domingo, 14 de enero de 2018

Finishing up the week

On Friday I took the day off.

 On Saturday I almost skip the run because  I was doing a Project with a group since 11 a.m.and got here at 7 somethin p.m. I  ate like  a pig at lunch, so it was not fair to miss the run, so after I got here I got dressed and went out to run, it was very cold outside and I felt full and my stomach did not behave well.  I did my normal route, but skipped the last 2 mins because my stomach was giving me problems, wanted to avoid a disaster.

Today I ran at 12:30 p.m. and it was much sunnier and better than yesterday, it was 7 degrees, but I felt hotter. I did my bread and butter route and even sped up for around 400-500m at one point, but for the most part I kept the run easy, I need to incorpórate more pick ups, I am in bad shape anaerobically.

Felt strong and good, finished in around 35 mins. In the last 800m a guy passed me and I picked up a bit, but He built a gap and I was trying not to expand that gap, He basically helped me to complete the run.

I am glad that I did not skip the run yesterday eventhough I felt like s·%t.
5 runs this week and I accomplished my goal, I am drinking diet soda since January 2nd, 2017 but I am eating a lot, so I think am not losing a lot of weight, if anything!

Have a great Sunday!

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