jueves, 27 de abril de 2017

Evening recovery run

Today I ran in the evening, at 5:45 p.m., I headed out to the conservatory with my father. The plan today was to run easy hopefully with him, but that was not the case. As soon as We headed out He built a gap and got bigger from there, I was feeling pretty tired and a bit full from all the food that I ate today.

I kept the effort very easy, but even then I was huffing and puffing, it seems that Sunday`s workout and yesterday`s " long run" really taxed my body, so I think that its good that I am tired, because then I would be stronger. Of course, that is not easy to understand when your father of 62 years of age, is running faster than you, even on easy days. Actually this is the first run of the week for him.

We did 5 laps in the conservatory, He finished in 46:15-46:25 for 7.5k. I finished a while back in 47:55. When He finished, He just feel down to the floor and really hurt his knee, hope that He can run tomorrow with no problems. Splits per lap were 7:59 to get to the conservatory, then 5 laps in 6:34,6:26,6:22,6:26.6:24.

I am planning a mixed workout tomorrow, but if during the warm up I feel really tired, I will skip the workout, no need to rush things, I just need to absorb the training and keep moving forward.

Have a great Thursday

miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

Morning "Long run"

Yesterday I took the day off. I had 6 days running in a row, so it was time to rest, yea at my level (slow) that is the most appropiate thing.

Today I wanted to wake up early and do 11k to the mirador in a falt terrain, that would count as my long run, I was a little anxious, because I have not run such a distance in quiet a while, but I did not wake up that early to go to the mirador, so I had to do it in the conservatory, which has 2 hills per each km, so around 20 hills, muich more difficult than the mirador in all aspect, mentally and physically, its not easy to run 1k laps on end, complete a long run ( in my book).

So it was really a battle, at times I just wanted to quit and do my normal run of 7.5k, but I hung on, and battled it out through the heat and mental pain that I was embracing. I did 8 laps in the conservatory and when I got home I had 10.5k, so I needed 3 more mins to complete the 11k. Those 3 mins were the longest in a long time, I was just wanted to get done.

I am glad that I stayed strong and completed my distance, it was definetely not easy, but I did it. I was soaking wet at the end, the heat and humidity were awful, and that made the run just worse.

Splits were: 7:55 to get to the conservatory ( had some traffic problems), then did 8 laps in 6:42,6:35,6:33,6:28,6:28,6:22,6:20,6:21,7:15( to get home), and 3 more mins to complete the 11k. Total time was 70:53.

In my opinion, it was very slow, but I really wanted to make my laps after the halfway sub 6:10 per lap, but the legs did not want to go faster than 6:20.

However, I am happy to have completed the distance, and I ll build up the distance, so sooner or later I am able to do a half marathon in practice, its been a while since I have run more than 20k, I would say the last time I did it was in my half marathon race in 2009.

I think the long run would be key if I want to get back to my old PR`s or at least close to that. I need to keep working all systems though, because I dont want to become an exter at jogging and when its time to push the envelope, I could not.

Need to find another route also, do laps and laps and laps there its not pretty.

I started this run at 7:13 a.m.

Have a great Humpday!

lunes, 24 de abril de 2017

Easy recovery run?

This evening I could find a groove where it was not raining, so at 6:00 p.m. I headed out to the conservatory at a very easy pace to recover from yesterday`s session. However, this run was anything, but easy.

I was super tired, and the calves felt very tight, it seems that this rainy weather and the high humidity really get the best of me. I only felt better in the last lap and on the way home where I could loosen up a bit. Just put the watch on time of day and did not take splits, I knew that this run was going to be difficult.

 I finished the 7.5k in 49:28. I dont remember the last time that I ran that slow in 7.5k, but anyway the effort was there, and those repeats really taxed my system.

Tomorrow I ll rest, as I do have 6 days in a row running, which a lot for me. On Wednesday I ll try a longer run, its been a while since I have run more than 9-10k, so I ll give it a try, this is an aerobic sport after all.

