jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2018

Catching up

On Tuesday I met my brother and a co worker of his that is a runner too.

We varied our normal route and ran by some new places. In the first 200m or so I felt kind of sluggish, but once I warmed up I felt pretty good. We ran around 25 mins pretty much where We always run, with few varations, but then We went to the sciences and arts museum, which is a nice place to run, because its beautiful and it has shelter, so no excuses if its raining hard and you have to get your training in. We ran 29 mins, then stopped to do some Dynamic stretching by suggestion of Pablo ( brother`s coworker), We stretched the legs a bit, and then We continued running till I had 40 mins.

Then We said good by, but it was pouring rain and I was around 1k from home, so I jogged home ( around 1 more km). The weather was rainy today and when I got to the park it was pouring, during the run it behave, but as We were finishing our run, it started raining again. All in all, good easy recovery run, I felt pretty good.

Yesterday I took the day off from running, so that I can run from Thursday to Sunday. I did not run yesterday but I got my push ups workout, I did 3 sets of 15 repeats, and 1 x 14 repeats, yeah! I tried to do 15 repeats, but the arms were too heavy, so I would take that. I ll try to do them more often though, I am doing them every 5-6 days, but I find that I have gotten stronger, because a couple of months ago I could not do even 1 set of 15 repeats.

Today Will be an easy run and tomorrow I ll do another tempo run, pretty much at the same effort/pace as Monday. Not everything should be easy!

Edit: Today at 6:40 p.m. I started my run in the Turia Park at an easy pace, I just did the normal route, 20 mins out and 20 mins back, finished the route in 39:20s and completed the 40 mins. I had not checked my watch when I ran easy in a while, so today I tracked a couple of kms (not back to back) and I ran them in 6:04 and 5:59. I was surprised with that because I thought that I was runnign at 6:20s pace, and the best part is that I was pretty much holding back the whole run and trying to keep it as easy as posible. I have lost weight, I dont know how much, but I can feel a lot better, my doublé chin is dessapearing and my hand`s fingers are slimming down. I hope to continue in this direction.

The leg did not bother me much ( maybe around 5%). The first 5 mins of the run are unconfortable, but once I warm up I feel awesome. Weather was a bit hot, but managable. Nice easy run.

Have a great Thursday!

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