miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017

Catching up

One week since I posted, but I have not run much either.

On Thursday I did 7.5k to the conservatory in 47:09.

On Saturday before the expo hotels where I was one of the staff saling the hotel that the company that I work for owns. It was a new experience for me, and I was scared, but I think I did pretty good, on Saturday I did not close any cells, but on Sunday I could close 3 sales, and I really enjoyed it. That teach me a lot, because I am a shy person, so interacting with people really improve my skills. Its good to get off your confort zone and challenge yourself.

3 runs that week.

 I did not run from Saturday till today.

So today no excuses, I needed to get out, I felt tired as soon as I got out, went to the conservatory and did my normal 7.5k distance. A guy in my 3rh lap started to race me, so I responded a bit, but dropped him in the next lap and never saw him again. I really get pissed when I am about to pass a person and this person start racing so that I dont pass, sometimes I just maintain composure, but sometimes that rubs me in a bad way.

Splits today were:7:57 to get there, 6:22,6:14,5:56,5:57,6:00,6:49 to get home. Did 45:50 for 7.5k. I never felt great, but I thought that I was running my run short, because the way I felt as soon as I started.

Felt happy and good post run, glad to be back in the running scene! and glad that I am challenging myself in other areas of my life as well.

Have a great week!

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