Have a great start to the week!

domingo, 23 de abril de 2017

Feeling better:400s repeats

Today I woke up feeling a bit sore, but hey, I had been running pretty easy for the last couple of days, so I had to do something harder today, so I opted with my A plan to do my 400s repeats eventhough the roads were completely wet.

I went out with my father to the mirador, and when I ran the uphill  I am usually dead and my calves screaming because of the tightness, today I felt really, good  and realized that it could be a ver good day, from km 2-3, I did 4 x 10-15 seconds pick ups. Not mile pace, but a bit slower.

Warmed up 3k to the mirador in 18:56, stopped a bit, laced my shoes, the workout planned was 6 x 400s with 200s jog in between,  and I decided to not look at the watch during the workout and see the splits post run at home. That is what I did, 1st repeat, fell under control, no that fast, but effort was there, 2nd repeat felt a bit harder, but still under control, 3rd and 4rd I was feeling it, but still not struggling, on 5th and 5th repeat, I tried to relax for the first 200s and really increased effort in the last 200s, I was getting pretty tired after the 4th one, but I had the strength to complete 6th repeat, as opossed to last week where I did 4 repeats and was dead.

I think that the body found its own rythm, and after the first one it automatically put its own effort, so the 6th repeat could be completed at the desired effort.

After the 6th repeat, I walked a couple of mins, since I was huffing and puffing, then the 3k cool down to home started, 19:20 for the 3k cool down.

As I was drinking water at home, I looked at the splits for the first time and they were: 1:45,1:45,1:43,1:45,1:47,1:49. Pretty even splits, but as I suspected, in the last 2 repeats I was tired. A lot of work to do, but at least the effort was there.

Although I got a lot  of work to do, I feel happy, because I felt strong and felt good overall, that is a good sign!

Very rainy day and it seems that I will stay at home once again!

Have a great Sunday folks!

sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

A couple of easy recovery runs

On Friday eveining at 6:30 p.m. I headed out to the conservatory and did 5 laps easy, finished 7.5k in 47:17.

On Saturday Morning I went out with my father at 7:00 a.m. or just before, to the conservatory, but He was a head right off the bat, He built a gap and never I could bridge it. I just ran pretty easy to get ready for tomorrow`s 400s. Did 5 laps in the conservatory.

I finshed the 7.5k in 47:03, while my father finished in 46:40. I dont know but I am feeling sore, my quads are killing me , dont know the reason, I cut the tempo run short, and the pace was pretty slow to accumulate lactic acid in the muscles, then after 2 days pretty easy, the soreness is there, but anyway, I ll hit my 400s tomorrow, or least I ll start the workout, I wont be stupid either if things dont click.

I think the heat has to do with that, too hot even on rainy days.

Have a great Saturday!

jueves, 20 de abril de 2017

Tempo run Failed

Today I ran at 5:50 p.m. or so, I wanted to do a tempo run of 4 laps in the conservatory at 5:20 per lap/km. That sounded very managable for me, heck I have run 7.5k a that pace a couple of months ago.

The day was rainy, but it was pretty hot, I warmed up to the conservatory, did 1 lap easy, and then started the tempo run, after the first lap I was huffing and puffing a lot, and it was difficult to maintain pace, first lap came in 5:22, I continued on and the breathing became more noticeable as workout progressed, after the second lap in 5:16, but with the left quad burned out, I decided to just quit the workout, complete the remaining 2 laps easy and head home for a cool down.

I felt like I was running sub 5 min per km, the effort was high and my breathing could tell it, I tried, but I failed, on to the next one.

46:57 for 7.5k.

Have a great Thursday!

miércoles, 19 de abril de 2017

Recovery run

I did not run on Monday and Tuesday. Monday was a planned rest day, but Tuesday I was going to run in the afternoon, but the rain did not let me.

So Today (Wednesday), I was out at 8:00 a.m., to avoid the rain in the evening, the plan was to run easy to prepare for my " tempo" run tomorrow. This run was all, but easy, I got to the conservatory just fine in 7:46, then decided to not look at the watch.

