miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

Morning run

Yesterday as I said, I took the day off.

Today I was up at 6:00 a.m. or so, and was out with my father at 6:54 a.m. to the mirador, I did 5 laps there and back home for a total of 7.5k in 46:39. The pace was slow, but given my actual shape thats about it.

From the get go, I felt like a million of bucks, in fact  I dont remember the last time I felt so good and awesome!! I thought that  I was going faster than the actual splits, but anyway it was a very good run and the time passed by very quickly.

I only checked splits when I got home downing my water, the 5 laps were like this: 6:30,6:20,6:16,6:14,6:05. So yeah it was slow, but felt great and as I said , given my 5k race on Sunday, this pace is not so bad.

I ran in the morning because I want to become an early morning runner again( I did for some time), because its clear that in the evening, I am not doing the necesary mileage to improve, plus in the morning I have more energy as today. It reflected today because the 7.5k today morning felt like a breeze and in the evening it sometimes feels looong!!

I think that in the morning I am willing to run longer or harder as opposed to the evening where I just run to decompress, but while running for release stress or to cap off the day on a good note, you have to run a decent mileage and do decent workouts to improve, I am not doing any of those, and besides weight, I think that not getting out of my confort zone, it whats making me slower!!

Plus, when you run in the morning you have the end of the day to do other things.

So any tips to become a morning runner? Why do you run in the morning?

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