sábado, 20 de abril de 2019

Easy recovery run

Today I ran at 6:10 p.m. in the Blasco park, as my brother is out of town, I have to run alone, so I waited till the evening to get my easy run in. Luckily, it was not raining by the time I went out. In the morning the wind and the rain were bothering, so I moved it till the evening. Today I ate a whopper combo, but that did not bother me in the run, in fact, by 3 p.m. I was already hungry. I remember, when I was working in The Dominican Republic, I ate 2 combos whopper at lunch with my coworkers, good times!! But thinking back now, its jut too much calories and food, no need for that.

I did 8 laps in the Blasco park, 1st lap 5:50, halfway (4 laps) in 22:52 and finished the run in 45:16 for 7.2k. Started pretty sluggish, but felt pretty good as the run went by. Good easy recovery run! After my run, did 1 lap walking. Tomorrow my long run!!

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