The first 3 laps in the conservatory were difficutl, although the effort was easy, I had both of my calves very tight, which is a pain the arse, with every step.I knew that they were loosening up anytime during the run, so I kept my goal to do 7.5k.

In the last 2 laps in the conservatory, I loosened up, but still kept the effort easy, finished feeling pretty good, but the run overall was pretty slow, finished 7.5k @48:21. The weather was a bit hot, but cloudy.

Tomorrow I ll try to run 4 laps in 5:20 per km, that would be a piece of cake, but given my actual fitness, I am not so sure. Probably I should take it easy, but I cant keep training like that, so no matter what, if cant hit my goal times, the effort will be sure there. Sounds stupid, but pussyness has to end.

Have a great Wednesday!

domingo, 16 de abril de 2017

400s repeats

This morning the plan was to run  5-6 x 400m repeats in the mirador. Did not have an idea of times range, since I have been years without doing 400s repeats.

I started my warm up from home, 3k to the mirador, started very easy and then in the last km of my warm up I threw 3-4  x 10 seconds pick up, since I felt the calves burning and I felt tired overall, those pick ups made me feel better.

3k in 19:07, passed, stopped for a  min or so, before starting the workout. Wanted 5-6 x 400s with 200m jog, actual workout was 4 x 400m, with 200m jog in between.  I almost called it a day after 3 repeats, but forced myself for the 4th. 3k cool down for a total of 8.6k or so.

Times were 1:42,1:45,1:45,1:45. These are slowest times that I have run in 400m repeats, and  I was huffing and puffing like a sprinter. I am really surprised with the slow that I have become. However, doing those wokouts, you realize in what shape you are in, I am in very bad shape.

But the good news is that its the first step to get into workouts once again, stress workouts is what really makes you as a runner, not jogging around without purpose as I have been doing for the majority of the last few years.

Next Saturday I ll try again to do 6 repeats and at a faster pace, to be honest I was tired today due to the strong uphill running yesterday, although I was running easy, it seems that it made an effect on my body.

All in all, happy to be back doing stress workouts!

Have a great end of easter!

sábado, 15 de abril de 2017

Change of route

Today I headed out with my father at 7:00 a.m. to another house to prick something for my father, the house was arounde 7k from home ( after crossing the river Ozama), so I wanted to run easy  because I want to do 5-6 x 400s tomorrow to see where I am at, a lot of years without doing those reps. We will see how that plays out.

We took the Bolivar straight till the river, then after the river took a big uphill that put the brakes on my father, then it  was a combination of rolling hills and flat, no downhills to speak of, but I managed them pretty well, it seems that the hills in the conservatory on a dialy basis, prepare me well for that kind of stuff. All in all, I felt strong running those hills at an easy pace, when I felt that my effort was raising, I slowed down a bit.

However, if I had to do those hills at race pace it would be another story, but again, I think I ll conquer them.

We got to the house in roughly 40 mins, then I decided to run more to complete 45:40 so that I  can make sure I ran my peauut butter distance, which is 7.5k. I think We did more though!

This route was a lot of fun, those 45 mins passed by faster than ever, thats because I pretty much do all my runs in a 1k loop, which is boring after 4-5 laps.  I have to change route more often, that is the beauty of running, you can travel anywhere with your own feet, and I have been limiting myself to the 1k loop park.

Running is a beautiful sport, and it can help you admire what you would, if you are in a car. I promise I ll try to change my routes more often, eventhough its only on weekends.

45:40 in a bit more than 7.5k.

Have a great day!

viernes, 14 de abril de 2017

Morning recovery run

I went out with my father at 7:00 a.m. to the conservatory. My plan was to run very easy to recover from yesterday`s " workout" and get the adaptations for recovery. My father went ahead, and stayed that way for the whole run. He finished the 7.5k in 46:35, and I did it in 47:15, keeping the effort very easy.

