lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016

Testing the system a bit

Today after  yesterday`s longer run I expected to feel a bit sore, but it was not the case. I left work at 7:00 p.m. and was out running around 7:40 p.m. I headed out easy at my normal pace, but I surged hard when I was going up the UTESA big hill, then I kept pushing the pace and got to the conservatory in 7:24, I found that it was slow given the effort I was putting in.

Then I continued at a harder effort and the first lap came in 5:26, then I decided that I would do 1 harder lap and 1 easy lap to get the run a bit more fun, and to increase fitness so a win win.

After that 5:26, next easy lap came in 6:12, then another hard lap started and came in 4:43, slower than I felt, then another lap came in 6:34, then my last hard lap for the day and I was feeling looser than in previous laps, I was huffing and puffing, but I was pretty much under control. that lap came in 4:25, this time I surprised myself with that fast lap. Then another lap easy  in 6:18 before running 90 seconds to finish up the run.

Finished up my 7.5k run in 42:50. Felt good and I am confident that I have improved, these workouts although they are not structured teach you a lot and give you fitness.

I hope to run sub 4 mins in one lap, I have more than 6 years that I dont run sub 4 mins in 1k (lap). It would be amazing to get back to that shape.

Have a great start to the week!

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