jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

Morning recovery run

Hoy me levante a las 5:15 a.m., y Dan y yo nos fuimos a correr a las 5:40.a.m. , as I did a Repetition workout yesterday, I wanted to take it easy this morning, We went out at a very easy pace, reached the 5.5k of de mirador and turned back, on the way back We sped up a bit, but when I saw the final time for my 11k run, I was kind of surprised, I finished in 66:56 for 11k, which is pretty slow, I thought that I was going to do 63-64 mins. However, pace is not that important on recovery runs. I felt very good, the weather was pretty hot even though was 6 a.m.

11k total, 66:56.

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