martes, 2 de febrero de 2010


En la ultima semana he tenido varios problemas con el internet y no habia podido post so aqui va de lo ultimo que hice

martes: rest
miercoles: to the conserva, 7 laps , about 8.31k en 42:16, llegue en 6:50 and the splits per lap: 5:21,5:15,5:08,5:03,5:02,4:56,4:25 . No mire reloj nunca, in the last lap i increased the pace.

jueves : 40:13, to conserva, 5 laps and back , about 7.51k , llegue en 6:58, las 5 vueltas las hice en 26:52, y el regreso en 5:57, felt like crap, me molestaban bastante las piernas.

viernes: same route as miercoles en 42:23, 8.31k , no splits, never looked at my watch till the end.
sabado: rest(unplanned)

Domindo: 8 vueltas al camino de la casa espania, a bit less than 8 kms, without a watch, but according to alexis was in 38:30 or so, too hot as i did it at 2:50 p.m. , felt good.

Lunes: same route as viernes and wednesday , this time in 41:41, no splits y no creia que iba mas rapido que esos dias, la ultima vuelta forze un poco, felt good but bad before the run.

Today i didnot run. Didnot find the motivation to get out at early afternoon nor in the morning but i ll have to get used to it if i want to get my runs in.

In all of these runs never looked at my watch , only pushed the button and thats it, so i am running by effort, i need to get used to that so in the race i dont miss a thing since i ll be doing them all without a watch.

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