My splits were 7:56 to get there , then 5 laps in 6:30,6:22,6:20,6:18,6:14, then back home. Kept the effort easy and relaxed, I am going to respect recovery runs and stress the system 1-2 times per week. I do have a lot of time training in no man`s land.

Have a great Easter Friday!

jueves, 13 de abril de 2017

Progressive tempo run

Last week I ran 5 times per week,  and that is the consistency I am seeking. I rested on Monday, but on Tuesday morning I went out with my father to the conservatory at 5:47 a.m., I was leading the run, but in the halfway of the first lap, my father passed me and started to build a bigger lap with each passing lap.

In the last lap I tried to bridge the gap, and tried to help myself in the last 1.2 on the way home, but I could not catch him, of course I was running confortable and only sped up in the last 500m of the run, but the weather felt so good, that the pace was faster than it felt.

I fnished the 7.5k in 45:;05, and my father in 44:20-44:25.

Wednesday took the day off. I experienced a strong headache on Tuesday, I think that was becasue I woke up very early.

Thursday  (Today) I worked till 1 p.m., I am on vacation till May 5th, so I had to leave things ready. I downed a medium beer with a couple of coworkers, and then We parted ways. I ran today at 6:30 p.m., since We are on easter, few cars on the street.

I ran easy and did a couple of easy laps in the conservatory, and then I decided to just do 3 laps (3k) at 5:20 per km pace, and see how that pace felt effortwise, actual splits for the 3 laps were 5:16,5:12,5:03. But I felt way more tired than I should, then started my cool down home and did 2 x 15 seconds strides in the last 500m to loosen up the legs just a bit.
Total time for 7.5k today was around 43:35. Got to the conservatory in 7:40 and the first warm up laps were 6:18,6:10, before turning on the "jets".

I see that I have lost a lot of fitness, it could be a combination of me gaining weight, and neglecting stress workouts, but its good to be back doing mini stress workouts, that is what build your fitness.

Have a happy easter! See you on the roads tomorrow morning!

domingo, 9 de abril de 2017

Evening easy run

Today I decided to sleep in, (if waking up at 8:00 a.m. on a Sunday is sleeping in) and ran in the evening.

I headed out at 6:20 p.m. to the conservatory, feeling tired and heavy, I almost cut the run short, but as I was feeling better and better as the run went by, decided to do the planned distance. I got there in 7:34, then did 5 laps between 6:18-6:10, headed back home to finish up 7.5k in 46:16.

Happy to have gotten my run in despite feeling like crap. I think the only reason I am feeling that way is because I am gaining weight, but I have to put it a stop, will decrease my soda consumption, I will stop training purposelessly, years pass by and I dont get anywhere.

Well, enough talking! Have a great Sunday!

sábado, 8 de abril de 2017

Catching up

Friday - Woke early once again and at 6:00 a.m. I went out to the conservatory  and did 4 laps, then back home to complete 6.5k in 39:55. First half was 20:40 and was the only time I looked at the watch during the run. Felt good at the end.

Saturday (Today) - I went out with my father at 7:15 a.m. to the conservatory , got there in 7:31, was a bit ahead of my father at that point, my father tried to catch me at the end of the first lap, but when I listened to the steps behind me, I sped up and never looked back, He then slowed down I think, because my surges were short lived.

The plan was to surge in the last 100-150m of every lap, then in the last lap, incorporate 3-4 strides, and in the last 500m of the run incorporate 2 more strides. That was what I did, but I felt very tired when I finished this. I finished the 7.5k in 44:02, felt much harder than that. My father did 47:05.

My splits per lap were 5:49,5:53,5:53,5:46,5:41. Glad that I run, but at faster paces I am feeling very heavy.

Have a great Saturday!

jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

Easy morning run

Tuesday and Wednesday were off due to staying till late at work. Today I decided to go in the morning so that I dont miss any more runs.

I woke up at 5:40 a.m. got dressed and went out to the conservatory, I did not look at the watch, but at the beginning I felt flat, the first half of the run I felt flat. Then started loosened up, but I experienced stomach problems, so I had to cut the run short.

