sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

400s morning intervals

This morning woke up at 5:30 a.m. and was out the door alone at 6:00 a.m to the mirador I had commited several days ago to do my first intervals workouts in months, so this was the morning that I was determined to do it. I warmed up 3k to the mirador, stretched a bit and then did 5 x 400s with 200s recovery jog, splits were 1:29,1:33,1:33,1:31,1:30. Happy with this splits, although I am in bad shape I could do that before much easier, today I was huffing and puffing, but at least I was able to maintain good form and cadence. This was a light workout, but very appropiate to start intervals, I ll start adding intervals and tempos from now on, need to take care of myself from shin splints. Did a 3k cool down to home, feeling pretty good and loose. Have a great Saturday!

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