viernes, 15 de marzo de 2019

Tempo run: 6k + 2 x 200m

Yesterday was my day off, but I always walk a lot on my days off.
Today it was tempo day, We had planned 6k today. This time I did it with my brother. We met at 6:00 p.m. to do our tempo run in the Turia park.
We warmed up 15 mins easy and I incoporated my usual 5 x 50m strides to loosen of the legs.
Today I started slower than planned and I thought that I was having a bad day, 1st km was in 5:02, and then I decided to speed up, but the second km was around the same 5:02 (10:05), I surged ahead in the mile mark since my brother was leading up to that point, He said to me after the warm up that He was not feeling well. When I looked at my watch and saw 10:05 in the first 2k, I said to myself that I would have to be happy with 30:00s for 6k today, however, I tried to relax and hit the 3rd km in 4:51, so I finally had found my rhythm. 3k came in 14:56, then I decided to keep that same effort to at least get sub 30 mins for the 6k, surprisingly, I felt better and better and the tempo felt easier and easier the faster I went, 4th km came in 4:49 (19:45), then tried to keep that same stride cadence and effort, the breathing was very well, the legs were a bit heavy, but the breathing way under control, maybe those first 2k helped to warm up! 5th km came in 4:48 (24:33). In the last one just kept the same effort and never accelerated, finished the last km in 4:45 for a total of 29:18 for the 6k. So 12 seconds faster than last week with a slighly slower first half and felt way better than last week at the end! It seems that I am improving! Jogged 400m easy and then did 2 x 200m in 43.25 and 42.25 seconds, felt fast on these without losing good form, but when you do a tempo run your legs feel very heavy in those 200m, you feel pretty much like a truck! recovered 200m between the repeats. After the 200s walked 100m, before starting our cool down, cooled down 12:30 for 1.7k or so.
My brother crossed the first half in 15:13, but could come around in the second half and finished in 29:52 for the 6k. It was an off day for him, because the week before our 5k, He did 29:32, however, what is important is the stimulus! After the 6k He continued running and finished 6.2k in 30:46, so He finished pretty well.
Around 11k total for the day and I feel pretty good about my improvement! We have a long run scheduled for the morning, but I will be drinking today and probably will go to bed pretty late today, so We will see! We are in "fallas" so plenty of live concerts in the streets, you got to live a little, not everything is running and even more when you are not even close to fast!
Good friday everyone!

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