sábado, 18 de febrero de 2012

1 mile time trial with a fast warm up

Mile time trial with a fast warm up 9.2 km 00:55 05:58 pace
This morning woke up very sleepy at 5:50 a.m. but went out at 6:20 a.m. a bit early for a saturday. Today I had planned a normal tempo run of 5k, warmed up 3k to the mirador, stretched a bit, and then I started, but suddenly my mind told me to do a mile time trial and I sped up dramatically right way for the first 200s in 40 seconds, the 400s in 1:24 and the breathing was very very labored, I stopped at 2 mins and kept jogging and was very mad, because I screwed up the tempo run and the time trial since I stopped becuase I was breathing very hard and from 200-400s the splits slowed too much, then I thought fast, and was going to get to the mile mark, and give another go back but with a new strategy and the one that I use for racing. Of course I was wearing the watch, but before starting the second attempt I took off the watch, started the time trial and put the watch in my pant´s pocket , ran by effort, till the 400s was moving good but after that the breathing was very labored, was like an orchestral, but I thought that I was going to do sub 6 mins. Oh well!! with around 150m to go, I took out the watch from my pocket and saw 5:36 and was far away, knowing that I would not break the 6 min barrier, hang on hard and finish the time trial in 6:11.07. I think that this is the slowest mile time trial that I have done, the worst before that was 5:50(21 seconds faster), anyway felt a lot more confortable and listened to my own body than in the first attempt when the fast splits combined with hard breathing got over my head. Without the watch I was much more concentrated on my form and my breathing, and the time took care of itself. Of course I would have liked to go a lot faster and I know that with somebody to run with I could run a lot faster since the pace did not feel really fast, but the breathing was at its maximum. Weather was ok! cool down 3k to home, for 9.2k total.
Some people are addicted to the watch and I like to have it for controlled workouts, but for races and time trials like these, I do much better without one!!! Have a great Saturday!

2 comentarios:

  1. Great entry, Cesar. Sorry the time trial didn't go the way you'd hoped. I imagine the first attempt did a lot to slow your second one. Keep at it -- the speed will come.

  2. Thanks Doug!! In a couple of weeks I am doing another time trial of 1 mile to 5k in length , not sure whcih distance yet!! Keep on the good work!
