domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013

Back on the wagon once again

This morning I finally went out after no running since Monday. Today I went out alone to the conservatory and did 3 laps there at an easy pace, every lap was faster than the last though, 6:10 lap 1, 6:01 lap 2, and the last one was in 5:52, then in the lat 500s I picked up a bit without sprinting, I was just feeling pretty good, finished the 5.5k in 32:34. Felt pretty good overall, I miss the endorphin post runs, I have wanted to get back at it and start chasing PR´S but my inhability to run in the early morning has screwed things up. I need to start running hard again so that I can be skinny and athletic again and kick some butts along the way. Cesar

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