martes, 28 de enero de 2020

Carrera Galapagos Valencia 2020: ¿6.08 kms?

On Sunday  at 09:00 a.m. I raced a 6k something race. Initially, the distance was 6.315m, but apparently ( and I realicedit after I finished) that it was around 6k and 80 meters. In GPS of other people the distance was  6 kms and 70m and 6 kms and 80-90 m on other GPS, in the results they have the distance as 6 kms and 5 meters. I finished in 28:02 and in the results I averaged 4:40 per km, if the distance was 6 kms and 80m I averaged 4:36 per km, so I would say I did 4:36-4:40 per km average, dont know the exact distance and probably GPS Will vary because each person take the tangents different so the distance Will vary. Its a bit frustrating when you dont know the exact distance of a race, and if I would know that if that were a 6k ( without the extra 300m) I probably have gone faster, but anyways, I am really happy with my race, not timewise, but I felt really strong and the execution was very Good, I think I did a negative Split since I passed a lot of people in the second half ( a lot of people passed me too).

My brother and I got there pretty early, it was pretty dark and we had the porta potty for ourself, yes, I had to use the portapoty!. We got there around 7:50 a.m. and the race was at 09:00 .m. but here in Spain arriving 1 hourplus before a race is early.

At 08:15 a.m. I took off my jeans and windbreaker and my warm up started, it was cold, around 6 degrees or so. I told my brother to took 15 mins on his watch, then I started jogging back and forth an after the 10 mins I started to do my 50m or so accelerations, at around race effort. After those 15 mins I felt very warmed up, but then as you have to wait 25 mins or more in the starting waiting for the gun went off, if you dont line up early, you Will go out 1-2 mins after the gun go off, because almsot 6000 people were running this race. I lined up Early, so I was in the 3rd row in the second wavealways start in the second wave because people who start in the first wave have priviledge to start earlier ( times or belong to a club).

Anyway, I think all my warm up went away, because when the gun went off I started running and I was very cold and was huffing and puffing because of the cold, I knew however, that once I warm up again I would feel better, but the first 500-600m felt very unconfortable. I race without a watch so I always race by effort, I went out at a Good pace and at an effort that I thought I could sustain, but because of the cold, that felt unconfortable, within 500m I caught a lady that was right ahead of me with her family ( I think) in the starting line, but She went out like a bat, I caught her in the 500-600m mark, but She was breathing very hard, I touched her in the shoulder and gave it a go hand gesture, then right away, She put me side by side by me, and We ran together for around 700m, but her breathing was fast I knew that She would fade eventually. I was kind of waiting here after the 1k, and that served me to warm up well and then finish harder later. With 1 mile She felt back and I decided to go and start accelerating and after the 2-2.5 kms I could find a confortable rythm for me, then kind of sustained that rythm and I even pushed it in the last 1k. Finished strong and only sprinted in the last 50m or so.

In the end as I said, I felt very strong, much better tan in my recent tempos, but I lacked another gear, I can talk, but I cant move my legs faster. I think that should serve me week for longer races. After I finished I inmediately did around 15 mins easy for my cool down. I guiding myself from the finishing clock for my cool down, ran back and forth until the 15 mins finished. Around 11k total for the day. I felt very strong and the weather only helped once I warmed up, but for fast races (5-6k) that weather is not that favorable. On my next race, that Will be a 15k race, the weather is going to be like that and I think then that weather Will be very useful, since the first kms are for warming up and for longer races cold weather really is favorable since you dont becoe dehydrated. Anyway, I really enjoyed this race, not so happy with the time, but very happy with the way I felt and how strong I finished. The goal for this race was just to race and to get back to the Racing enviroment.

As for my brother, He was only there to watch the race. He is not in shape and did not want to race. Sometimes you have to race back into shape. I think my training is going pretty well, but I am focusing on the longer stuff right now and I hope that pay off in longer races. However, I Will need to keep doing intervals to keep the legs "fast".

I also eat a light breakfast at 6:40 a.m., peanut butter on toast. I just wanted to have some energy, because the day before I ran on an empty stomach and I felt no energy.

Here are some photos before the race, in the warm up:

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