lunes, 20 de mayo de 2019

Watchless evening run

Today I ran by myself at 6:00 p.m. in the Blasco park. My brother decided to take the day off today. Today I left the watch at home and just ran easy for 8 laps in the park (7.2k).

I felt just tired and decided to not worry about time. Felt better than expected though, but at the end felt somewhat tired. Tomorrow I ll run easy, but will incorporate 6 x 100m strides to loosen up the legs.

Today I will go to an " all you can eat" buffet called "The Colonial". I have not been there, but all type of foods there, so I ll just fuel with some extra calories to recover from yesterday`s double and to be ready for the rest of the week. At least that is the excuse in my head to indulge, ha.

Have a great start to the week!

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