lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017

Zapping the zero

Today I headed out to my run at 12:30 p.m. or so,  I was not motivated. If I procrastinate the run any longer, I would have skipped it.

I did the the same route as the last couple of days, just run till the park of the fountain and when the clock ticks 17:00, I turned back . I got here in 33:11, then completed the 35 mins.

I felt good on the way back, on the way out I did not feel as good, it was cold and I was a bit lazy, but once I warmed up it was just fine.

I was thinking during my run about my priorities. I have found that since I got here I have been pretty lazy, the only thing that I have been consistent with are my running and weightlifting, but I have neglected other aspects of my life.

I am just wasting too much time on YouTube, WhatsApp and on internet in general doing virtually nothing, and I have been pretty lazy about the reason I am here, studying. It seems that I am a working machine, but I am not used to studying anymore, but I need to have discipline, be honest and set priorities.

Otherwise, I wont get anything done!

Happy Monday!

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