martes, 4 de junio de 2013

Predawn Short intervals: 400s

Yesterday was an off, wanted to do something after work but life got in the way. This morning I was determined to run an interval workout, was up at 5:10 a.m. and was out at 5:40 a.m. to the mirador with heavey GI problems, warmed up 3k in 19:12 dealing with the issue, then hit the porta potties there and solved the problem, then did 6 x 400s with 200s recovery, the splits were 1:35,1:34,1:34,1:35,1:32,1:33, was huffing and puffing there but I felt strong and was happy to have run that workout, cooled down home 3 more kms, for a total of 9.4k or so. Felt heavy and slow there, but that will have to improve overtime. Had not have a chance to post till now,have a great night!

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