viernes, 24 de enero de 2020

" Long run" and an easy run

On Thursday I did my 80 mins long run. I wanted to do 90 mins as my long run, but as I am Racing on Sunday, I decided to keep it at 80 mins.

I headed out at 4:20 p.m. to the Turia park, I had to deal with all the traffic which was unconfortable, but once I was in the Turia park, was Good. I wore  my timex and I was running in the Turia from 6:05 and the last km there was 5:58, the majority of kms were in the 6:02-6:04 range, I felt pretty Good and felt easy. My legs are sore from Wednesday`s tempo though. Its funny how running my slowest tempos I got very sore. I have lost fitness without a doubt and to be honest, I dont expect a Good result on Sunday. I hope to at least run sub 4:40 per km. I wont be wearing a watch, so I wont know until the end. However, the workouts that I have done have been my worse workouts in the last 6 months. All in all, I did 82 mins total, I would say I did 13.5k or something like that. No progression  since I wanted to keep it real easy to recover while building endurance at the same time. I have been feeling bad on workouts, but on long runs I am feeling pretty strong so at least something Good.

Today I ran at 5 p.m. or so, and went to the Blasco park without a watch. Did 8 laps pretty easy to loosen up and to keep the recovery going since I am still sore from that garbage tempo on Wednesday. 7.2k total untimed feeling Good after the second half.

Tomorrow Will be a short run and a couple of strides to loosen up.

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