domingo, 22 de marzo de 2020

21 mins indoors

Today I could not take it anymore, I needed to do some exercise. I have not done anything for the past week. After watching a video a couple of days ago of a runner I follow. I decided to take his idea and try it.

He did a maratón running inside home. Of course I was not running a maratón, but today I ran inside my home, back and forth in a 10m space back and forth. I did 21 mins. Then did push ups, 2 x 10 push ups and 2 x 6. I have to maintain that or even increase it for the next month. Yea, government Will add 2 more weeks to the luck down. Meaing that I wont be able to run outside after April 10 or something like that. Cases still increasing despite all our efforts to stay at home. I hope the peak of the sick Ness come soon and we could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

In the meantime, I Will have to run back and forth inside home for at least 20 mins and keep doing push ups, to not lose that much time. I Will lose fitness inevitably, but if I can minimize the impact, the better.

Hope you have a great week despite of all of this toxicity we are living in these days!

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