as the laps went by. First time in a while that an easy run feels like a truly easy run. 8.5k@untimed. The interval workout yesterday seems to help loosen up today since I felt pretty loose and was just floating at an easy pace, never struggled, I do have more 4 months of that and will see what quality training can do for me, will increase my long runs too.

sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

400s morning intervals

This morning woke up at 5:30 a.m. and was out the door alone at 6:00 a.m to the mirador I had commited several days ago to do my first intervals workouts in months, so this was the morning that I was determined to do it. I warmed up 3k to the mirador, stretched a bit and then did 5 x 400s with 200s recovery jog, splits were 1:29,1:33,1:33,1:31,1:30. Happy with this splits, although I am in bad shape I could do that before much easier, today I was huffing and puffing, but at least I was able to maintain good form and cadence. This was a light workout, but very appropiate to start intervals, I ll start adding intervals and tempos from now on, need to take care of myself from shin splints. Did a 3k cool down to home, feeling pretty good and loose. Have a great Saturday!

viernes, 26 de abril de 2013

Great predawn run

yesterday rest because woke up with full stomach. This morning was up at 5.30 a.m. and was out to the conservatory to do 6 laps , so 8.5k total in 50.15.Felt good n happy to have run.

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

Mental morning running

Yesterday was up with a full stomach so a I took the day off, since in the evening I was watching my Girlfriend playing softball. This morning was up a bit later than usual at 7:30 a.m. I am off from work because it was supossed to be my graduation day from college in bussiness management, yesterday in the college was killed an officer, an student and a lot of students were injured because in another county killed an student!! the graduation was posponed for April 30th. On to the run, was out at 8:25 a.m. with the sun shining already, went to the conservatory and did 6 laps, after the 3 laps I wanted to quit, I was feeling pretty tired and the sun was striking me, its not easy to run with the sun shining like that here in the caribbean and it was still early, it seems that its going to be a hot summer. I got through the run, and in the last lap managed a 4 x 20 seconds strides huffing and puffing, I am in very bad shape!! finished the 8.5k in 49:25. Happy to have gotten the run in.

lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

Back on the horse

Had not run for the past 5 days, not because of lazyness, I have been very motivated to train, but because the water supply problem .We last 1 week without water. This morning I woke up with full stomach and moved the run till the evening, after work, that worked well since my girlfriend is on a meeting every Monday at that time, so I basically have the time for myself, I took advantage of it and as soon as I got to my house, I went out to the conservatory with Jose without a watch. I wanted to do whatever laps I felt like doing, did 5 laps , was kinda tired, did 7.5k total sprinting hard in the last 100s, and surged a couple of times during the run to dodge the walkers. Felt happe to have run again and to have resume my training, hope the water does not go for that long!! 7.5k untimed.

miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013

Predawn run

This morning I was up at 5:30 a.m. with not much water, but I needed to run for all the people in Boston, so I was motivated this morning. Went out at 6:03 a.m. to the conservatory and did the constitutional 6 laps and back home for a total of 8.5k in 49:22.In the last lap did 4 x 20 seconds strides, legs felt good but pretty slow on the strides. Generally felt vey fresh, the greatest that I have felt in weeks!! Have a great Humpday!

martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Back on the horse

Yesterday slept in and after work I wanted to run, but was very hungry and stayed watching the boston tragedy news. I am so sorry of what happened, bad people want to get in our peace and magic world, that is the world of running, its a shame that bad people always do what they want to do! I hope that the responsibles are caught. I was up early this morning at 5:15 a.m. have to be earlier at work, went out alone at 5:43 a.m. and did 6 laps to the conservatory, I was feeling good but I was having a full stomach. In the last lap did 2 strides and finished looser. Finished the 8.5k in 50:06, feeling good!!

