martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

Easy run + Strides

Ayer no corri porque me haraganie. However,this week i am planning on running 6 times this week.

Today iba a correr temprano a las 6 a.m., but went back to sleep, pero no me pude volver a dormir sino hasta que Danilo volvio de su run, so more than 1 hour. In the afternoon, a eso de las 4:20 p.m., me fui al conservatorio nublado, le di 4 vueltas , y en la 4ta vuelta hice 4 strides, felt better and better as the strides went by. Timed 6.5k in 36:45. To be honest I thought that i was running faster, at the beginning did not feel that good because of stomach problems.
The weather was a bit hot.

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