martes, 22 de agosto de 2017

Getting back to it

A lot of time without posting. I have not been running much, but I am not using the computer a lot, so its a combination of both.

Continuing with my previous post, I ran again when I felt better from the flu which meant that I got back on Saturday of that week, I did 34:13 for 5.5k. Put a harder effort than necessary, but I was basically racing my father  and He finished in 34:17, so He is getting back into shape.

The next time I ran after that was on Friday morning (6:10 a.m.) August 18th, I ran without a watch 5.5k, again racing my father He pushed me more than I should have.  Felt good, but a bit tired at the end.

On Saturday morning (7:00 a.m) I did 5.5k again watchless feeling a lot better but at an easier effort, my father stayed back.

On Sunday morning (7:40 a.m.) I did 5.5k again watchless, feeling good, I went to bed later than planned, but felt good nonetheless, its time to ramp up those 5.5ks.

Rested on Monday.

Today I had scheduled to run with a friend, She runs very early in the morning, so We met at 5:20 a.m. in the mirador, that meant  a 4:40 a.m. wake up. I got out to run at 5:00 a.m. and waited for a couple of mins in the 3k in 19:42 (km 0 of mirador) till my friend came, I did 4.4k with her at 29 mins or so, the effort was very easy, but I had a lot of time without running that " long",  after We said good by, I started again, but ran 1.1k and then did the last 1.9k walking, I could have run it, but since  do have a lot of time without running more than 7.5k, I did not want to risk any injury, I know, it sounds paranoic, but you have prevent injuries. So in total I did 8.5k or so. The weather was so hot that time of the morning, but I got it done, good run. A lot of new people running in the mirador, wow I saw more than 60 runners I should say there, this sport is growing, I do better start training again.

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