martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009

easy run with fast last min

Yesterday i did not run because i was tired from the sunday's workout and the double.

Today i woke up early at 5:30 a.m., me sente en el mueble y lo pospuse y me volvi a dormir, at 3:00p.m., sali hacia el conservatorio a darle 7 vueltas y a volver, didnot wear a watch , just ran easy by feel. At the beginning i was very tired , las piernas me pesaban mucho, pero a medida que iban pasando las vueltas me iba sintiendo mas comodo y mas comodo, el ultimo min fue rapido and the last 100m at stride pace or even faster, i was feeling pretty good at that point. The time is uknown. The weather was good, not great , not bad. Al final tenia algo de sed por eso no hice la 8va vuelta. Around 9.5k total.

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