viernes, 31 de agosto de 2018

Getting better?

I supposed to rest 3-4 weeks without running, but my love for running or my stupidity got the best of me. I went to the Turia Park with my brother at 6:50 p.m.  I just wanted to test the leg and was hoping to only last around 2 mins like on Monday. I went out and felt the thighness, but luckily it loosened up and I could run till the 26:24 mark when it got tight gain and I was forced to stop. I felt great cardiovasculary, the only downside is the calf. As I am eating better right now, I am not worried about weight and not worried about losing a lot of fitness, if I can control my weight, I am good to go. I am happy because I had around3 weeks that I did not make it till the 20 min mark.

I hope that it keeps getting better, but to be honest as I type this, I am somewhat limping. I stretched after finishing the run nonetheless. I love running and that is my outlet, I hope that tomorrow I can run a Little bit also.

The weather was good and the park was full of energy, its like running in the Mirador there in the Dominican Republic. A lot of runners from all walks of life and the energy is amazing.

Have a great Friday and keep the running going!

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