domingo, 14 de abril de 2013

Dawn to the conservatory

This morning when I woke up at 5:45 a.m. it was raining hard, so I slept in 1 more hour, headed out at 7:40 a.m. to the conservatory by myself, I wanted to do a tempo run today, but from the get go I felt flat and was huffing and puffing from the very beginning, and the legs were burned out. I said that it should be interesting to finish the run that way, I ran through that for 3 laps, then Danilo met me there and I asked to run with me for my 3 remaining laps, things got better after that, I was still tired, finished the run feeling better but flat and the pace was easy the whole way. 8.5k run completed in 50:41, and 5 runs for 3 weeks in a row. A lot of work to do, but I am heading the right direction I guess!! need to add some quality to be race ready! Have a great Sunday!

sábado, 13 de abril de 2013

Dawn with Danilo

Yesterday the bed beated me. No biggies, 5 times per week of running is a solid routine too, but is not enough, need to get there. This morning I was up at 6:40 a.m. off from work today so I headed up a bit later. At 7:20 a.m. I headed out with my brother to the conservatory and We did 6 laps easy but I threw a couple of surges there, and in one of the surges my brother caught me and built a gap of 50 meters for around 3 laps, then when We were out of the conservatory He waited for me and finished the run together in 49:17 for 8.5k, We started very slow, but progressed throught it!! Tomorrow morning I want to do a 4 to 5k tempo in the mirador which is a flatter terrain. Have a great Saturday!

jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

Morning recovery run

This morning was up at 5:40 a.m. and I was out by myself at 6:10 a.m. to the conservatory, my brother Danilo was already there since 5:30 a.m. I went out without a watch, no pressure, just wanted to run easy and put the miles in! Did 6 laps there and never consciously increased the pace. Felt good but a bit tired and thirsty at the end. I am loving these predawn runs and they motivate my day, I feel happy because I have achieved something important to me and makes me feel pretty good! Have a great Thursday!

miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013

Morning mini progression run

Yesterday decided to rest. Had been running 5 times/days in a row and I am not used to it these days, I ll get there soon though! This morning woke up at 5:45 a.m. and was out at 6:20 a.m. to the conservatory by myself at an easy pace, decided to see the splits to focus on something today, I did that from the 2nd lap which was in 5:55, then 5:51, 5:50,5:42 and then decided to speed up and run sub min per km pace till home so the last lap was in 4:58 and kept that pace to home to do a total of 47:59 for the 8.5k run, I must admit that I sprinted pretty hard in the last meters to get sub 48 mins, an immaturity on an easy run, but sometimes its fun to be immature:D, did the last 2.2k in 10:49, so 4:55 per km, not bad compared to the pace that I have been runing lately. Happy humpday!

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

Monday predawn zapper

Yesterday I posted that I was going to watch an airplane show in the Malecon, the show did not go as planned, since a plane crashed and sank into the water in the very beginning of the show,then We decided to go( its close to home), after more than an hour they did find the dead bodies, but They did not tell anything there nor We watch when they took out the bodies. Those information were given by the news in the tv, I think people in their homes knew what was going on better than us that were there, oh well!! what a tragedy!! they were pretty young, 2 pilots) the ages were 25 an 27 years old. Inmediately after they found the bodies they canceled the show that had a lot of international pilots, I was there on Saturday too and the show was held without problems, the 2011 was the same thing, but I am not sure what its going to happen from now on. On to the run, I woke up early today at 5:30 a.m., the alarm was set at 5:45 a.m. so I beated the alarm, I went to bed last night just before 11 p.m. and I fell asleep inmediately. I went out alone at 6:10 a.m. to the conservatory to do the same route as yesterday, was feeling a bit tired at the beginning, but after the second half loosened up, Danilo met me at my second lap, then We met another runner from the mirador and chatted the remaining of the laps, I did 6 laps and came back home alone and did 50:11 for 8.5k, so easy but We had some good conversation! Todays run was dedicated to the pilots that died yesterday in the airplane show! I am very happy just be alive and be able to run, a lot of people take that for granted.

domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

Dawn running with my brother

This morning I was up at 5:45 a.m. sleepy, but then forced myself to get out, I went out with my brother to the conservatory at 6:35 a.m. , We did 6 laps there at an easy pace, the first 3 laps I did not feel that great, felt a bit tired, but after that, things started to loosen up and I finished feeling pretty good, We did 49:56 for 8.5k, so faster than yesterday and feeling much better. I am loving the consistency I am getting and I feel like a runner again. Hope I continue with this predawn regime and start ramping up the fitness. Body responding well!! Today afternoon to the airplanes show in the malecon for the second day in a row! Happy Sunday!

sábado, 6 de abril de 2013

Dawn running with the family

After 11 hours of my last run, I was up for today´s run. When the alarm went off at 5:45 a.m. I felt very sleepy and almost sleep in, then I realize that I was persuing a goal and if I miss the run, no time today to get a run in, so it was at that time or DNR. I was up and tell to myself that when I had 5 mins into it I d feel much better. I went with my brother and father to the conservatory, and I did the same exact route and distance than yesterday night. 6 laps to the conservatory with the watch on time of day, I was feeling good, but tired at the end, I thought that I was going a lot faster than yesterday , but was the opposite, no biggies! ah! my brother gapped in the 4th lap and He beated me by 37 seconds today. 8.5k in 50:39, did 4 x 20 seconds strides in the last lap, felt like a slow truck on these, alot of work to do wih my speed.

viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

Tired afterwork run

This morning slept in because I knew that I could do it after work, but honestly its pretty diffcult, you are pretty tired and hungry after work, but since I was so focused and was looking forward to it all day, only if something came up I would miss the run. After work at 7:00 p.m I went out to the conservatory with my brother Danilo, and We did 6 laps there at an easy pace, I felt good in the first 20-25 mins, but then started to feel tired, and just before the 3k mark Danilo built a gap on me that would increase a bit for the rest of the run, so after He gapped I ran solo till the end. Did 8.5k in 49:51. Felt good but tired at the same time. But I have set a goal to myself and I need to do anything to meet them. Ran with the watch on time of day and the conservatory was full of music and people, that helps with the motivation too.

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

Late hot morning run

Yesterday could not run because the water supply problem, oh my country!! This morning slept in, then went to take my college graduation photo, then when I went back home, at 10:30 a.m. I went out running, did not have in mind exactly how much I wanted to run, but the sun and heat were so strong, that after 3 laps in the conservatory I decided to went back home, so did 5.5k in 31:33, ran with watch on time of day, and the legs felt the best that I have experienced in a long time. The only problem was the extreme heat and sun, its counterproductive to run at that time of day. Anyway, told to myself that if I wanted to get my goal of sub 21 mins in the 5k( I have been there when I was lighter) before the year ends, I would have to work hard and brave the elements. I am off from work, so the rest of the day to relax. I would like to run some more later, but no water supply already. Happy to have run though!

martes, 2 de abril de 2013

Predawn run with my brother

Yesterday I was up with stomach problems so DNR, in the evening I was tired and very hungry from work, decided to skip it. This morning I was up at 5:15 a.m. and was out to the conservatory with my brother at 5:55 a.m. I did 5 laps there at an easy pace, did not have time for more, The run seem short and felt pretty easy. it was 7.5k in 44:53. The weather was fine, but gettig hotter!! Happy to have gotten my run in early!

domingo, 31 de marzo de 2013

Another morning easy run

This morning was up at 7:30 a.m. a little later than planned, was out with my father at 7:50 a.m. to the conservatory, but We took opposite routes, I was doing laps counterclockwise as always and He was doing the laps clockwise. But We see each other twice in each lap, I noticed that from the the 3rd lap on, I spep up significantly, that was when the pace felt loose and the tighness partially went away. I know that this is part of the consistency I am getting and I love the sense of accomplishment that I am getting when I am done, I feel that I am heading the right direction!! 8.5k in 49:24, in the last 500s my father sprinted and I responded, He gappd me by 5 meters, but when I was preparing the change to my last gear, He exploded and I finished 32 seconds ahead of him. Running is one of the best things in life!! Have a great resurection day! Tomorrow I continued my predawn regime!