miércoles, 4 de abril de 2018

Battling with my stomach: Fartlek workout

Today I almost skip my fartlek workout, because when I started to run I experienced GI problems and at first it got better, but then again it got worse, but after the halfway point crossed in 17:42, I decided to give it a try, maybe if I swiched the mindset a bit I would forget about that, and that worked, but again I experienced problems at the end, luckily I could complete the goal workout. I ran at 10 a.m. today with the weather in 8 or so, it was somewhat cold today!

When I hit 19 mins I started to do 6 x 1 mins fast with 1 min slow, I started the first 3 repeats relaxed and ease into it, by the end of the 6th repeat I could play a sinphony with my breathing, but finished strong and fast. I had to take a break for 10-15 seconds  after I did the 1 min repeat in the big hill, I was dead when I finished that repeat, but then could put myself back and run another one before doing a mini cooldown. I got back in Guadalupe in 32:42, so the back half I did it in 15:00, it seems that I am not in that bad shape. Then did 200m out and back to complete my old breand and butter route in 34:50. That was the end of the run.

I am happy that I could complete my workout. It was a simple workout, but at least I worked the anaerobic system a bit and I felt pretty good. Next couple of days will be recovery days. Probably a rest day tomorrow.

I plan to do  a tempo run on Saturday on Sunday, depending How my body feels.

Have a great Wednesday!

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