Finished doing 5.5k in 33:50, with splits: 7:47 to get to the park, then 3 laps in 6:18,6:09,6:04, back in 6:57.

I felt good at the end, but the stomach betrayed me.

Have a great Thursday!

lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

Evening run after work

Today I got out to run after work. I headed out to the conservatory at 7:05 p.m., no more lazyness in the week, I decided to do 4 laps in the conservatory and head back home. I did not look at my watch, wanted to run easy and the heat was not helping, the heat is coming in full force.

I did not feel bad, but I did not feel good either, it was a decent run. Finished the 6.5k in 39:00. So exactly at 6:00/km pace. Splits were: 7:37 to get to the park, then did 4 laps in 6:07,5:58,5:59,5:51. Back home in 6:53.

Happy to have run and not let the lazyness get the best of me. The key is to act fast, get home from work, get dressed and head out, if I last too much chit chatting and checking my cellphone, then the run is likely to happen, that was the case two weeks ago, before I got sick. Luckily, I now how to solve it out.

Probably I ll take the day off tomorrow, We will see!

domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

Morning run with my father

Yesterday I went to bed reasonably early, I went to bed before 11:30 p.m., I went out to eat hamburguer and downed a german Beer, that helped me to sleep right away,  so I knew that today`s morning run was going to feel good.

I headed out with my father at 7:25 a.m. to the mirador. The plan for me today was to only do 6k at an easy pace, I dropped my father in the 1k mark, got to the halfway point in 17:34 (3k), then turned around, my father turned around also when I turned around, so this time He was ahead of me, He sped up, because I sped up progressevely and I could only pass him in the last 150m to finish up the run. I finished the 6k in 33:44, with a second half run in 16:09, finished up hard in the last 150m to beat my father.

I felt good, but that final sprint really tired me out, I have to ramp up the consistency and the mileage if I want to see improvements in the watch.

All in all, I am very happy to being able to run, only when you take some time off and you dont run, you realize how important is running in your life.

Have a great Sunday! See you in the roads tomorrow morning!

sábado, 1 de abril de 2017

Amost another week off

I had not run since Sunday. On Sunday morning  I went out to the mirador with my father and did 8k, I felt good on the first half, but on the half back did not feel good. First half was in 22:26, the back half in 22:55, I surprised with that time becasue I pretty much ran the second half way slower effortwise than the first half, it has a big downhill though. Finished the 8k in 45:21, pretty close to what I run 2-3 weeks ago.

Then From Monday till Saturday I did not run, because I got sick and I dont run sick, I got the flu, even today I have the remainings of the flu, but nothing below the shoulder so I was good to go. So today I was back at it, and I dont plan to take such breaks, because the idea is to build fitness, not to lose it.

Today at 7:35 a.m. or so after going to bed at 1:30 a.m. I was drinking a beer with my uncle and dad, (they were drinking rum), but my eyes were open before 6:40 a.m. but I hate to go to bed that late, I was tired from work and the beer relaxed me a lot and put me in a sleepy state.

We went to the conservatory, but was ahead of my father before the big uphill 500m within the run, at that point I know that is not a good day for my father, because I usually catch my father well ahead of the bighill, so after We climbed the hill, I was basically runing by my own for the rest of the run.

Got to the conservatory in 7:37, then did 3 laps in 6:18,6:07,6:02, then back home in 6:47, to finish up 5.5k in 33:20. I did never look at the watch during the run, so I thought I was running slower when I saw that time. Felt better as the run went by, when I woke up I had a headache, I think it was not a hangover, because the amount of alcohol that I took, was not that much to experience a hangover and I already know when to stop. Anyway, the run helped to clean my head and feel much better afterwards.

My father finished in 35:04. Happy to have run once again, I decided to took it easy today as opposed to going with the flow the past Saturday, tomorrow is going to be another easy run, I just want to get back into the swings of things.

Have a great weekend!